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Book Sharing by Olivia Book: Roller Girl Author: Victoria Jamieson.

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1 Book Sharing by Olivia Book: Roller Girl Author: Victoria Jamieson

2 Main Characters Astrid – a 12 year old girl going through a tough summer that really likes roller derby after her mom took her to a roller derby bout. Nicole – Astrid’s former best friend that chose to spend her summer in dance camp with another friend over doing roller derby with Astrid. Zoey – Astrid’s new friend that she meets at roller derby camp. Rachel – A bossy jerk that Astrid really dislikes, and who becomes a friend of Nicole’s.

3 Summary of Plot Astrid decides that she wants to pursue roller derby, and signs up for roller derby camp. She assumes that her best friend, Nicole, will also sign up. Nicole decides to sign up for dance camp instead, and Astrid find herself alone at roller derby camp for the summer.

4 Setting The main setting is a roller derby summer camp in Portland, Oregon. The camp is a new place for Astrid, and is about an hour walk from her home. Astrid spends her nights at home, and her mom drops her off for the camp each day.

5 Message of the Book The book taught me that you should never give up on your dreams, and you should fight for them. It also taught me to take chances in life, and not be afraid to meet new people.

6 Rating: Five Stars! Recommended for girls that proudly believe that you should stick up for what you believe in.

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