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Developed by Billi Barone, adapted for Hannumland

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1 Developed by Billi Barone, adapted for Hannumland
Cross Notes Developed by Billi Barone, adapted for Hannumland

2 Cross Notes Name/ Per Facts (10-15) (Explicit, what you find)
You can use the back if necessary. 3 Questions (How and Why, directly related to the text but should not be answered in the text) Vocab Definitions Significance to article 3 Revelations/ Realizations/ Inferences (Implicit, what you figure out) The following slides contain additional examples and descriptors.

3 Harlem Renaissance Cross Notes Name/ Per
Facts (??) (Explicit, what you find) You can use the back if necessary. 3 Level 2 or 3Questions How and Why, directly related to the text but should not be answered in the text Vocab (3) Define & Explain Significance to article 3 Revelations/ Realizations/ Inferences Implicit, what you figure out that you didn’t know before. (NOT just a fact)

4 Facts vs. Revelations ON the lines Details Things you find
Names, dates Descriptions Events Things you find BETWEEN the lines Realizations Inferences Implied lessons or meanings Things you figure out

5 Vocabulary Define Explain the significance of:
the assigned (your selected) words as used in text Explain the significance of: the words that seem to be really important in the particular text, words that have more than one meaning, words that appear to be used in some unusual manner in the text.

6 Questions What do you still need to know?
These are open ended questions that begin with “how” and “why”. Directly related to the text but answer does not already appear in the text. Cannot be answered with one word responses- require explanation.

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