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Old Dominion University Trainer NAME: Marilyn Bartholmae Trainer

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Presentation on theme: "Old Dominion University Trainer NAME: Marilyn Bartholmae Trainer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project: “Using a Smartphone App to Improve WIC Redemptions” Recruitment Training for APP Site
Old Dominion University Trainer NAME: Marilyn Bartholmae Trainer Trainer Cell Phone: (360)

2 Introduction Goal: To test whether a WIC app can help participants redeem benefits? What the app will do? Scan the bar code to check eligibility An adaptive calculator to redeem fruits and vegetable & breakfast cereal benefits

3 Origin of the Problems A Challenging Question
How fast can you find a preferable combination of fruits and vegetables (F&Vs) with total costs smaller than a given budget (e.g., $8.00, $5.53, $2.11)?

4 Origin of the Problems More Challenging: Given different brands & box sizes (11~36 oz.), find a preferable combination of cereal boxes with the brands in the list and total weights < a given # of oz. (e.g., 36 oz., 17oz.)?

5 Challenges to WIC Participants
VA WIC participants’ redemption barriers Difficulty in processing complicated information Difficulty in identifying eligible products Current solution is not sufficient to overcome the barriers

6 Our solution: WIC App A promising solution is an app that will help to find a preferred combination of fruits and vegetables with ease.

7 Let’s try it out! Search “WICShopper” in the app store
Download it and have fun with it! Select “Virginia” Enter FamilyID “F ” It’s only a test version. Don’t tell anybody else except the enrolled participants

8 Fruit and Vegetable Calculator Cereal Calculator Scanning Barcode
More Cool functions Fruit and Vegetable Calculator Cereal Calculator Scanning Barcode To check WIC eligibility Healthy Recipes

9 Key Question to Answer: Is the WIC app effective?
Pilot Project launched by ODU and VA WIC If successful, state implementation likely YOUR JOB IS CRUCIAL AND MAY AFFECT TENS OF THOUSANDS OF WIC FAMILIES

10 Your Job: Recruitment Recruit 50 participants per district
Who are eligible? (File: APP_F1_Intro) Have a Smartphone Have Fruit & Vegetable and Cereal Benefit Participant is the primary WIC shopper “Shall I recruit ANY 50 participants?” E.g. recruit 50 participants in one day? NO! The recruitment should be “balanced”

11 Recruiting Goal: 50 participants (Balanced)
Select a Main Clinic (Where District Coordinator is) No more than 5 participants enrolled per day. recruited in both the morning and the afternoon. Based on the number of WIC participating women and the number of WIC participating infants/children in the household Five categories in the Tracking Sheet (File: App_F2_Track) Women Only WIC Children =0, WIC Women=1 (NEED 5) Child Only WIC Children =1 WIC Women = 0 (NEED 18) Women &Child WIC Children = 1, WIC Women ==1 (NEED 15) Children Only WIC Children>=2, WIC Women =0 (NEED 4) Women & Children WIC Children >=2, WIC Women =1 (NEED 8)

12 How to do the recruitment?
Five Steps Step 1: Introduction & screening Step 2: Informed consent Step 3: Download and use the app Step 4: Baseline survey Step 5: $10 gift card

13 Step 1: Introduction & Screening
Print and put an introduction sheet on your desk and show it to the participants. File: App_F1_Intro “Are you interested in the study?” If yes, check the eligibility “Have a Smartphone”? “Have fruit and vegetable benefit AND cereal benefits?” “Are you the primary WIC shopper?” If yes to all questions, check the quota to be met File: App_F2_Track

14 Step 2: Informed consent
Check the time availability for all steps first “Do you have approximately 10~15 minutes?” Since you don’t want to discontinue the in the middle of the process Go through the Informed Consent with patience File: App_F3_Consent Ask them to sign two copies of the consent and YOU need to sign them as well Keep one copy for site coordinator (your supervisor) and give one copy to the participant

15 Step 3. Download and Use the App
Present the App Guide to the subject File: App_F4_Guide Ask them to download the app Possible question from the participant: “Use my data plan to download?” Answer: It requires very little data and $10 gift card is enough to cover!

16 Step 3. Download and Use the App
Exercise 1: Scan the bar code Prepare two food boxes One is WIC eligible, the other is not Ask the participant to scan the barcodes “Could you tell which one is eligible and which one is not?”

17 Step 3. Download and Use the App
Exercise 2: Use Fruit and Vegetable Calculator Given $8 balance Can I buy the following? 2 pounds of broccoli + 1 watermelon + 2 cucumber Play with a few more scenario

18 Step 3. Download and Use the App
Exercise 3: Use Cereal Calculator Prepare a few cereal boxes Ideally, some boxes are eligible and some are not eligible Given the balance of 36 ounces “How many boxes can you buy?” “What kind of brands can you buy?” Play with a few more scenario

19 Step 4. Complete a Survey To participants “Congratulations, you are almost there!” Prepare a hard copy of the survey File: App_F5_Survey WIC staff: please fill out survey for training. Allocate space for participants to complete the survey Encourage questions to ensure the quality of the survey Quality control: CHECK the completion of the survey, especially the first page

20 Step 5: Give the $10 gift card
“Thank you so much for your support!” Check the signature of informed consent Check the survey Check the Tracking Table (File: App_F2_Track) Return the signed informed consent and survey back to your site coordinator If scan needed, please scan it to PDF file Congratulations, you completed one recruit!

21 A Few Things to Mention Non-disclosure Voluntarily Recruitment
The app is in testing mode Don’t tell other parties who are not in the study Voluntarily Recruitment No coercion Explain the informed consent Protect the privacy

22 Learning by Doing It’s your show time!
Mock recruitment with your peers Use the check list as a helper File: App_F6_Checklist Complete the training certificate File: App_F7_Training it back to Project Coordinator, Dr. Marilyn Bartholmae, Questions? Cell:

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