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Presentation on theme: "HAMILTONIAN CIRCUIT ALGORITHMS"— Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary Application examples of Brute Force Algorithm Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

REVIEW: A Hamiltonian Circuit is a circuit that visits each VERTEX of a graph only once. A Hamiltonian path is a path that visits each VERTEX only once.

3 Unlike (Euler Circuit) E. C
Unlike (Euler Circuit) E.C. problems, we can not simply look at a graph and determine if it has an associated H.C. There are certain types of graphs (fortunately, the most common) that ALWAYS have an associated (Hamilton Circuit) H.C. A COMPLETE GRAPH: A graph with ‘N’ vertices in which every pair of vertices is joined by exactly one edge. In a COMPLETE GRAPH with ‘N’ vertices, each vertex has DEGREE ‘N-1’ All complete graphs have h.c. associated with them.

4 (For example, C and D are NOT adjacent. A and C are not adjacent)
graphs… A B D C graph #1 This graph has hamiltonian paths: ADBC (or its mirror image) DABC (or its mirror image) The graph has no h.c., since you cannot leave vertex C without re-visiting vertex B This is NOT a COMPLETE graph… to prove this, you must find at least one pair of vertices that is NOT connected with an edge (not ADJACENT) (For example, C and D are NOT adjacent. A and C are not adjacent) Another way to prove it is not a complete graph is to find one at least one pair of vertices that is connected by more than one edge. (B and C, for example)

5 graphs… graph #2 B A C D This graph has hamiltonian paths:
ACDB (or its mirror image) BACD (or mirror image) …etc... The graph has h.c.: ACDBA (or its mirror image) BACDB (or mirror image) ...etc... This is NOT a COMPLETE graph… (B and C are not adjacent)

6 graphs… graph #3 B A E C D This graph has many hamiltonian paths:
ABCDE …etc... This graph has many H.C. ABCDEA … etc... This is a COMPLETE graph with 5 vertices… Notice that each vertex is adjacent to every other vertex exactly once, and that each has degree 4.

7 H.C. example… The vertices will represent cities, and the edges will represent distances(and will be measured in miles.) A D C B AB = 10 BC = 30 DC = 20 AD = 70 AC = 50 BD = 40 Recalling the example from the introductory show should remind you that there are only 3 possible H.C. subgraphs associated with this COMPLETE graph.

8 For COMPLETE GRAPHS… how many subgraphs?
D C B 1. We looked at the same type of graph last time (the ‘lazy Fred’ example) and noticed that there were only 3 possible h.c. subgraphs. 2. We also noticed that (up to the STARTING vertex) there were two hamiltonian circuits associated with each subgraph. 3. Let’s do some math...

9 Tree Diagram A D B C C D B D C B
For every COMPLETE graph with 4 vertices… the DEGREE of each vertex is??? C D B 3 So, once you have chosen a starting point, you have 3 vertices to chose from. D C B After you’ve chosen one of those 3, how many vertices are left to choose from? 2 Tree Diagram And after you’ve chosen one of those 2, how many vertices are left to choose from? To create the h.c., each path will return to A at the end. 1

10 Complete Graphs with “N” vertices…
4. Will have (N-1)x(N-2)x(N-3)x…x2 Hamiltonian Circuits associated with them. Mathematically, we will use “factorial” shorthand to write this expression. We will write: The number of H.C. for a complete graph with N vertices = (N-1)!

11 Complete Graphs with “N” vertices…
5. We saw that each H. subgraph could be used to describe 2 hamiltonian circuits (mirror images) 6. So, the number of Hamiltonian Circuit subgraphs for a complete graph with “N” vertices is: (N-1)!/2

12 back to the H.C. example… This is a complete graph with 4 vertices.
D C B AB = 10 BC = 30 DC = 20 AD = 70 AC = 50 BD = 40 This is a complete graph with 4 vertices. It has (4-1)! = (3)! = 3x2 = 6 hamiltonian circuits (after you’ve chosen a starting pt.) It has (4-1)!/2 = (3)!/2 = (3x2)/2 = 6/2 = 3 h.c. subgraphs

13 Algorithms to find Hamiltonian circuits
9/9/2018 Algorithms to find Hamiltonian circuits They may not yield the optimal solution but will always give us an efficient approximation. We may use them a few times, sometimes with different starting points, and compare the solutions we find They ALWAYS work with COMPLETE graphs, but sometimes fail to produce a solution with other graphs

14 Algorithm 1: The Brute Force Method
Step 1 : Make a list of all the possible Hamilton circuits of the graph. Step 2: For each HC calculate its total weight. (add up the edges in the circuit) Step 3: Choose an optimal circuit.

15 back to the H.C. example… This is a complete graph with 4 vertices.
D C B AB = 10 BC = 30 DC = 20 AD = 70 AC = 50 BD = 40 This is a complete graph with 4 vertices. It has (4-1)! = (3)! = 3x2 = 6 hamiltonian circuits (after you’ve chosen a starting pt.) It has (4-1)!/2 = (3)!/2 = (3x2)/2 = 6/2 = 3 h.c. subgraphs

16 Brute Force Method… In the “Lazy Fred” example, all 3 of the possible h.c. subgraphs are examined. You should be able to see that this method is fine for such a small graph. When we try to use this method for a complete graph with 5 vertices, though, we’d have to look at: (4)!/2 = (4x3x2)/2 = 12 h.c. subgraphs. Notice how quickly this method becomes computationally inefficient.

17 Example 20 C B A D 10 70 50 15 30

18 Algorithm 2: Nearest Neighbor
Start : Start at a designated vertex. First Step: From the starting vertex go to its nearest neighbor. (edge with the smallest weight. Middle Steps: Repeat step 2 until you have visited all the vertices exactly once. Last Step: From the last vertex return to the starting vertex.

9/9/2018 NEAREST NEIGHBOR ALGORITHM A D C B AB = 10 BC = 30 DC = 20 AD = 70 AC = 50 BD = 40 1. Choose a starting vertex (ex) I choose vertex B Its nearest neighbor is 10 units away at vertex A. 2. Begin by drawing the edge that connects these points A D C B

9/9/2018 NEAREST NEIGHBOR ALGORITHM A D C B AB = 10 BC = 30 DC = 20 AD = 70 AC = 50 BD = 40 3. Continue by choosing the nearest neighbor of the last vertex touched... A D C B BUT>>> DO NOT… >add any edge that will create a subcircuit (doesn’t contain ALL of the original vertices) >add an edge that will make a vertex have degree greater than 2 The weight of this circuit is 120 miles.


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