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Are You Smarter Than a 4th Grader?

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Presentation on theme: "Are You Smarter Than a 4th Grader?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are You Smarter Than a 4th Grader?

2 Are You Smarter Than a 4th Grader? States of Water and The Water Cycle
1,000,000 Are You Smarter Than a 4th Grader? States of Water and The Water Cycle 500,000 300,000 5th Grade Topic 1 5th Grade Topic 2 175,000 100,000 4th Grade Topic 3 4th Grade Topic 4 50,000 3rd Grade Topic 5 3rd Grade Topic 6 25,000 10,000 2nd Grade Topic 7 2nd Grade Topic 8 5,000 2,000 1st Grade Topic 9 1st Grade Topic 10 1,000

3 5th Grade Topic 1 Question
What is it called when plants ‘sweat’?

4 5th Grade Topic 1 Answer Transpiration! Return

5 5th Grade Topic 2 Question
What is the energy source needed to set the water cycle in motion?

6 5th Grade Topic 2 Answer The Sun!! Return

7 4th Grade Topic 3 Question
What are the four major types of precipitation? Describe each!

8 4th Grade Topic 3 Answer Rain (liquid water), sleet (similar to freezing rain), snow (snowflakes have a crystallized structure to them), and hail (balls of ice)! Return

9 4th Grade Topic 4 Question
How are clouds formed?

10 4th Grade Topic 4 Answer Clouds are formed when water vapor rises up into the cold atmosphere and combines with smoke and dust particles to make large water droplets. Millions of droplets come together and make clouds! Return

11 3rd Grade Topic 5 Question
Explain the process of precipitation. Be as descriptive as possible!

12 3rd Grade Topic 5 Answer Precipitation is when water falls from the sky in either a liquid or solid state back down to Earth. Precipitation produces runoff, and eventually the runoff is collected in large bodies of water such as lakes and oceans. Return

13 3rd Grade Topic 6 Question
Explain the process of condensation. Be as descriptive as possible!

14 3rd Grade Topic 6 Answer Condensation occurs when water vapor rises up into the cold atmosphere and condenses into water droplets again. Remember- gas becomes a liquid! 50 bonus points- Where do you see condensation in real life? Return

15 2nd Grade Topic 7 Question
Explain the process of evaporation. Be as descriptive as possible!

16 2nd Grade Topic 7 Answer Evaporation is when liquid water heats up, and turns into a gas (water vapor). This gas then rises up into the atmosphere. Remember- liquid becomes a gas! Return

17 2nd Grade Topic 8 Question
Using whiteboard markers, draw a simple sketch of the water cycle on . Make sure to label evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, and collection in your sketch.

18 2nd Grade Topic 8 Answer Pictures may vary. Each team with a correctly labeled picture will earn 200 points! Return

19 1st Grade Topic 9 Question
What effect does temperature have on the water cycle?

20 1st Grade Topic 9 Answer Temperature helps water change states! Cold temperatures turn liquid water into ice. Warmer temperatures can turn liquid water into water vapor (a gas). Return

21 1st Grade Topic 10 Question
What are the different states of water? Give an example of each.

22 1st Grade Topic 10 Answer Solid (ice), Liquid (water) and Gas (water vapor)! Return

23 Million Dollar Question Grade Level Topic 11

24 1,000,000 Question At what temperatures does ice melt? At what temperatures does liquid water turn into water vapor?

25 1,000,000 Answer Ice melts at 0* Celsius or 32* Fahrenheit. (This is called the melting point). Liquid water turns into water vapor at 100* Celsius or 212* Fahrenheit. (This is called the boiling point). Return

26 Thanks for Playing!

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