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TIA Update – Reconfigurable Radio Systems

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1 TIA Update – Reconfigurable Radio Systems
DOCUMENT #: GSC15-GRSC8-09 TIA RRS FOR: Presentation SOURCE: TIA AGENDA ITEM: 4.3 CONTACT(S): TIA Update – Reconfigurable Radio Systems T. Russell Shields Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15

2 Highlights of Current Activities – Summary
Most activity about reconfigurable radio systems (RRS), including cognitive radio (CR) and software defined radio (SDR), has been conducted in ETSI, IEEE, and ITU-R. Other contributions come from groups including OMG and especially the Wireless Innovation Forum (formerly SDR Forum) Working definitions of SDR and CR were adopted in 2009 ITU-R WP1B is the responsible group for WRC-11 AI 1.19 ITU-R WP5A is developing a report on a definition for CRS and input for WP1B ITU-R WP5D is giving input to WP5A on CR related to IMT/3G Market and regulatory issues, including potential benefits and potential complications, are also being studied In early 2010, the U.S. FCC granted several experimental licenses for work in TV white space; FCC movement in this area is still slow

3 Highlights of Current Activities – IEEE
IEEE (standard for WRAN using TV white spaces) is still in the standard drafting stage IEEE h (improved coexistence of based networks in unlicensed bands) reached sponsor ballot stage The IEEE technical advisory group is evaluating coexistence between IEEE y and IEEE h March 8-11, 2010: IEEE SCC41 Meeting (co-located with the Wireless Innovation Forum 65th General Meeting) Ad hoc committee on White Space Radio (1900.7) was created within IEEE SCC41 Purpose: to consider standard defining MAC and PHY layers for white space communication system

4 Highlights of Current Activities – ITU-R
In June 2010, ITU-R WP1B finalized the draft CPM text for WRC-11 Agenda Item 1.19 (introduction of software-defined radio and cognitive radio systems) During 2009, ITU-R WP5A received many contributions from equipment makers, telecoms carriers, and governments to its draft report on “Cognitive radio systems in the land mobile service”

5 Highlights of Current Activities – OMG
Object Management Group (OMG) Software-Based Communication (SBC) Domain Task Force (DTF) develops and promotes specifications for SDR devices, through activities including Promotion of UML and model-driven technology Development of specifications to improve interoperability of software-defined components Promotion of software radio specifications SBC DTF and the Wireless Innovation Forum – supported by several companies – are working on a commercial standard based on the SCA OMG and the Wireless Innovation Forum released a joint smart antenna specification in May 2009 – their first joint specification

6 Highlights of Current Activities – Wireless Innovation Forum (1/2)
Name changed from SDR Forum in December 2009 Website: 116 organizational members, including Huawei (joined in 2009) ZTE (joined in 2010) First TV White Spaces Summit was held June 15, 2010, in Washington, DC Discussed commercialization of TVWS Reviewed the progress of proposed standards Examined technology/regulatory/deployment requirements Keynote by Commissioner Meredith Baker of the U.S. FCC encouraging movement in this area

7 Highlights of Current Activities – Wireless Innovation Forum (2/2)
66th General Meeting was held June 21-23, 2010, in Mainz, Germany CRWG met jointly with PS-SIG to collaborate on Information Process Architectures CRWG finalized and balloted “Quantifying the Benefits of Cognitive Radio” CRWG work continues on two projects “Cognitive Radio Database (CRDB) – a Radio Environment Map (REM) anticipating future CR needs” “Information Process Architecture” MLM-WG continued work on the report “Modeling Languages for Mobility” T&M WG continued work on “Test Guidelines and Requirements for Television Band Devices (TVBDs) Designed to Operate on Available Channels in the Broadcast Television Frequency Bands” SAWG worked on “Smart Antenna Specification: PIM and PSM for Smart Antenna” Second annual European Reconfigurable Radio Technologies Workshop was held June 23-25, 2010 in Mainz, Germany 67th General Meeting will be held Sept , 2010, in Schaumburg, Illinois, U.S.A. (hosted by Motorola) Second TV White Space Summit to be held with the 67th General Meeting

8 Challenges (1/2) The market is moving very fast, complicating standardization Debate continues over the role of standards in RRS What needs to be standardized? Will setting standards so early in RRS development hurt innovation? Several technologies are competing for de facto standard status Regulatory bodies need to make sure that devices will meet current and future requirements Most interest has been on the business and technology sides, but mature policy is also necessary for RRS to succeed A conformity assessment apparatus is necessary Regulators also need principles for considering questions unique to RRS Example: whether to allow software updates without requiring a device to be recertified

9 Challenges (2/2) Existing services (especially public safety) need protection from interference that might result from SDR and CRS Some standards and/or regulatory entities might want to exclude SDR/CRS from some bands Some countries (e.g., the U.S., Canada) have not recommended regulatory changes or changes to ITU rules before RRS can be implemented, but other countries might On the technology side, standards are needed for components that make CR networks secure from various kinds of DoS attacks, a generalized CR-MAC, and cross-layer design Despite all of the efforts, the real need for vehicle manufacturers is the ability to build vehicles with radios that can be updated for new protocols over the life of the vehicle

10 Summary ETSI has initiated major Reconfigurable Radio Systems activities CCSA has projects on Cognitive Radio Systems Progress on RRS continues to move slowly around the world

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