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Unit 2.3 Robust Programs Lesson 2 - Testing Programs

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2.3 Robust Programs Lesson 2 - Testing Programs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2.3 Robust Programs Lesson 2 - Testing Programs

2 Starter For each letter of the Alphabet write down one test that begins with that letter. For example D Driving Test G GCSE exam

3 Learning Objectives Understand the purpose of testing
Identify different types of program errors Know the difference between iterative and terminal testing Be able to select suitable test data

4 Key Words Iterative testing Final/terminal testing Syntax Errors
Logic errors Test Data

5 Program errors, what is the worst that could happen?

6 Programs errors What errors have you come across?
Could the Heartbleed have bee avoided? Who is responsible for the Heartbleed bug?

7 The Twitter bug
Discuss this article

8 What is a Error An error in a program is sometimes called a Bug
This is because Grace Hopper discovered a moth in a computer which was stopping it from functioning correctly.

9 What is a Error Bugs cause the program to run incorrectly and are usually caused by an error in the coding Not all errors will stop a program from running

10 Activity Look at the code on the following slide
There are some errors/bugs Can you identify what they are. Check with another student and compare to see if you have found them all.

11 Debug this Pseudocode There are three errors
number 1 = input(“Please enter a number”) number 2 = input (“Please enter another number) Sum = number 1 / numBer 2 print (Summ)

12 Activity 1 - Answer number 1 = input(“Please enter a number”)
number 2 = input (“Please Enter another number”) Sum = number 1 / number 2 print (Summ)

13 Runtime errors Runtime errors are errors which may cause program errors or the computer to crash even if there appears to be nothing wrong with the program code. They are only detected once the program is executed Examples could be: Running out of memory

14 Syntax Errors Syntax errors are mistakes in the way that the code is written. Translators can only execute a program if it is syntactically correct. Common syntax errors include: spelling mistakes incorrect use of punctuation -use of capital letters

15 Logic Errors Logic errors: a logic error is a bug in a program that causes it to operate incorrectly, but not to terminate or crash.   A logic error produces unintended or undesired output or other behaviour, although it may not immediately be recognised.

16 Activity 2 Look back at the code from the previous task and consider each error. Classify them as either Syntax or Logic errors. Make sure you can justify your answer.

17 Activity 2 – Identify and define the errors for dividing two numbers
number 1 = input(“Please enter a number”) output 2 = input (“Please enter another number”) Sum = number 1 * Number 2 print (sum)

18 Activity 2 - Answer number 1 = input(“Please enter a number”)
output 2 = input (“Please enter another number”) SYNTAX Sum = number 1 * Number 2 LOGIC AND SYNTAX print (sum)SYNTAX

19 Types of Testing Iterative testing is testing the code as you create it. This could completed line by line or a section at a time. Once tested and feedback is received you then alter your code as required. You could consider this type of testing similar to tuning a guitar. You keep playing the string and adjusting the tension until the note is the correct pitch.

20 Types of Testing Final or Terminal testing is carried out at the end of the program when it has been written. This is more similar to the GCSEs which are taken at the end of the term. It is used to check what happens when a range of predefined test data is entered or used in the program

21 Selecting and using Suitable Test Data
When testing the program it is important to use a range of test data valid/in range out of range boundary value null value invalid

22 Selecting and using Suitable Test Data
Valid – Data that is correct In Range – The maximum values of the data that could be entered for example for teenagers Out of Range – Values higher or lower than the expect range, for teenagers greater than 19 Null Value – when no data is entered or left blank to test what happens. Invalid - incorrect values such as entering ‘Dave’ in an age field.

23 Test Plans Testing is often completed in a test plan which sets out
The test number The data entered The type of test data The expected outcome The result of the test Action required as a result of the test


25 Key Words Recap Iterative testing Final/terminal testing Syntax Errors
Logic errors Test Data

26 Plenary Share with another students three new elements that you have learnt this lesson Open a program that you have written and test it for errors. Identify the errors in term so f syntax or logic Create an example of a logic error in a programing language of your choice

27 OCR Resources: the small print OCR’s resources are provided to support the teaching of OCR specifications, but in no way constitute an endorsed teaching method that is required by the Board, and the decision to use them lies with the individual teacher. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the content, OCR cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions within these resources. © OCR This resource may be freely copied and distributed, as long as the OCR logo and this message remain intact and OCR is acknowledged as the originator of this work. OCR acknowledges the use of the following content: AIR FORCE, Please get in touch if you want to discuss the accessibility of resources we offer to support delivery of our qualifications:

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