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22/06/2016 Andy Blue & Maeve Conway (Ohio State)

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1 22/06/2016 Andy Blue & Maeve Conway (Ohio State)
Glasgow Work 22/06/2016 Andy Blue & Maeve Conway (Ohio State)

2 DAQLoad Testing the DAQload again Has issue with Stave09 Adapter Card
Losing connection (And very loose) so no bias (or leakage current) Found a spare and will use/solder that Was still able to work on the DAQ

3 Testing regime Capture the HCC Address (Capture  Capture HCC Address). HCC ID = 22 Capture the Chip IDs (Capture  Capture Chip IDs) Chips = 25 Run the iDelay scan (Capture  iDelay Scan) This test will likely crash root unless you have done the SVN update. Version 3961 does not work. Run the Strobe Delay Test (Test  Strobe Delay (0.40)) Results was 14 and 16. The PDF file name is in now in the format (YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS). Run the 3 Point Gain Test (Test  1fC). There is high noise as it was unbiased. All scans work fine Using Trunk SVN (from yesterday)

4 DCS Building up our DCS for the DAQ testing High Voltage Low Voltage
Temperature Interlock In the past (2013) I presented how I Integrated these with SCTDAQ/HSIO Details on page here This week myself and Maeve went through this using the trunk ITSDAQ/ATLYS We used NI:GPIB USB Cable which we attached to the computer and to the power supplies

5 High Voltage Start by adding ‘TkHVdll.vcproj‘ to yours ITASDAQ project
Creates the necessary dll file Using Keithley 2410 From Root gSystem ->Load(“khdvll.dll”) Keith= new TkHV (“GPIB::20::INSTR”) Note: the number in the middle of the code is noted to be 24 on the website, but this has to be changed for your on IRQ number keith->Ramp(V,I,b) where V is the required voltage , I is the current compliance limit (in uA) , b is the ramping factor , which is either 1,2,3 or 4 *(50, 20 1 and 5V/s repectively) However not working as yet Every value for ‘I’ returns the error ‘Has be below e-185uA.’

6 High Voltage For GUI use Edit the Rootlogon.C file in c://sctdaq
For ‘switch(hvtype)’ case Change ‘Int_t hvtype’ from ‘0’ to ‘1’ number in the middle of the code to 20 (i.e. “GPIBO::20::INSTR”) We renamed HV driver to “Detector Bias”

7 Low Voltage Using TTI TSXC3510P For GUI use
Edit the Rootlogon.C file in c://sctdaq For switch(lvtype) Change ‘Int_t lvtype’ from ‘0’ to ‘1’ number in the middle of the code to 6 (i.e. “GPIBO::6::INSTR”) Rename the LV driver to “TTI Low Voltage” Mistake we made. Don’t change ‘Int_t nHVSupplies = 0’ This may be because the program adds one to whatever number you input and then looks for that amount of drivers. If you input 0, it will add 1 and look for only 1 driver.

8 GUI Now, Under DCS on the BurstData, there should be HV RampUp, HV RampDown, HV Status, LV On, LV Off, LV Status, and LV Adjust.

9 Interlock Working on it Getting a fault
ST [11] locker = new TILock("ASRL10::INSTR") failed with code 0xbfff0015 -> Timeout expired before operation completed. Mon: viWrite failed with code 0xbfff0015 Mon: viRead (2) failed with code 0xbfff0015 Status is UNKNOWN:-( (class TILock*)0x791440 Working on this with help from Bruce and Peter

10 Plans The HVRampup/HVRampDown is hard wired to 200v in 5v steps
Might look to change this Would like to integrate IVScan into the GUI as well Test the interlock And update the twikis

11 DAQ Testing iDelay, StrobeDelay, and 3PointGain Test with DAQ board
Acquire ATLYS board, IB board, DAQ board with ABC130 chip, Ethernet cable, 16IDC Cable, PC, and voltage supply Connect PC to ATLYS board using Ethernet cable Connect ATLYS board with IB board using VHDCI Connect IB board to DAQ board using 16IDC Cable Connect DAQ board to the power supply for bias Start up Root 19 January 2016 Dima Maneuski

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