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The American West Essential Questions:

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1 The American West Essential Questions:
In what way was the West incredibly diverse during the 19th century? What were the characteristics of Western economy and culture?

2 The Western Tribes 150,000 Nat-Ams living in the West in 1850
The Pueblos of the Southwest Development of Caste system

3 The Plains Indians Diverse group: level of conflict and mobility
Similarities: family network, gov’t, division of task by gender, religion

4 Economic Importance of the Buffalo

5 Hispanic New Mexico Mexicans stayed after the war
Anglo attempt to exclude Mexicans from new territorial gov’t in Santa Fe led to the Taos Indian Rebellion Wave of new settlers (American and Mexican)

6 Hispanic California In CA, the mission system had dominated for decades Decline w/ Mexican Independence Arrival of Anglos was disastrous for the Californios

7 Chinese Migration 200,000 in CA by 1880
Eventually seen as a threat by Anglos Discriminatory laws in the mines Participation in the completion of the transcontinental railroad Difficulty finding work Prostitution widespread in Chinatown



10 Anti-Chinese Sentiments
Anti-Coolie clubs formed: sought a ban on employing the Chinese, organized boycotts, attacked workers, set fire to Chinese businesses Chinese Exclusion Act banned almost all Chinese immigration

11 Migration from the East
Impracticality of the Homestead Act Gov’t assistance: Timber Culture Act and Desert Land Act Political organization and statehood




15 Labor In the West Shortage of workers Lack of job security
Limited social mobility Racially stratified working class

16 Arrival of the Miners From the mid 1800s to the 1890s Americans looked for precious metals Individual prospectors mining corporations ranchers and farmers Vigilante committees worked to enforce “the law”


18 The Cattle Kingdom Cowboy culture originally from Mexico
“Long drives” – cattle driven upwards to North Eastern markets Who were the cowboys? The development of the ranch

19 Political Gains for Women
250,000 owned ranches and farms in Western states Women won the right to vote earlier in the West

20 Romance of the West Rocky Mountain School
Paintings were taken on tour on the East coast Increased tourism



23 The Myth of the Cowboy Reality: low pay, loneliness, slow pace of life
Romanticized relationship with nature, affinity towards violence, the American hero

24 Turner’s Frontier Thesis
Influential essay written in 1893 Frontier promoted individualism, democracy, inventiveness Believed the closing of the frontier would bring trouble to America

25 Talk to your neighbor In what way was the West incredibly diverse during the 19th century? What were the characteristics of Western economy and culture?

26 Decline of Indians West of the Mississippi was supposed to be “Indian Country” Federal Gov’t attempted to push Indians onto reservations Most Plains tribes refused to restrict their movements

27 Decline of the Indians cont.
Sioux defeated Custer at Battle of Little Bighorn Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce attempt to escape The Ghost Dance and the “Battle” of Wounded Knee George Custer Sitting Bull

28 Ghost Dance

29 “Battle” of Wounded Knee

30 The Dawes Act Instead of providing reservations for the tribe as a whole, individual plots of land were distributed Native children were sent to boarding schools Built Christian churches on reservations Eventually the law was abandoned

31 Assimilation

32 The Rise and the Decline of the Western Farmer
Completion of the RR led to further settlement of the West RR companies encouraged settlement The use of barbed wire Hard times for farmers

33 Commercial Agriculture
Specialized in cash crops Were not self-sufficient Dependent on interest rates, railroad rates, national and international markets World overproduction led to decrease in prices and suffering for farmers

34 Fighting Back Organized the National Grange of Patrons of Husbandry
Interstate Commerce Act and Commission created to regulate railroad rates Ocala Platform included: direct election of Senators, lower tariffs, graduated income tax, new banking system, increase amount of $ in circulation

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