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Joseph Brown Elementary

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1 Joseph Brown Elementary
17-18 Results and Goals

2 TN Ready Results For Math our On Track + Mastery results were:
25.4% for 3rd Grade and 24.1% for 4th Grade For ELA our On Track + Mastery results were: 24.4% for 3rd Grade and 15.5% for 4th Grade

3 E L A M A T H AIMSWEB 16-17 How we looked at the end of the year in Reading and Math.

4 Sub Categories All of the sub categories correlated to the school performance. The areas that showed the largest difference were ELL (+32.1%) and SWD(+40.2%) in the Below category in ELA. Also ELL (+31%) and SWD (+39.8%) in the Below category in Math.

5 In Addition to 3rd and 4th…
We will Focus on ELA and Reading progress in the lower grades. We will use strategies from the 95% Group program to support Tier I instruction and intervention. K-2 progress will be monitored through AIMSWeb and other Common Formative Assessment results. K- Phoneme Segmentation 1st- ORF 2nd- ORF

6 What about those Below? ELA- 30.4% (38 students) Below Math- 19% (24 students) Below Of these groups 45% of the students below were ELL or SWD in ELA. In Math 58% of the students who were below were ELL or SWD. Through our intentional student focus and additional levels of support (RTI), our Goal is to obtain a 3% decrease of the students scoring in the Below category.

7 We will address this by the following items:
SWD- We will monitor their IEP and AIMSWeb skill based processes through individual identification during Data Team Meetings and IEPs. ELL- I will be sure to closely identify individual students and their progress toward mastery of standards during our Data Team and Faculty meetings. We will use High Yield Strategies to support the learning needs of both groups of students. We will provided training on these strategies during our faculty meetings and other PD opportunities. The goal our school teams created for these students was a 5% gain. -

8 Our Goals for the year and how we will get there.
As a School we agreed to follow the same goals listed by the county. For ELA it will be 39% On-Track and/or Mastery This will be an increase of 18.5% Our goal for Math will be 42% This will be an increase of 17.2% Our Goal is to move our Approaching students to the On-Track category. Based on last year’s results 50% of our students were Approaching in ELA and 55% of our students were Approaching in Math. These goals will be made attainable by our focus and additional supports put in place for student achievement.

9 How will we support Math?
Math Instruction will be enhanced through our skills based focus. We will use our AIMSWeb data to identify skills and gaps in instruction. We will look at progress in our weekly Data Teams. Professional Learning Communities will meet weekly to select/identify differentiated strategies to the meet the diverse learning needs of students. We also create Math Boot Camps based upon students current deficits on grade level skills. Another step that we will take is identifying the G.A.I.N standards and creating Common Formative Assessments to validate mastery of the standards. Level 3 and 4 questions based on WEBB’s DOK will be included on the CFAs. (The majority of the TN Ready questions were asked on this level.) With the added thought process and experience with that style of questioning, student achievement on the TN Ready test will be at a higher percentage.

10 How will we support ELA? ELA instruction will be enhanced through our Skills based focus. We will use our AIMSWeb data to identify skills and gaps in instruction. We will look at progress in our weekly Data Teams. Professional Learning Communities will meet weekly to select/identify differentiated strategies to the meet the diverse learning needs of students. Another step that we will take is identifying the G.A.I.N standards and creating Common Formative Assessments to validate mastery of the standards. Level 3 and 4 questions based on WEBB’s DOK will be included on the CFAs. (The majority of the TN Ready questions were asked on this level.) With the added thought process and experience with that style of questioning, student achievement on the TN Ready test will be at a higher percentage. Also, our After-School Tutoring program will target our students who scored at the Approaching level and focus on moving them to the On-Track category.(25%)

11 ` The Mountains will be moved with focused effort from ALL Stakeholders at Brown.

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