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Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People Resilience Strategy –Early Help Early Intervention Sub committee Meeting 15.11.17 Facilitators.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People Resilience Strategy –Early Help Early Intervention Sub committee Meeting 15.11.17 Facilitators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People Resilience Strategy –Early Help Early Intervention Sub committee Meeting Facilitators Rhian Davies & Tracey Cole

2 Aims of presentation To understand the rationale influencing the Public Health Resilience Strategy To be aware of the development of the strategy To know the current members of the reliance group To understand how this fits with the early help agenda in Northumberland To familiarise with the 6 priority areas of the resilience action plan

3 The rationale for promoting children & young peoples resilience
Resilience is important because it is part of achieving good health and wellbeing for all children and young people. It is often described as supporting young people’s ability to ‘bounce back’ (Barnardos, 2009) Promoting resilience helps young people develop positive relationships, life skills and enable them to cope with setbacks in life. Reducing inequalities is a major part of the picture. All services have a role to play in developing support networks and resources to strengthen responses to set backs / stress. Our Strategy supports the emotional health and wellbeing strategy based on the thrive model agree by commissioners and partner agencies. It is intended to support prevention and early intervention, where the emotional health and wellbeing strategy if focused on intervention and assessment of mental health problems.

4 Aims and objectives of the strategy
To support the development of individual skills in promoting positive emotional health & wellbeing. To ensure all parties have access to the right information at the right time. To promote improved access and availability of suitable services and resources –and develop community capacity. To contribute to tackling the wider determinants of unequal health outcomes. To guarantee that supports are efficient and effective to ‘make every contact count’. To increase co-ordination and joint working –to reduce duplication. ( in children , young people, parents / carers & the professionals supporting them ).

5 Current members of the working party
Chair -Acting Deputy Director Child Health Business Unit Health Improvement specialists Public Health School Service & Health visiting Leads PMHW lead GM Specialist Health Services Northumberland Community Capacity Building Lead Infant Feeding Learning and Development Officer Co-ordinator Lead Public Health Manager (N.C.C Public Health Team :Wellbeing and Community Health) Community Paediatrics SEND Service Leads (ASD/Behaviour service & Educational Psychology) Head of Inclusion (Virtual Schools) SORTED (Substance misuse service) Children’s Centre Improvement Partner

6 Development of the strategy
Task and Finish group established in April 2017 Delivery mapping and scoping exercise (from September 2016) with all schools in Northumberland including :- Classroom setting formats , group work, assembly, teacher training day, parents evening. Teaching or training delivery to staff by whom Direct sessions to children by whom and the topic Sessions to parents (by whom and topics) Ad hoc requests All services involved identified key priorities , including actions, outcomes ,& methods to engage families & review of current offers from targeted services Focus widened to all universal service offers Quarterly meetings to monitor & review progress monthly meetings

7 Priority 1 -Engage young people and families in the strategy.
Outcome -Young people have been consulted and have been able to contribute to the strategy and advise the group as required. Action Plan – Work with Northumberland young people participation groups and seek their views on services and work required in schools. You’re Welcome roll out. Targeted interventions to receive feedback from young people and parents. To create a network of emotional health and wellbeing champions. Work with partners to build regular consultations and audits of young people’s views and skills into local needs assessments.

8 Priority 2 To improve Communication and information available to young people and families about access to services, self help Outcome –To improve Communication and information available to young people and families about access to services, self help. Action plan – To use popular media to assist in delivering our messages. To develop peer support models / champions. Ooh contacts re chat health and sexual health services are advertised. Digital Emotional Health resources for young people.

9 Priority 3 Young people are aware of how thoughts impact on their internal and external behaviours
Outcomes- To concentrate on ways for children and young people to grow up to be confident and resilient, to bounce back following setbacks. To develop and fulfil goals and make a contribution to society. Young people are supported with strategies to manage emotions and life events. Children and young people to know how to promote positive mental health and well- being. To support them and their families to adopt and maintain behaviours that support good mental health. To prevent mental health problems arising, taking early action with children, young people and parents who may be at greater risk. Children and young people to have awareness of how to recognise when they might have a mental health problem , where and how to get help, at might happen when they access it

10 Priority 3 Action plans-
To help shape school curriculums to support this EHWB work. Delivery of joint early help training programmes across the workforce to promote emotional health and wellbeing , to identify early symptoms and to know where to refer to . Delivery of training and support to schools with the new SRE program To promote mindfulness for staff working with young people to role model. To increase the time young people spend doing positive activities. Promotion of CHAT health To improve awareness of local support services available for support to children and young people. To support the whole school and college approaches. To deliver sexual health awareness sessions.

11 Priority 4 Reduce childhood obesity
Outcomes- To reduce the number of children and young people in Northumberland who are overweight or obese. Action plans- To promote breast feeding during pregnancy and post delivery. To ensure HV provide advice on weaning and health diet/exercise. That any child noted to be overweight at the 2.5 year check has some targeted intervention. To deliver NCMP to all children including this in special schools/LD. Develop locality directory of services for use by parents and professionals. 10 schools attend Roots and Shoots programme. Offer proactive support to those identified as being very overweight via NCMP data.

12 Priority 5 To support parents to promote health and wellbeing and coping strategies and to access local resources and services Outcomes- To improve access for parents to evidence-based programmes of intervention , to support to strengthen attachment between parent and child, avoid early trauma, build resilience and improve behaviour. To raise awareness with parents on how to promote health and wellbeing and how they can support positive mental health and coping strategies. For parents/carers to have an awareness of how to recognise when their child might have a mental health problem as well as where and how to get help, to be clear about what help is available, what might happen when they access it, and what to do while they are waiting. (link with priority 2)

13 Priority 5 Action plans-
To work with existing agencies to provide a consistent message to parents -how to promote positive parenting. To provide support and advice from mental health champions in schools . Mental health service information to be available for all parents. Undertake 5 week healthy lifestyle programme in schools to parents and children. To engage teachers, parents & students within the education setting on aspects of tobacco control and stop smoking. Support Schools to run Health Promotions Campaigns. Raise awareness of hazards inside and outside the home among professionals, parents/carers and children. Good interagency coordination of advice, support and training for parents Use JSNA to understand who your target groups of children and young people are and how to identify and reach them effectively. For example, children in need, looked after children and NEET cohorts.

14 Priority 6 That we have a trained multi agency work force able to support young people appropriately and with confidence Outcomes- For all professionals in Northumberland to understand and identify resilience. To provide regular coordinated training opportunities for universal professionals on how to promote health and wellbeing and how to promote mindfulness with confidence for first level help for all children.

15 Priority 6 Action Plan – Identify community based services and resources available to various age groups. Identifying the importance of opportunities for regular physical activity and places to go, including access to youth settings providing high quality provision Focus on ‘stress’ points such as transitions To support schools in the delivery of SRE as part of the curriculum Universal professionals to be trained to identify and assess early signs of anxiety, emotional distress and behavioural problems , to assess whether a specialist should be involved and make an appropriate referrals . Schools should have an understanding of thresholds with regard to emotional needs, and know how to escalate individual pupils from early help and into more specialist SEND services when appropriate into secondary school, transitions from home to independent living, or transitions on leaving care

16 Thank you for your time – any questions?

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