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TFS Science Support & Maintenance report

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1 TFS Science Support & Maintenance report
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2 TFS Maintenance Highlights
New Garage! Improved camp fuel and power efficiency by consolidating many uses to one building Warm storage moved to Garage, Dry Lab shut down. All equipment maintenance moved to Garage, no heat usage in Tire Shop, Tool Trailer, Loader Tent, Snowmachine / Bike shop. Garage primarily runs off of waste heat from generators, with other buildings shut down it saved 562 gallons of heating oil this quarter Net power usage increased by 1936 KW/Hr, converts to 161 gallons of fuel for a total net savings of 401 gallons of fuel Allows for detailed winter maintenance of equipment Most maintenance & science support equipment based out of one building and nearby Connex – tools, generators, augers, snowmachines, etc. A few Science Support highlights from this year, which we can get into more detail on in a later presentation New DI water filter system in Dry Lab, to complement the systems in Wet Lab and Lab2 and provide additional backup Warm storage monitoring and alarm network installed to help minimize the chance of freeze-ups Science support in the field has been very helpful to researchers this year, including Deegan, Welker, Earthscope, Bret-Harte, and others. We have seen an increase this year in the amount of winter support provided to autonomous and overwintering projects Fabricated the usual list of carpentry, metalworking, plumbing and electrical projects to provide researchers with enclosures, stands, brackets, housings, and other odds and ends. Toolik staff remain hopeful that we can get a garage facility in the near future. This is an important component to be able to properly and efficiently care for our equipment, vehicles, and snowmachines, as well as providing better year round support. 2 2

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4 TFS Maintenance Highlights
Dalton Hwy flooding and closure a major but successful challenge to camp maintenance, primarily waste water evacuation Fiber upgrade – Winter Lab, GIS, Well House, Lab 4, Dry Lab, Wet Lab, D- shack B, and Lab 6 & 7 are now on a fiber optic backhaul, eliminating the wireless bottleneck Addition to Health Club building Additional square footage allows for weight room, treadmill, elliptical, and flexible floor space Propane fired heating system replaced electric heat, saving KW/Hrs. Equals 250 gallons of fuel, which is how much propane we used this quarter to heat roughly three times the square footage New commercial duty treadmill and elliptical New science truck and leased UAF stakebed truck. A few Science Support highlights from this year, which we can get into more detail on in a later presentation New DI water filter system in Dry Lab, to complement the systems in Wet Lab and Lab2 and provide additional backup Warm storage monitoring and alarm network installed to help minimize the chance of freeze-ups Science support in the field has been very helpful to researchers this year, including Deegan, Welker, Earthscope, Bret-Harte, and others. We have seen an increase this year in the amount of winter support provided to autonomous and overwintering projects Fabricated the usual list of carpentry, metalworking, plumbing and electrical projects to provide researchers with enclosures, stands, brackets, housings, and other odds and ends. Toolik staff remain hopeful that we can get a garage facility in the near future. This is an important component to be able to properly and efficiently care for our equipment, vehicles, and snowmachines, as well as providing better year round support. 4 4

5 TFS Science Support Highlights
Did we mention the garage? Increasing demand for snowmachines and augers during the spring season, adding to the fleet as funding allows Off season support for autonomous and overwintering projects remains abundant Support for Obrist/Helmig, MacIntyre, Conde, AON, Deegan, Hampton, Stanford, Georgia Tech, and more. 84 winter requests for 18 different funded projects Upgraded boat docks – dock repair and reconfiguration for easier docking and better weather protection Usual suite of summer season science support projects – including fabrication, field support, technical support, and equipment repair summer requests for 51 different funded projects A few Science Support highlights from this year, which we can get into more detail on in a later presentation New DI water filter system in Dry Lab, to complement the systems in Wet Lab and Lab2 and provide additional backup Warm storage monitoring and alarm network installed to help minimize the chance of freeze-ups Science support in the field has been very helpful to researchers this year, including Deegan, Welker, Earthscope, Bret-Harte, and others. We have seen an increase this year in the amount of winter support provided to autonomous and overwintering projects Fabricated the usual list of carpentry, metalworking, plumbing and electrical projects to provide researchers with enclosures, stands, brackets, housings, and other odds and ends. Toolik staff remain hopeful that we can get a garage facility in the near future. This is an important component to be able to properly and efficiently care for our equipment, vehicles, and snowmachines, as well as providing better year round support. 5 5

6 TFS Science Support & Maintenance
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