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Twitter 101 By Becky Yost.

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1 Twitter 101 By Becky Yost

2 Key Twitter Terms Tweet - A tweet is the 140 character message you post on twitter. The visibility of your tweet is controlled by your settings. You can set your tweets to “public” or you can choose to only share them with people who follow you. Username or “Twitter Handle” - This is the name you choose to represent you or your business on Twitter. It can be up to 15 characters. Once you pick your name, it will be shown with the symbol in front, Follow - To subscribe to receive updates from a Twitter user. When you follow someone, you’ll see most all of their tweets. They won’t see yours unless they follow you. (You can choose to approve followers or allow anybody to follow you) Re-Tweet – When you re-post something another user tweeted. You do this when you wish to share another user’s update with your followers. You may or may not choose to accompany the re-tweet with your own message.

3 Key Terms Cont. Hashtag (#) – A way to tag a keyword or topic within a post to give it emphasis and make it more easily searchable by other users. Twitter users can click on or search a hashtag to view posts that have mentioned it. Many brands and events create “official” hashtags so that users can easily track the conversation. @Mentions – is when one user mentions another user in their tweet. Example: “Check out the #ExposureResearch done is when a tweet is directed at another user. Example: how can I get involved with your awesome research?” Note: will only appear on the feed of the specific account you are replying to/tweeting at and the feeds of people who follow BOTH of you, whereas an @mention will be seen by all of your followers, even if they don’t follow the account you are mentioning. Twitter Feed – The home page you see when you sign in featuring tweets from the people you follow as well as sponsored Tweets (ads). You can find your feed by clicking “home”.

4 Key Terms Cont. Trending – You will notice on your home page a list of Hashtags or Topics that are “trending”. This means that hashtag or topic is being talked about by a lot of users at this moment. Joining in on trending conversations can help you gain visibility on Twitter. Moment – a “Moment” is a collection of tweets all related to a specific topic. Moments are automatically created by Twitter, as well as by users, usually about trending topics. For example there might be a Twitter Moment for the Super Bowl which would showcase a collection of the best tweets and videos about the Super Bowl. You can create your own moments, as well as follow ones you are interested in. Notification – You will receive a notification when somebody interacts with one or your tweets, tags you in a tweet, follows you, or sends you a direct message.

5 Setting Up Your Account Tips to Get Started
Create a Handle (username) that is easy to remember and recognizable– this helps others find you and interact with you more easily. Your first and last name is usually best or the name of your organization. Make sure your username is readable. Use caps in your username to make it easier to read - example: BeckyYost or BeckyYostUW vs beckyyost or beckyyostuw Upload a profile picture and add a description. This lets people know more about you and indicates it is not a spam account. When setting up a business or organization-related account it is best to use your logo as your profile photo.

6 Setting Up Your Account Tips to Get Started Cont.
Set a cover photo for you profile page. This image might represent a promotion you have going on, or may be an eye catching image that is related to your business sector. During set-up twitter will try to help you find others to follow based on the information it gathers about your interests. You may or may not want twitter to automatically follow these people for you (you can always unfollow them later). Get started by following colleagues, friends, and similar organizations or businesses. Use other user’s “lists” to find people to follow. For example, UWDEOHS has a list of DEOHS affiliated users. Create your own lists to sort people you follow.

7 Getting to Know the Website
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 8 11 13 9 14 12

8 Getting to Know the Website Cont.
Home button - this will always bring you back to this screen. View current Moments or create your own View your notifications View your private messages Search for users, topics, and hashtags View/change your account and profile settings Create a new tweet (there are two places to do this from) Quick view of your account stats, click your photo to view your profile.

9 Getting to Know the Website Cont.
Trending topics and hashtags Second place to create a new tweet Tweet from someone you are following Re-tweet – Notice it looks like a tweet within a tweet. You will see a re-tweet if the person re-tweeting is someone you follow. The original post will not necessarily be from someone you follow. Suggested accounts you might want to follow, based on who you currently follow and topics you tweet about. Popular live video suggested by Twitter – usually about a hot topic or event that is happening RIGHT NOW (you can hide this video box if you choose).

10 Getting to Know the Mobile App
Open your app menu (picture on right) Create a new tweet A second way re-tweets are displayed. U. of Washington did not make their own comment about the post they re-tweeted, so it does not appear as a tweet within a tweet in this case. Home button – will always bring you back to this screen Search people, hashtags, topics Notifications Private messages 1 2 3 * 4 5 6 7 *Example of – letting UW know the post is about or may interest them

11 Getting to Know the Basic Actions on Twitter
Reply to a tweet. Using this button you can reply to the poster and/or users who have replied before you. Re-tweet a post. Like a post – you can view your past likes on your profile page, you can also view other user’s past likes on their profile pages. Direct message the post to another user. View additional options including reporting inappropriate content, copying a link to the tweet, blocking the user, etc. Follow another twitter user by visiting their profile. 5 2 3 4 1 6

12 ACTIVITY #1 Spend the next 10 minutes working on Activity #1, if you have questions or get stuck please raise your hand.

13 Building Your Presence on Twitter Interacting with Others
Interaction with other users is one of the most important steps in building up your twitter following and building a presence. Follow influencers and other users who have a similar message/audience. @Mention users in your tweets who have a large following, a great way to gain visibility is by being re-tweeted or mentioned by a larger account. Example: “Check out this great article researchers – their work is so great! #ResearchMatters [Link to article]”

14 Building Your Presence on Twitter Interacting with Others
3) Retweet users who have a large following. This is most effective if you also add your own comment along the lines of “Check out this awesome infographic what a great resource”. Getting the attention of popular users is important, they may choose to follow you back and re-tweet your posts. 4) Ask colleagues and organization partners to re-tweet you you. If you are promoting something specific, give them some example tweets that they can copy and paste. Example: “Friends over are hosting a new social media course, #SafetyCultureUW, check it out! [link to course]”. to a tweet you find interesting to build a relationship with that user.

15 Building Your Presence on Twitter Keeping it Interesting and Relevant
The more interesting and relevant your content is to your target audience, the more quality followers you will gain. Always Always Always keep your target audience in mind when tweeting!!! Tweet about something that is trending. Check out the trending topics and find something that can relate to your messaging. See the example to the right. Exercise caution and your best judgment when posting about a potentially controversial topic.

16 Building Your Presence on Twitter Keeping it Interesting and Relevant
4. Use images and/or GIFs to make your tweets more eye catching and save characters, studies have shown users are far more likely to engage with media posts. 4. Show your personality and the faces behind the keyboard! 5. Fact check and determine credibility before posting or sharing content created by others.

17 Building Your Presence on Twitter Keeping it Interesting and Relevant
6. “Live tweet” about events you are involved in or exciting things happening at your workplace. 7.When you write a new blog post, create a new fact sheet, upload a new video, update a webpage, come out with a new product, accomplish something, etc - SHARE IT! 8. Use Twitter analytics to capitalize on your best performing posts – we will talk more in depth about this later.

18 ACTIVITY #2 Spend the next 10 minutes working on Activity #2, if you have questions or get stuck please raise your hand.

19 Advanced Twitter Using Twitter Analytics – Accessing Twitter Analytics
Twitter analytics allows you to discover your must successful tweets and biggest opportunities on Twitter. Access Analytics from your home page or by visiting

20 Advanced Twitter Using Twitter Analytics – Getting to Know the Home Page
The 28 day summary always appears at the top of the page, and is updated daily. Tweets: The number of tweets you posted Tweet impressions: How many times your tweets appeared on other user’s feeds Profile Views: The number of times users visited your profile page Mentions: The number you were tagged in Followers: Your number of followers, and change over the past 28 days

21 Advanced Twitter Using Twitter Analytics – Getting to Know the Home Page Cont.
Below the 28 day summary you will find month-by-month snapshots of your top activity. Top Tweet & Top Media Tweet: Post more tweets like these, they did well! Top this user frequently and build a relationship. If you know them personally, ask them you. They have a following that engaged well with of you. Top Follower: This user has potential to help your presence with or a retweet – engage with them!

22 Advanced Twitter Using Twitter Analytics – Getting to Know the Tweets Page
The tweets page breaks down the performance of each of your tweets. Determine your future tweets based on the content that performed well in the past. Engagements are often more valuable than impressions, but pay attention to what users might be engaging with. Graph at the top can tell you what times of day, and which days of the week your followers are most engaged. Promoting tweets can be a great way to gain more visibility, followers, and engagement. Always promote the tweet that is already preforming above and beyond the others!

23 Advanced Twitter Advanced Interaction & Content
Live Video – Once you have built up a following, live video can be a great way to engage with those followers. The most popular way to use live video is at an event or to schedule a live interview or other live event. Participate in a Twitter Chat – Different companies and organizations often host live twitter chats. You can participate in a chat by following the official hashtag and using that hashtag in your posts about the chat topic. Normally these live events will promoted beforehand along with the official hashtag. Participate in a Social Media Campaign – Many organizations, such as OSHA, use social media in their social marketing campaigns. For example, OSHA’s yearly National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. OSHA encourages people to share their Stand-Down activities, resources, pictures, videos, etc using #StandDown4Safety.

24 Twitter vs. Facebook Which is Better for Your Brand?
Twitter at-a-Glance 48% of monthly users follow brands and companies Majority of users are under 40 Primarily used by people who live in cities, not as popular in rural areas On average 0.03% of a brand’s followers will engage with posts Twitter users visit more pages via post links than users on Facebook Fast-paced in nature, lots of content to compete with Conversations are less common Facebook at-a-Glance More users overall Number of younger users dwindling, while older users are increasing Fewer users visit outside sites via links, however they spend more time on sites they do visit Facebook posts have a longer lifespan & allow for longer content Facebook is primarily used to interact and keep tabs on friends and family Comments allow for conversation with the public, but also must be monitored


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