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Department of Biostatistic, Epidemiology, and Population Health

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1 Department of Biostatistic, Epidemiology, and Population Health
Bab I. Kebijakan Umum

2 Bab 1. Kebijakan Umum Pendahuluan Nilai-nilai dasar Visi Misi Komitmen

3 Nilai-nilai dasar public health as public good evidenced based
justice in public health cooperation with all health stakeholders

4 Working to protect the interest of the public health
Visi Working to protect the interest of the public health

5 Misi BEPH wants to promote the health status of all the people of Indonesia, at the community, district, provincial, and national level, to reach the level of health status that is comparable to the population of the developed nations, through strengthening the productivity of education, research, and community services. BEPH fight for public health by working with all development sectors, the public and private institutions in within the country and at the global level

6 Komitmen

7 Tujuan In Education Recruiting and build lecturer have experience in teaching and research at top universities abroad. Attract students with the best achievement in Indonesia. Producing lectures, workshops, and seminars, in accordance with the needs of public health and the need for professional students. Promote our graduates to find jobs in credible healthcare and public health institutions. Making oriented education in the poor, minorities, vulnerable, and orientation of the population left behind in Indonesia. In the field of research and programs Develop technical assistance for public in disease control infectious and non-infectious, reproductive health, public health nutrition, and the system of public health informatics for monitoring health status. Produce multidisciplinary researches, involving students and partners outside the university, that concern the public health problems of the vulnerable groups. Work together in doing public health research with various international agencies. Disseminate research findings in seminars and scientific publications at the national and international level. In the field of community service Provide continuing education for professionals in the field of public health Develop policy papers for policy development in the areas of public health.

8 Milestones 2018-2022 Melembagakan roadmap departemen
Mengembangkan kerjasama dengan pusat penelitian tropmed dan kesehatan reproduksi Strengthening network

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