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EU-LAC Policy Dialogue: Background for the process

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1 EU-LAC Policy Dialogue: Background for the process
As a result of the European Union, Latin America and Caribbean (EULAC) Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) hold on March 28-29, 2011 in Brussels, (a) the working mechanism and roadmap to go forward the implementation of the EU-LAC Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation (JIRI) was approved, (b) specific areas for bi-regional pilot activities were selected and (c) four working groups were established to develop the pilots The JIRI aims at contributing to sustainable development and social inclusion in six priority areas of cooperation related to key global societal challenges as mentioned in the Innovation Union Communication Priority areas: Energy Environment and Climate Change Agro Food Health ICT Horizontal activities regarding S&T policies focused in both institutional and human capital formation Working Groups: Renewable Energies Bio-economy, including food security Biodiversity and Climate Change ICT for Societal Challenges Health

2 Cross-cutting issues / CB
Heads of states European Union- Latin America and Caribbean INCO EU-CELAC SOM Senior officials of EU-CELAC governm. Cross-cutting issues / CB ICT Energy Biodiversity Climate Bioeconomy Health Projects supporting the JIRI Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation EULARINET ALCUE-NET ERA-NET LAC ENLACE EUCARINET ALCUE-KBBE CONECTA2020 LEADERSHIP Americas EU-LAC HEALTH ENSOCIO CEST+I B.BICE + ABEST III EUMEX-Innova

3 Main achievements of the JIRI:
A consolidated Science and Technology bi-regional dialogue on all these issues through the working groups Road maps for the implementation of the JIRI in the thematic areas as a sustainable mechanism to drive thematic joint initiatives Successful coordination of national programmes towards cooperation for research activities through ERANET LAC and ALCUE Net as executive arm of the the activities in support of the thematic working groups and the JIRI implementation Two joint calls for research projects co-funded by EU-CELAC agencies (without further funding from the EC) First call: 17 countries over 20 funding organizations from EU-LAC countries. Total volume 10.4 million €. Second call: 23 countries, 32 funding agencies; over 13 million €.

4 Towards a EU-CELAC Common Research Area
The future sustainability to the bi-regional cooperation on R&I after the lifetime of INCO Net ALCUE NET and the ERANet-LAC projects supporting this process on behalf of the EC (including SOM Technical Secretariat) needs to be addressed since the continuation of the activities and networks initialized under these projects is not yet secured. As a first step, the ERANet-LAC project proposed the concept of a so called “EU-CELAC Interest Group” concentrating on joint multilateral funding activities. The activities of a potential interest group need to go beyond funding activities in order to make a key contribution to a sustainable development of the EU-CELAC cooperation. The implementation of the Common Research Area (CRA) will be strengthened defining key strategic priorities, actions, instruments, and common commitments related to Mobility of Researchers; Global societal challenges; Research Infrastructure; and Innovation, among others.

5 EU-CELAC collaboration opportunities under SC5
Opportunities for EU-CELAC cooperation should be considered within the HORIZON 2020 Programme by focusing specific future calls, participant rules & new instruments to the EU CELAC Partnership as a target strategy for both regions. EU-CELAC collaboration opportunities under SC5 Forecasting of earthquakes and early warning capacity: Chile, Mexico (RIA, 2018) Inter-relations between climate change, biodiversity and ecosystems: cooperation with CELAC is encouraged (RIA, 2019) Strengthening EU-CELAC cooperation on sustainable urbanisation: Nature-based solutions [Sustainable urbanization, Smart Cities and Nature Based Solutions] for restoration of urban ecosystems – FLAGSHIP (RIA, 2019) - EU in the range of EUR 5 million

6 EU-CELAC under Health Translational collaborative cancer research between Europe and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States: Proposals must build on the diverse genetic backgrounds, risk factors, cancer incidence, geographical environment, and/or different health care models (including social care and volunteers) in European and CELAC countries - EUR 25 Million for this topic. Projects selected in the range of EUR 2 to 4 Million each For instance, cancers proportionally more frequent in the CELAC region include gastric, cervical, gallbladder, childhood leukaemia. DG Research - Direcciones de Cooperación Internacional, Salud, Transporte y de Cambio Climático particular atención están poniendo en México y Brasil. Reduction of transport impact on urban air quality - Budget: under discussion, EUR million, could be potentially increased Urban mobility and sustainable electrification in large urban areas in developing and emerging economies - Indicative EC budget for : A 15-20M€ budget could be envisaged.

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