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Balanced Literacy Workshop: Region 8

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1 Balanced Literacy Workshop: Region 8


3 Balanced Literacy: Modes of Instruction
Reading Aloud (Modeled Reading) Shared Reading Guided Reading Independent Reading Modeled or Interactive Writing Shared Writing Guided Writing Independent Writing *Word Study is infused throughout (decoding and encoding)

4 A Balanced Literacy Program
A balanced literacy program includes: Knowing students individually (ASSESSMENT) Gradual release of instruction (GROUPINGS & MODES OF INSTRUCTION) Balancing instructional activities including skills emphasis and meaning emphasis (STANDARDS/CURRICULUM GUIDES)

5 Assessment Investigation
In your school-based groups, determine the following. Make detailed notes on the provided graphic organizer: What literacy assessments are currently given in your building? Who implements each assessment? Which component of literacy is addressed through each assessment? What information is gleaned from the results of each assessment that helps guide instruction? How is data from each assessment used? Who uses it?

6 Group Share What literacy assessments are currently being given in your school that help drive instruction? Are there any literacy assessments that are given that are not used to form instructional groups or drive instruction? What are they used for? What are the strengths of your school’s approach to literacy assessments? What are the weaker areas of your school’s approach to literacy assessments?

7 Developmental Stages of Reading: Sorting Activity
Within a small group of 3-4, read through each set of cards. Match the text characteristic card with the reader characteristic card. Once you have matched the text to the reader, label with the appropriate developmental reading stage. Determine the description that best describes what reading workshop would look like for that developmental stage.

8 Matching Books to Stages of Development
In grade level groups, determine which texts align with each reading stage. Be sure to use the characteristics from the cards to justify your choices. Once you have each text placed into a stage, order the texts within the stage from easiest to hardest.

9 Literacy Comparison Chart
What is this chart? Who is it for? When would it be used? Why would you use it? How would you use it?

10 Foundational Word Knowledge
How much do you know about Phonics/Word Study? Student Login, Room: e5edad5c

11 Developmental Stages of Word Study
Sound Pattern Meaning Derivational Relations/Constancy Syllables and Affixes/ Syllable Juncture Within Word Letter Name Emergent

12 Principles of Word Study
Look for what students use but confuse A step backward is a step forward Use words students can read or pictures they know Compare words“that do” to words“that don’t” Sort by sounds, sight and meaning Begin with obvious contrasts Don’t hide exceptions Avoid rules Work for automaticity Return to meaningful text

13 Where to Start? How do we know where we need to begin word study instruction with our students? What can we do to regularly assess that we are instructing them on appropriate WS features?

14 Content of Word Study Stages
Take a few minutes to review the content frames of word study stages. In your table groups, choose one WS stage. Discuss instructional methods that you believe would help you effectively teach those stage features so that students could master them.

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