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Why Did President Bush Suddenly Start Talking about Standby Power? Alan Meier Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Did President Bush Suddenly Start Talking about Standby Power? Alan Meier Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why Did President Bush Suddenly Start Talking about Standby Power? Alan Meier Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

3 2 Standby Energy Use and Energy Savings Opportunities 1.Why did President Bush get interested in standby power? 2.How large is standby power? 3.Savings opportunities

4 President Bush Saw This Display…. And wrote an Executive Order about standby …

5 4 How Large Is Standby?

6 5 A TOUR OF LEAKING APPLIANCES IN A TYPICAL US HOME All measurements given in watts

7 6 6.5 yrs (answering machine) (modem)

8 7

9 8

10 9

11 10 (baby monitor)

12 11

13 12

14 13

15 14

16 15

17 16

18 17 (CO sensor)

19 18

20 19 (baby monitor)

21 20

22 21

23 22 Total Leaking Electricity: 74 W

24 23 Our New Neptune Draws 5 W 5 W

25 24 80.4W Tokyo 80W

26 Study Computer2.2 Printer5.0 Kitchen Clock Radio1.8 Portable phone3.1 Stoves (hardwired)4.6 Dishwasher2.6 Microwave3.4 Fridge/Freezer5.8 HallwayDoor bell transformer1.6 Family Room TV4.7 Video5.3 Cable TV box15.2 Stereo27.5 Security system21.5 Play Station (game)1.0 LaundryWashing Machine5.5 Dryer2.2 Bedroom 2Electronic timeclock0.8 Bedroom 4Clock Radio1.3 Central HeatingCondensing boiler10.3 TOTAL STANDBY (Watts)125.4 New Zealand 125 W

27 26 Paris 70 W

28 27 How Large Is Standby? 5% of residential electricity (~50W) –20 appliances/home –TVs and VCRs down, but number up –No estimates for commercial & industrial Similar levels in other Europe, Japan –Urban Chinese homes: ~30W already! ~1% of global CO 2 emissions

29 28 Reducing Standby Power 3 examples…

30 29 Case Study: Internet Appliance

31 30 Internet Appliance Savings

32 31 Satellite/Internet/DVR Box Microprocessor Power Supply “OFF” - 17 WattsON - 21 Watts Thermographs of

33 32 The 2002 Calypso Washer. It’s bigger, better… and it uses 1/10 the standby power of Neptune.

34 33 Reducing Standby Power Components –Low power components (include displays) Design –Don’t energize unneeded components Power Supply –Reduce no-load loss –Improve efficiency at low loads –Move switch to high-voltage side

35 End More Information

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