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Process of measurement, evaluation, identification, and prescription.

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Presentation on theme: "Process of measurement, evaluation, identification, and prescription."— Presentation transcript:

1 Process of measurement, evaluation, identification, and prescription.
Assessment Ch 1 & 2 Process of measurement, evaluation, identification, and prescription. “MEIP”

2 Assessment Measurement The collection of information
Testing and recording information To quantify - the assigning of a number to a performance or an attribute (qualitative = quality “good, bad” no numbers)

3 Assessment Evaluation The use of measurements in making a decision
Interpretation / giving meaning A judgment…… Superstar!

4 Assessment Evaluation Types (based on timing) Summative Evaluation
Takes place after the completion of the unit, program, etc. Used to show final outcome for that period

5 Assessment Evaluation Types (based on timing) Formative Evaluation
Takes place during the the unit, program, etc. Used to determine progress toward ultimate goal Key to addressing problems and correcting them as they occur Valuable tool for “feedback”

6 Assessment Evaluation Standards Norm-Referenced Standards
Individual’s performance is compared to the performance of a specific group Problem: group can vary over time Example: Growth charts for height and weight

7 Assessment Evaluation Standards Criterion-Referenced Standard
Individual’s performance is compared to a defined level of performance The criterion typically will not change over time Example:

8 Assessment Identification Find problem areas or weaknesses
Find strengths

9 Assessment Prescription Establish intervention
Best course of action to make improvements Based on identified strengths/weaknesses

10 What Results From Assessment?

11 Specific Outcomes From Assessment
Diagnosis Individual status Ability level Fitness level

12 Specific Outcomes From Assessment
Placement / Classification Status compared to others For grouping purposes Prevents overwhelming or underwhelming participants

13 Specific Outcomes From Assessment
Prediction “See into the future” Unknown from known Future performance from current status

14 Specific Outcomes From Assessment
Achievement Documented progress Reaching benchmarks Reaching identified goals

15 Specific Outcomes From Assessment
Motivation Encouragement Goal achievement Pride or status associated with reaching benchmark

16 Specific Outcomes From Assessment
Program Effectiveness Progress by clientele shows program’s ability If the client doesn’t improve, was it their own fault or was the program ineffective?

17 Speaking of Your Program……
Got Plans? Do you know they’ll work? How can you find out if they do work?

18 Program Development Basic Steps:
Program Philosophy Basis for action Program Goals Global - realistic Specific - measurable Planning Program Activities Directly linked to specific goals Logical progression

19 Program Development Basic Steps:
Program Delivery (examples) Units to lessons Macrocycles to microcycles to workouts Program Evaluation Formative Summative

20 Summary Learning is behavior change (FACTS)
Teaching is facilitating learning Process of assessment is four-fold (MEIP) Outcome of assessment is six-fold (diagnosis, placement, prediction, achievement, motivation, program effectiveness) Program development has 5 steps

21 Questions?

22 End Ch 1 & 2

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