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A Brief Insight into Age Group Performance Swimming Ian Turner

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Presentation on theme: "A Brief Insight into Age Group Performance Swimming Ian Turner"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Brief Insight into Age Group Performance Swimming Ian Turner

2 Ours is a tough sport Not every youngster is suited to it

3 Commitment Based Sport

4 “Exposure to the stimulus”

5 Very Little Exposure (commitment)
Very Little Improvement

6 Improvement comes if you attend the workouts + train with a purpose

7 Majority of improvement comes during certain windows of a child's physiological development

8 *Assuming Regular attendance
Maturity Age Ages 13-16 Ages 11-14 Boys Girls *Assuming Regular attendance

9 How do we improve? 3 Ups

10 Show Up

11 Keep Up

12 Speed Up

13 The Formula of Success in Age Group Swimming

14 Swimmers Post 12 years of age

15 Term: Recreational/ Swim Fit YOU WILL NOT GET A RESULT
1-2 Workouts Per Week Term: Recreational/ Swim Fit YOU WILL NOT GET A RESULT

16 3-4 Workouts per week Term: Participation / Peripheral Achievement / Twilight Zone YOU WILL NOT FUFILL YOUR POTENTIAL

17 5-6 Workouts per week Term: Fairly Committed YOU CAN GET A RESULT

18 7 upwards workouts per week
Term: Committed YOU WILL INFLUENCE THE RESULTS Where do you fit in???

19 Swimmers Be Realistic Mistake of Low Commitment but High Expectations

20 Parental Aspirations Mistake of Low Commitment but High Expectations

21 There are NO SHORTCUTS

22 Swimmers Pre 12 years

23 Aged 8-9 Years Build attendance from 2 workouts per week

24 Aged 10 and above Add 1 workout per year of age

25 Be Aware! Bigger and Stronger swimmers will succeed in the short distances Skill not always rewarded Late Bloomers will Inherit the Earth Skill/ Technique will Prevail Early Success in Younger Age Groups may not Continue? In Younger Age Groups In Older Age Groups

26 Have a Deliberate purpose to your swimming

27 Work with Energy

28 Skill/ Talent are not the only criteria

29 Try these new guidelines :
No toilet breaks If you need to get out for any other reasons than cramp, then please get changed and ring your parents to collect you

30 As a Head Coach: How many times to you meet your assistant coaches?
Do you share information with your assistant coaches? Are you educating them to become a better coach than yourself? It’s your responsibility to up skill your coaches. How often do you swap roles an take the age groupers?

31 As a Head Coach: Have you established a coaching ideology within your coach How motivated are you to see Northern Ireland succeed? Will you buy into a plan that ensures regional success? Will your club buy into a Regional Plan that ensures success? Are you part of the answer or are you the problem? Who writes the workouts/weekly plan for your club?

32 As a Head Coach: Can you spot what is in front of you?
Do you have a sustainable legacy programme to keep you in business

33 Other than yourself, who is the most important coach in your club?

34 Something to Remember Greatness isn't born It’s GROWN!!!
Will you allow it to happen by attending more workouts?

35 Something to Consider! Analysis of results
The finals session on days 1-3 at the ASA summer nationals The finals sessions at the British Summer nationals

36 Findings Finalists in the 12-16yrs category born Jan-Mar
132 Finalists in the 12-16yrs category born Oct-Dec 31 Ratio 4:1 COMMENTS? Findings produced by Dr. Jonathon Savory (Boston SC)

37 That’s all

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