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Prayer Praying for the Community

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1 Prayer Praying for the Community

2 Why? John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Luke 10:27 Jesus said “Love the Lord your god with all your heart and all your strength and with all your mind and love your neighbour as yourself.”

3 Who is the community? Our own neighbours that we live near
Shopkeepers and customers Schools Children’s centre Medical centre Residential/nursing home And the rest......

4 A few things to bear in mind!
John 10:10 I came that you may have life and have it abundantly. What is abundant life for our community? Titus 3:1 and 2 we are to be subject to authorities so we need to remember that. Paul ask for prayer to open doors for his message of Good news Col 4:3 In prayer we are to be watchful and thankful Col4:2 Go around with our eyes open to see opportunities for prayer.

5 A few things to bear in mind!
In the world we are to be salt and light Matt 5:14-16 Shine like stars in the universe Phil 2:15. Col 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

6 Practical Ways to pray Open doors Every time you open a door whether to go into a shop, school house or where ever pray that as you are opening the door God will open a way into that building situation to show his love through Jesus. Sit in the local coffee shop window and pray for any passer by you see or people in the shop. When you are in shops buying stuff pray for the person on the check out, pray for the person in the queue, pray for the managers and owners of the businesses. Pray for patience, pray for prosperity and honesty in business.

7 Practical Ways to pray Newsletter, Free press, pray for anything relating to Highfields and Woodlands. Look in the law courts bit. Pray for offenders from this area and their victims. Pray for the local councillors. For genuine concern for justice for this area. Carry around a bit of salt and sprinkle bits here and there. Salt makes a difference. Salt brings flavour. As you do this pray that conversations will be helpful, constructive, make a difference.

8 Practical Ways to pray Carry a little flashlight on your key ring and in your pocket and press on it in areas that you feel are particularly dark (in terms of no future or a lot of crime etc) and pray for God’s light and hope to shine. That lies and wrongdoing will be exposed and eradicated. Light candles in your house and pray the same thing. Prayer walk the area. Touch your lips and pray that you will be prepared and speak with wisdom and love.

9 Practical Ways to pray Sit in your window and pray for all the passers by (abundant life, health, enough money, good relationships) all the things you would want for yourself! AND a relationship with God that they would know the love of Jesus for them.

10 Diocesan Development Day
DDD is happening Sat October 6th. It’s all about being salt and light. Let’s go!


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