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HARC PROGRAMS as of 10/28 November Video – Winlink Digital Mode

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Presentation on theme: "HARC PROGRAMS as of 10/28 November Video – Winlink Digital Mode"— Presentation transcript:

1 HARC PROGRAMS as of 10/28 November Video – Winlink Digital Mode
October Emergency Go-Kit I Jim Monson November Emergency Go-Kit II Jim Monson December Christmas Dinner at the Burien Elks January EMComm discussion Chief Madson February Annual budget & Nominations for 2017 March WSPR Demo Nelson Spohneimer April Emergency Shack Power Larry Shirk May FD Logging and Radio Operation June FD 2017 July 4th of July and FD Review August Solar Eclipse September dBs what they are and how they are used, KVI/UA October Auction & video What is WinLink November Video – Winlink Digital Mode


3 November 2017 Agenda Acknowledgements/Announcements Treasurer’s Report
HARC Christmas Party  Emcomm Report 5th Saturday exercise in late December Merging STAR functions into HARC Highline Water District Request FirstNet update, KA7OVQ Discussion on the recent 60 meter interoperability exercise with the DOD, W7DFO Repeater Status Property Committee Future HARC Events & Activities     Operating Events and Propagation update     Show & tell;  Good of the order Program Video - - Winlink Digital Mode

4 Acks and Announcements
Earl N7EP, Larry AA7UA, Bill W7KXB, Nelson W7KVI – picking up guy cable and 60’ tower and telescoping pole from Dennis’ QTH Duane KF7ZMZ, for preventing Nelson W7KXB from writing a $7980 check from HARC (next slide) Larry AA7UA for delivering a $500 HARC check to Joan, Dennis’ XYL Christmas Party – (ongoing) – Bill Harris W7KXB and Koda Mondragon KI7IXR Substantial activity, HARC thanks you both for this effort. A few decisions remain (next topic) Bruce Blair K7BAB – Volunteered to serve as Trustee vice Tony Alix Bruce is appointed as a HARC trustee effective immediately By mutual consent and KVI request, Tony and Bruce will both participate while Tony is still in the area

5 Fraudulent Check Request
Original message From: Nelson Spohnheimer Date: 11/9/17 8:13 AM (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: Due Payment ! Duane, Good morning, How are you ? Do you have some minutes to spare please? We have a quick international payment to be process in amount of $7,980 USD. Kindly confirm we do have this funds to cover the amount requested. Awaiting for your response..  Thank you, Nelson Spohnheimer

6 Treasurer’s Report

7 Amazon Smile Activity Mid-Nov Donation from Amazon - $19.71

8 HARC Christmas Party Thursday, December 14, Mitzel’s, Kent Cost - $XX
Finalize by 12/1: Menu – HARC will pay the invoice, attendees pay HARC prior to or after the event (starting today!).

9 EMCOMM December 2017 5th Saturday Exercise - Ken
Highline Water District Request Merging STAR functions into HARC Ad Hoc Committee for initial Scoping? FirstNet update – WA and OR activity, Mark, WA7AOV Recent 60m Interoperability Exercise – Brian, W7DFO

10 Repeater Status New (Fusion-capable) repeaters. New rack fans on hand
Both on hand. Voice announcement capability being installed External controller interface just underway New rack fans on hand Transistors to (hopefully) repair ICOM UHF repeater (currently operating at 28 watts vs 50) are on hand. If interfacing new repeaters is a lengthy task, may temporarily install a new repeater as the UHF asset while the ICOM UHF is repaired. System Fusion architecture and capability to be a future program topic.

11 Property Committee Initial small auction worked out some procedures – thanks to Tony, Duane, Bill. Next step – plan a larger auction, potentially with other clubs invited, possibly on a non-meeting day Plan around, and/or include, the Puyallup Swapfest Need Volunteers for this Ad Hoc committee Longer-term implementation of Property Policy Need Volunteers for Property Committee membership

12 Future HARC Events & Activities
VOLUNTEERS WELCOME! Club Property Auction(s) Jan-Mar Elections early February-April Merge STAR/HARC (ongoing after initial meeting) Field day June July 4th Parade Zombiefest September JOTA October

13 11/17 - Operating Events Calendar

14 W7POE 2017 SS

15 Propagation – Sunspots - 1
Daily Sunspot Number

16 Propagation – Sunspots - 2

17 Example Propagation

18 November 2017 Show n’ Tell Good of the Order
Program: Winlink part 2 - ~20 min video on hardware and software Post-video brief discussion – W7POE hardware, some transfer results, hands-on HARC session

19 W7POE Winlink Hardware – PACTOR I

20 Winlink Connection Results using PACTOR I

21 Winlink Connection Results using Winmore (software modem)

22 PACTOR Performance vs Software Modem (Winmor)

23 Winlink Hands-on Session?
Purpose – install & configure software, review connection methods, practice peer-peer transfer Attendees must bring laptop or desktop capable of wi-fi We MIGHT provide HF rig, antenna, Signalink for on-air demos, and/or V/UHF connections Probably on a non-meeting day Show of hands – interested & plan to attend? Good/bad times? (perhaps 12/23 through 1/21 time frame? Depends on meeting room availability END END END END END

24 Info For Board Discussion
Payment to Joan before Christmas $500 Completed Does club want to purchase 2nd Yaesu repeater $600 Approved by membership Merge STAR and HARC Report on Progress – establish scoping committee Dec/Jan? Update Bylaws Report on Progress – no progress as of 11/17 meeting Implement New Ham list Lets get a show of hands for those members who would like to attend a hands-on winlink session (to be set up on a non meeting day)

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