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6. The lie that destroyed the world

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1 6. The lie that destroyed the world
James 1v13-18 6. The lie that destroyed the world God cannot be tempted by evil v13 Jesus never gave in to temptation Heb 4v15 Sin always begins in the heart v14-15 Sin? Go to Christ for cleansing & move on Rom 8v33-39, Jn 8v10-11 The lie that destroyed the world: ‘God is tempted by evil’ God is the Author of everything that is good v13, v16-17, Mt 7v9-11 The devil is the author of everything that is evil 2 Cor 4v4 God has no hidden agenda, He is love Eze 33v11, Zep 3v17 The devil implied God had been tempted by evil, so Eve sinned Gen 2v16-17, 3v4-5 Our God is good all the time 2 Tim 4v18, Jas 1v16-17, 1 Jn 1v5 God is complete. He has no need of anything Jn 14v30, Ps 50v9-12

2 6. The lie that destroyed the world
James 1v13-18 6. The lie that destroyed the world God chose to give us a new birth v18 He chose us out of the goodness of His Own heart He snatched us from the power of the sin, to be under His power He birthed us through His Word We are God’s new humanity v18

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