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Reduction of Accumulated Solids

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Presentation on theme: "Reduction of Accumulated Solids"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reduction of Accumulated Solids

2 Reduction of Total Suspended Solids - Precursor of Sludge Formation -

3 Animal Waste Lagoons (CAFO)

4 VBTTM Impact on Total Suspended Solids(TSS) – Iowa Dairy
65% Reduction in TSS in First 60 Days

5 VBTTM Impact on Total Suspended Solids (TSS) – California Dairy
Total Solids (mg/L) Trend Line 39.5% Reduction in Total Solids Time

6 On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF) Testing

7 NSF Test NSF International conducted a Performance Evaluation of VBTTM to Schedule 40 standards over 6 months.

8 NSF Test Average TSS reduced from 212 mg/L (influent) to 36 mg/L (effluent) - 83% Reduction in highest loading TSS (1,300 mg/L) by 95%

9 Summary of NSF Tests – Suspended Solids
83% Average Reduction Solids (mg/L)

10 Trinity River Authority of Texas (TRA) Evaluation
A series of samples were taken from a standard septic tank installation over a period of 9 months. Three tanks – initially with VBTTM in second tank only. Later, second VBTTM added to first tank.

11 TRA Results With only 1 VBTTM - TSS reduced by 69%
With second VBTTM added - TSS reduced by 79% - Discharge to disposal field at less than 30 mg/L

12 Single VBTTM Effect on TSS


14 Reduction of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) - Precursor of Sludge Formation -

15 VBTTM Impact on BOD5/VOC
- California Dairy - 83% Reduction in BOD BOD (mg/L) Trend line

16 VBTTM Impact on BOD5/VOC
- Iowa Dairy - 75% Reduction in BOD5 in First 60 Days

17 On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF) Testing

18 NSF International Test
Average BOD5 reduced from 202 mg/L (influent) to 51 mg/L (effluent) - 74% Reduction in highest loading BOD5 (660 mg/L) by 89%

19 Summary of NSF Tests – BOD5
74% Average Reduction BOD5 (mg/L)

20 Trinity River Authority of Texas (TRA) Evaluation
A series of samples were taken from a standard septic tank installation over a period of 9 months. Three tanks – initially with VBTTM in second tank only. Later, second VBTTM added to first tank.

21 TRA Results With only 1 VBTTM - BOD5 reduced by 69%
With second VBTTM added - BOD5 reduced by 85% - Discharge to disposal field at less than 30 mg/L

22 Single VBTTM Effect on BOD5


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