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Administering a Database System

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1 Administering a Database System
Access Project 9 Administering a Database System

2 Objectives Convert a database to an earlier version of Access
Use the Table Analyzer, Performance Analyzer, and Documenter Enable and use automatic error checking Create a custom input mask Create and use smart tags

3 Objectives Import and link SharePoint Services lists and use online collaboration Set startup options Set and remove passwords Encode a database Set the macro security level

4 Objectives Use replication and synchronize the Design Master and the replica Split a database Create an MDE File Specify user-level security

5 Converting a Database to an Earlier Version
Open the Ashton James College database in Microsoft Office Access 2003 as described on page AC 532 Click Tools on the menu bar, point to Database Utilities on the Tools menu, and then point to Convert Database on the Database Utilities submenu Click To Access 97 File Format Type Ashton James College 97 as the name of the file, and then click the Save button in the Convert Database Into dialog box If a warning message appears, click the OK button

6 Converting a Database to an Earlier Version

7 Using the Table Analyzer
Click Tools on the menu bar, and then point to Analyze on the Tools menu Click Table Click the Next button Make sure the Client table is selected

8 Using the Table Analyzer
Click the Next button Be sure the “Yes, let the wizard decide” option button is selected Because the type of duplication identified by the analyzer does not pose a problem, click the Cancel button

9 Using the Table Analyzer

10 Using the Performance Analyzer
Click Tools on the menu bar, point to Analyze on the Tools menu, and then click Performance on the Analyze submenu If necessary, click the Tables tab Click the Select All button to select all tables Click the OK button Click the Close button

11 Using the Performance Analyzer

12 Using the Documenter Click Tools on the menu bar, point to Analyze on the Tools menu, and then click Documenter on the Analyze submenu Click the Tables tab and then click the Client check box Click the OK button Click the Print button on the Print Preview toolbar to print the documentation Close the window by clicking its Close button

13 Using the Documenter

14 Enabling Error Checking
Click Tools on the menu bar Click Options on the Tools menu, and then click the Error Checking tab Be sure the Enable error checking box is checked Click the OK button

15 Enabling Error Checking

16 Creating a Custom Input Mask
If necessary, click the Tables object to be sure the tables appear Right-click Client and then click Design View on the shortcut menu Maximize the window containing the design by double-clicking its title bar With the Client Number field selected, click the Input Mask property, and then type >LL99 as the value

17 Creating a Custom Input Mask
Close the window containing the design by clicking its Close Window button When prompted to save the changes, click the Yes button

18 Adding a Smart Tag to a Field in a Table
With the Tables object selected, right-click the Trainer table Click Design View on the shortcut menu and make sure the window is maximized Click the row selector for the Last Name field Click the Smart Tags text box Click the Build button

19 Adding a Smart Tag to a Field in a Table
Click the check box for the Person Name smart tag Click the OK button Close the window containing the table by clicking its Close Window button Save your changes by clicking the Yes button

20 Adding a Smart Tag to a Field in a Table

21 Adding a Smart Tag to a Control in a Form
Click Forms on the Objects bar Right-click the form called Trainer Master Form Click Design View on the shortcut menu and maximize the window, if necessary If a field list appears, close the field list by clicking its Close button Right-click the Last Name control

22 Adding a Smart Tag to a Control in a Form
Click Properties on the shortcut menu Be sure the All tab is selected. Scroll down until the Smart Tags property appears, and then click the Smart Tags property Click the Build button Click the check box for the Person Name smart tag

23 Adding a Smart Tag to a Control in a Form
Click the OK button Close the property sheet Close the Design window containing the Trainer Master Form by clicking its Close Window button Click the Yes button to save the change

24 Adding a Smart Tag to a Control in a Form

25 Setting Startup Options
Click Tools on the menu bar Click Startup and then click the Display Form/Page box arrow Click Switchboard and then click the OK button

26 Setting a Password Click Tools on the menu bar, and then point to Security on the Tools menu Click Set Database Password Type your password in the Password text box in the Set Database Password dialog box. Asterisks, not the actual characters, appear as you type your password Press the TAB key and then type your password again in the Verify text box

27 Setting a Password Be sure to remember the password that you type
You will use it again in the next sections Click the OK button

28 Encoding a Database Close the window containing the database by clicking its Close button Click Tools on the menu bar, and then click Security on the Tools menu Click Encode/Decode Database

29 Encoding a Database Select the Harton-Janes Clinic database, and then click the OK button Enter your password and then click the OK button in the Password Required dialog box Type Harton-Janes Clinic Enc as the file name in the File name box, and then click the Save button

30 Encoding a Database

31 Removing a Password Open the Harton-Janes Clinic database in exclusive mode You will need to enter your password when requested Click Tools on the menu bar, and then point to Security on the Tools menu Click Unset Database Password Type the password in the Unset Database Password dialog box and click the OK button

32 Removing a Password

33 Setting the Macro Security Level
Click Tools on the menu bar Point to Macro on the Tools menu Click Security If necessary, click the Security Level tab Click the desired security level

34 Creating a Replica Click Tools on the menu bar, point to Replication, and then point to Create Replica Click Create Replica Click the Yes button When asked if you want Microsoft Access to make a backup of your database, click the Yes button Be sure the Save in box contains the location where you want to place the replica

35 Creating a Replica Be sure the default name, Replica of Harton- Janes Clinic appears in the File name text box as the name of the replica Click the OK button Close the Database window for the Harton-Janes Clinic : Design Master by clicking its Close button

36 Creating a Replica

37 Using the Replica Click Open on the Database toolbar, and then click Local Disk (C:) in the Look in box Click the Data folder, make sure the database called Replica of Harton-Janes Clinic is selected, and then click the Open button With the Tables object selected, right-click Patient Click Open on the shortcut menu, and then click the New Record button

38 Using the Replica Type the final record shown in Figure 9-57 on page AC 565 Click the last name of patient number SC26, erase the current name, and then type Timson as the new name Click the Close button for the window containing the Patient table Click the Close button for the Replica of Harton-Janes Clinic : Database window

39 Using the Replica

40 Synchronizing the Design Master and the Replica
Click the Open button on the Database toolbar If necessary, click Local Disk (C:) in the Look in box, and then click the Data folder (assuming your database is stored in a folder called Data) Make sure the Harton-Janes Clinic database is selected Click the Open button arrow (not the button itself)

41 Synchronizing the Design Master and the Replica
Click Open Exclusive in the list that appears Click Tools on the menu bar, and then point to Replication Click Synchronize Now If necessary, click the Directly with Replica option button in the Synchronize Database ‘Harton-Janes Clinic’ dialog box, and then click the OK button

42 Synchronizing the Design Master and the Replica
When a message appears indicating that Microsoft Access must close the database in order to perform the synchronization, click the Yes button Click the OK button in the Microsoft Office Access dialog box Click the Close button for the Harton-Janes Clinic : Design Master Database window

43 Synchronizing the Design Master and the Replica

44 Splitting the Database
Open the Ashton James College Converted database that you created in the previous steps. If the Security Warning dialog box appears, click the Open button When the Main Switchboard window appears, close it by clicking its Close button With the Database window appearing, click Tools on the menu bar, and then point to Database Utilities on the Tools menu

45 Splitting the Database
Click Database Splitter on the Database Utilities submenu Click the Split Database button. Be sure the file name in the Create Back-end Database dialog box that appears is Ashton James College Converted_be.mdb, and then click the Split button Click the OK button

46 Splitting the Database

47 Creating an MDE File Click the Close button for the Ashton James College Converted : Database window Click Tools on the menu bar, and then point to Database Utilities on the Tools menu Click Make MDE File Double-click Ashton James College Converted in the Database to Save as MDE dialog box When the Save MDE As dialog box appears, be sure the Save as type box contains MDE File (*.mde) and click the Save button

48 Creating an MDE File

49 Summary Convert a database to an earlier version of Access
Use the Table Analyzer, Performance Analyzer, and Documenter Enable and use automatic error checking Create a custom input mask Create and use smart tags

50 Summary Import and link SharePoint Services lists and use online collaboration Set startup options Set and remove passwords Encode a database Set the macro security level

51 Summary Use replication and synchronize the Design Master and the replica Split a database Create an MDE File Specify user-level security

52 Access Project 9 Complete

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