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PROPOSED APPOINTMENT PROCEDURE AND CRITRIA: National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) 30 November 2016 Date.

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Presentation on theme: "PROPOSED APPOINTMENT PROCEDURE AND CRITRIA: National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) 30 November 2016 Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROPOSED APPOINTMENT PROCEDURE AND CRITRIA: National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) 30 November 2016 Date

2 Members must be appointed in a manner ensuring:
Guidelines: appointment of national youth development agency board members INTRODUCTION The NYDA Act, (Act 54 of 2008) provides the procedures and processes for the appointment of the Board Members. The Board consists of seven (7) members, two (2) of whom are executive directors; and Members must be appointed in a manner ensuring: Participation by youth in the nomination process; Transparency and openness; and That a short-list of candidates for appointment is published. Members must reflect the demographics and the geographical spread of the Republic. The Chapter 9’s are established in section 181 Although other countries have ombuds and NHRIs – their establishment/placement in our Constitution makes them unique and provides an indication of their importance to our constitutional democracy

Guidelines: appointment of national youth development agency board members CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERATION The minimum criteria for appointment as a board member are set out in sections 9 and 10 of the NYDA Act. Desirable criteria for Shortlisting: A South African citizen. Be knowledgeable and experienced on youth development interventions in enhancing their capabilities as key agents for socio-economic and innovation. Have a proven performance on youth development, leadership and participation in youth structures. Sound judgement, high integrity, reliability, independent, team player and commitment to serve the NYDA mission and goals. The Chapter 9’s are established in section 181 Although other countries have ombuds and NHRIs – their establishment/placement in our Constitution makes them unique and provides an indication of their importance to our constitutional democracy

4 Some thoughts for consideration when evaluating a candidate
Guidelines: appointment of national youth development agency board members Some thoughts for consideration when evaluating a candidate

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