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Ir312 Introduction to Key Diplomatic terms and concepts

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1 Ir312 Introduction to Key Diplomatic terms and concepts
Dr. Jared O. Bell, Assistant Professor of International Relations and Public Administration Faculty of Business and Administration International University of Sarajevo

2 How do we define Diplomacy?

3 Diplomacy is….. is the practice of states working with one another to develop relations based on mutual interests, wants, needs or goals.

4 Origins of Modern Diplomacy
Modern Diplomacy has it’s roots in northern Italy during the early Renaissance period with the first Embassies being established in the 13th century. Milan especially played a role in establishing Diplomatic relations with other city states in the region.

5 Diplomacy and Concepts of Power
Soft Power Hard Power Soft power is a concept developed by Joseph Nye of Harvard University to describe the ability to attract and co-opt rather than by coercion using economic or cultural influences. Hard power is the use of military and economic means to influence the behavior or interests of other political bodies. This form of political power is often aggressive (coercion), and is most effective when imposed by one political body upon another of lesser military and/or economic power.

6 Examples of Hard and Soft Power
Hard Power Iranian Nuclear power negotiations Cuban Missile Crisis Marshall Plan Iraqi War War in Afghanistan War over the Falkland Islands Give some more examples of where and how soft power and hard power have been used???

7 Balance of Power The balance of power theory in international relations suggests that national security is enhanced when military capability is distributed so that no one state is strong enough to dominate all others. Example: US-Soviet struggle for power and influence for more than 50 years. What are some other examples of balances of power acted out in international relations in modern history?

8 Two main types of Diplomacy
Bilateral Diplomacy Multi-lateral Diplomacy

9 Bilateral Diplomacy Involves how two nations deal with one another and each other’s interests, wants, needs, and goals.

10 Example of Bilateral Relations
An agreement between Russia and the United States to reduce nuclear arms.

11 Multi-lateral Diplomacy
Involves how multiple nations deal with each other’s interests, wants, needs, and goals.

12 Other types of Diplomacy
Cultural Diplomacy Public Diplomacy Gun Boat Diplomacy Economic Diplomacy Shuttle Diplomacy Preventative Diplomacy

13 Cultural Diplomacy Cultural diplomacy a type of public diplomacy and soft power that includes the "exchange of ideas, information, art and other aspects of culture among nations and their peoples in order to foster mutual understanding. Example: Cultural Change programs between countries, US- German American partnership program.

14 Public Diplomacy Public diplomacy or people's diplomacy, broadly speaking, is the communication with foreign publics to establish a dialogue designed to inform and influence. Example: By paying his own hotel bill, living in a modest apartment, driving a Ford Focus, and reaching out to the poor, as well as firing a few people, Pope Francis did more in 2013 to improve the Catholic Church’s image than anything Vatican diplomacy has offered for decades.

15 Gun Boat Diplomacy refers to the pursuit of foreign policy objectives with the aid of conspicuous displays of naval power— implying or constituting a direct threat of warfare. Example: South China Sea Crisis 

16 Example of Multilateral Relations
An agree between countries hand over (a person accused or convicted of a crime) to the jurisdiction of the foreign state in which the crime was committed.

17 Economic Diplomacy Economic diplomacy is the use of the full spectrum economic tools of the state to achieve its national interest. Economic diplomacy includes all the economic activities, including but not limited to export, import, investment, lending, aid, free trade agreements etc. Example: The U.S. Food aide to North Korea to stop Nuclear program

18 Shuttle Diplomacy Shuttle Diplomacy are negotiations conducted by a mediator who travels between two or more parties that are reluctant to hold direct discussions. Example: Israel-Palestine for a one state solution

19 Preventative Diplomacy
 Preventative diplomacy is action to prevent disputes from arising between parties, to prevent existing disputes from escalating into conflicts and to limit the spread of the latter when they occur. Dayton Accords Give another example of preventative diplomacy?

20 Functions of Diplomacy?
To trade To establish laws To avoid conflicts To end conflicts What else can diplomacy be used for?

21 Understanding Diplomatic Relations
Diplomacy and diplomatic relations are carried out by representatives of governments in foreign countries at Embassies. Embassies are made up of staff that aim to help a country maintain diplomatic relations within another country.

22 Diplomatic Agreements
Diplomatic Agreements are formed through Treaties Conventions Memorandums of Understanding What are examples of some of diplomatic agreements ?

23 Foreign Policy A state’s foreign policies are self- interest strategies chosen by that particular state to protect it’s national interests and achieve it’s goals within the international community

24 What are the connections between foreign policy and diplomacy?
Diplomacy is used to execute and sell the foreign policies states have crafted. Foreign Policy is what you do, diplomacy is how you do it.

25 What are the factors in how a country carries out it’s diplomacy and foreign policy?
Geography History Culture National Interest Economic Development Ideology Public opinion What else can be a factor?

26 What Factors can we see in the video?

27 Diplomacy isn’t static
A country’s diplomacy doesn’t stay one way, it changes along with what is happening regionally and globally. Give some example of what has changed diplomacy and foreign tactics in the global community today?

28 Old Versus New Diplomacy
Old Diplomacy New Diplomacy Diplomacy rooted community of Interest of a small group of leaders. Old diplomacy was a variant of secret diplomacy. Diplomacy pre 19 century is termed as traditional diplomacy Features of Traditional Diplomacy: Europe centric: Concert of Europe Monopoly of Aristocratic class and of professional diplomats Based largely on Bilateral basis and was usually undertaken in secrecy. Agenda of traditional diplomacy was parochial and narrow in comparison. Emerged together with the Balance of Power system, as at the heart of the transition lay the suspicion of then public about the whole system of balance of power which they identified as the main cause of the First world war. Role of Diplomacy merged with secrecy and espionage. Integration of Public opinion Into Diplomacy and formulation of Foreign Policy Change in The structure of the International society: rise of Multilateral Diplomacy and Role of the United Nations. The Stage of diplomacy now shared with other Non state actors. The agenda of New Diplomacy Also includes Economic and social welfare as well as military issues.

29 What are diplomats? Diplomats members of foreign services and diplomatic corps of various nations of the world.  Diplomats are the oldest form of any of the foreign policy institutions of the state, predating by centuries foreign ministers and ministerial offices. A French ambassador in Ottoman dress, painted by Antoine de Favray, 1766, Pera Museum, Istanbul.

30 Where Do Diplomats fit in?
Diplomats play a variety of roles such as: Representation Negotiations Reporting Protections of national Interest abroad Maintenance of International peace and promotion of peace and cooperation Help craft and formulate foreign policy


32 Topic for Next Class: Understanding Diplomacy and International Societies I
Reading for next class! Sharp (2009).pp

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