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Reproductive Physiology

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Presentation on theme: "Reproductive Physiology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproductive Physiology
What in the World is Going on in There!


3 GnRH

4 GnRH LH and FSH +

5 Ovarian Structures Follicles Corpus Luteum (CL)
Balloon-like structures Produces estrogen Contain the oocyte (egg) Corpus Luteum (CL) Solid structure Produces progesterone The ovary contains two main structures, follicles and the corpus luteum called the CL. Read the slide.

6 Waves of Follicular Development
Ovulation Ovulation 1st 2nd Wave Wave Hormone Concentration 5 10 15 Estrus Days Relative to Estrus Estrus

7 The Ovarian Cycle – Growth of the CL
Estrus Estrus At heat, the a large follicle exists on the ovary. This follicle produces large amounts of estrogen that stimulates heat. Estrogen also causes the rupture of the follicle and the formation of a CL. During the cycle the CL grows until around days after heat. If the female is NOT pregnant, prostaglandin is released and the CL dies. Once the CL begins to die another follicle begins to mature, produce large amounts of estrogen and the next heat results.

8 GnRH LH and FSH + Estrogen + Progesterone -

9 GnRH LH and FSH + Estrogen + Progesterone - PGF -

10 The Estrous Cycle in Cattle
LH 1st Progesterone 2nd Wave Wave Hormone Concentration Estrogen FSH 5 10 15 Estrus Days Relative to Estrus Estrus

11 General Repro Statistics
Estrous Cycle Length = 21 days; range 17-24 Length of estrus = 12 hours; range 6-24 Ovulation = hours after the end of estrus or 30 hours after beginning of estrus; range 18-48 Gestation length = 283; range

12 Estrus Synchronization

13 Estrus Synchronization
Methods to synchronize estrus were developed to enhance the use of AI in beef and dairy cattle Daily observation of estrus is labor intensive and inefficient Choosing the right protocol is the key to success

14 Factors Impacting Your Choice
Cows – how many are likely anestrus? Anestrus is a reproductive state in which cows are NOT coming into estrus Anestrus occurs after each calving Normally mature cows are anestrous for days and young cows for days. How long a cow is anestrus is influenced by her: BCS Number of days since calving Age (how many two year olds) The proportion of cows that are anestrous dictates which program is used.

15 Factors Impacting Your Choice
How much time and labor are you willing to dedicate to being successful? Do you work full time? Do you have help? Can you schedule the technician? Do you have good facilities? Head catch, chute, alley, sorting tubs Sort pens, holding pens

16 Pharmaceuticals Used GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone)
Action: Stimulate rupture of a follicle which results in the release of the egg, formation of a corpus luteum, and resets follicle growth Used at the beginning AND end of most protocols Products Cystorelin Fertagyl Factrel Ova Cyst Generic

17 Pharmaceuticals Used Progestins
Biological Action: Imitates the CL, inhibits estrus if the cows have started cycling, induces estrus in anestrous cows Products MGA Feed additive Feed at a rate of .5 mg/hd/day CIDR

18 Pharmaceuticals Used Prostaglandins
Action: Stimulate the death of the CL and decreased progesterone so that the cow can come into estrus Typically given at the end of the protocol Products Lutalyse Estrumate In-Synch

19 Heifer Systems With heat detection


21 With less heat detection
Heifer Systems With less heat detection




25 Heifer Systems With no heat detection




29 5-day PG + CIDR 66-72 hr

30 Cow Systems With heat detection

31 If Most of the Cows are Cyclic….

32 If Most of The Cows Are Anestrus…

33 With limited heat detection
Cow Systems With limited heat detection


35 Cow Systems With no heat detection


37 Resynch GnRH + TAI GnRH GnRH PG Heat Patch Breed Red Patches CIDR CIDR
7 10 24 31 32-35 14 days

38 Results Conception Rate Resynch 45-75%
No real difference between protocols Resynch 70-85% AI after 2 rounds 85-90+% after 3 rounds

39 Summary Tons of systems = information overload! Systems I use
Only have time for timed-insemination Heifers – 5-day PG + CIDR Cows – 7-day CO-Synch + CIDR

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