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Our Lady of the Missions Parent help guide:

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1 Our Lady of the Missions Parent help guide:
R McNeil

2 Fractions, decimals and percentages is a key mathematical concept taught throughout primary school and beyond. Children should be confident in converting and calculating fractions, decimals and percentages and applying these skills to every day life. Introduction

3 Definitions A fraction is part of a whole. • the top number (the numerator) says how many parts there are • the bottom number (the denominator) says how many parts the whole is divided into. A decimal is a way of writing a number that is not whole. The decimal point always separates the whole numbers and the tenths and hundredths (say these with extra emphasis on the ‘ths’ to avoid confusion). A percentage is a number expressed as a fraction of 100. When talking about percentages, we imagine that 'a whole' has been divided into 100 equal parts. 

4 I can share out a group of items by making smaller groups and can split a whole object into smaller parts. MNU 0-07a Skills: Give out individual items from a set. Split a whole object into smaller parts. Split a whole object into a specified number of parts. Identify the importance of equal sharing when splitting a whole object into smaller parts. Understand the concept of “half”. Strategies: Use materials, cubes, draw out problem, act out. Early level (P1)

5 Examples Draw a ring around half of the items.
Half the number of spots on each ladybird. Half of 2 = 1 Half of 4 = 2 Half of 6 = 3

6 http://resources. hwb. wales. gov
Useful websites

7 Having explored fractions by taking part in practical activities,
I can show my understanding of: how a single item can be shared equally the notation and vocabulary associated with fractions where simple fractions lie on the number line. MNU 1-07a Through exploring how groups of items can be shared equally, I can find a fraction of an amount by applying my knowledge of division. MNU 1-07b Through taking part in practical activities including use of pictorial representations, I can demonstrate my understanding of simple fractions which are equivalent. MTH 1-07c First Level (P2-P4)

8 First Level (P2-P4) Skills:
Understand a fraction as being part of a whole. Show halves and quarters of an object through practical activities Read, write and use the terms half and quarter and their notation Find a half of a quantity using concrete materials. Recognise how fractions are related to division. Understand that when a whole is divided into equal parts, each part is given a name depending on the number of parts. Understand and use the terms numerator and denominator. Compare simple fractions through practical activities, including equivalent fractions. Strategies: Use materials, cut out, colour, cubes, draw out problem, act out, cut First Level (P2-P4)

9 Cara brought a pizza for lunch
Cara brought a pizza for lunch. She wanted to share the pizza equally with her friend. How much pizza did they each get? (Draw it out) Examples Cameron and Steve got 8 brownies at beavers. Mrs Smith told them they could share the brownies as long as they each got the same amount. How many brownies would each person get? (Act out the situation/Use cubes) (Colour in)

10 Useful websites
memory_equivalent1.htm Useful websites

11 I have investigated the everyday contexts in which simple fractions, percentages or decimal fractions are used and can carry out the necessary calculations to solve related problems. MNU 2-07a I can show the equivalent forms of simple fractions, decimal fractions and percentages and can choose my preferred form when solving a problem, explaining my choice of method. MNU 2-07b I have investigated how a set of equivalent fractions can be created, understanding the meaning of simplest form, and can apply my knowledge to compare and order the most commonly used fractions. MTH 2-07c Second level (P5-P7)

12 Second level (P5-P7) Skills:
Recognise where fractions are used in everyday life. Understand, recognise and use the terms “equivalent”, “equal to”, “simplify” and “simplest form”. Identify equivalent fractions and use the rule to find equivalent fractions by multiplying. Use the rule to simplify and find equivalent fractions. Compare and order commonly used fractions Identify and record fractions of whole numbers. Calculate and record mixed numbers from improper fractions and vice versa. Apply knowledge of multiples and factors to solve problems. Recognise the contexts in which decimal fractions occur. Identify where decimal fractions, involving tenths and hundredths, are located on a number line.

13 Second level (P5-P7) Understand the relationship between tenths, hundredths and thousandths in common fraction and decimal fraction notation. Explain the link between a digit, its place and its value Convert tenths, hundredths and thousandths to decimal notation. Convert decimal fractions to common fractions. Add and subtract decimal fractions with and without exchanging. Multiply and divide tens, units, tenths and hundredths by a single digit, with and without exchanging. Divide by a single digit, stating the answer as a decimal e.g. 4·6 (not 4 r3) Use a calculator to add, subtract, multiply and divide decimal fractions. Use the rule to multiply and divide any number by 10 and 100. Solve problems involving decimals to tenths and hundredths, including those related to money. Identify where decimal fractions, involving thousandths, are located on a number line.

14 Examples Fractions Ordering fractions Finding a fraction of an amount
Find 1 of £60 5 = 60 ÷ 5 = £12 Simplifying Find a common factor of both the numerator and denominator Ordering fractions Find a common denominator so you can compare the value of the fraction before ordering. Order from largest to smallest: 5 , 2 , 1 Examples

15 Examples Fractions Adding 1 + 3 2 4
2 4 Both fractions need to have a common denominator. Convert 1 into 2 2 + 3 = 5 4 4 5 is an improper fraction. Convert it to a mixed number fraction 1 1 Examples

16 Examples Decimals Converting percentages into decimals
90% = 9 tenths = 0.9 45% = 4 tenths 5 hundredths = 0.45 2% = 2 hundredths = 0.02 Adding and subtracting decimals *Make sure that the decimal points are aligned under each other when writing out the calculation. 14.30 23.47 Examples

17 Percentages 1. I see a jumper in a shop window priced at £45. The next day the jumper is reduced in price by 30%. How much does the jumper cost now? 10% of £45 =£4.50 30% = £4.50 x 3 = £13.50 £45 - £13.50 = £31.50. 2. Convert 2 into a percentage. 5 1 = 20% = 40% Examples

18 Useful resources

19 Useful resources

20 Useful websites

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