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A Design of a Gantry with Superconducting Magnets for 350 MeV Protons

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1 A Design of a Gantry with Superconducting Magnets for 350 MeV Protons
Presented at: ECPM, May 12, 2012 by: Mattia Schaer, Tony Lomax, Marco Schippers Vladimir Anferov, Niek Schreuder

2 OUTLINE Motivation optics design of a 350 MeV SC gantry
What does it bring?

3 New Applications for E = 350 MeV
SHARPER DOSE DISTRIBUTION IN TREATMENTS PROTON RADIOGRAPHY Range verification by in-vivo by direct measurements with protons Treatment of small lesions (stereo tactic trmt) Sharpen edge of dose distrib. ECPM 2012, EUCARD2 GANTRY Workshop PSI Daresbury,

4 Existing 235 MeV Gantry Design
E = 235 MeV, Bρ = 2.35 Tm Patent pending Licensed to ProNova Solutions, LLC y-plane x-plane 14 m 5 cm SC sections Input beam: x = y = 5.0 mm , x’ = y’ = 2.4 mrad δ = 0% d_isoc SCAN 2 SC achromats < 4 T in SC-B, < 1.6 T in SC-Q SC-Q: ~ 40 T/m 60 deg – 150 deg bends small dispersion Waist-to-waist imaging Weight: ~ 12 tons Dimensions: Radius = 4.3 m Length = 6.7 m d_isoc = 3.0 m

5 Adapting to 350 MeV 235 MeV 350 MeV E = 350 MeV, Bρ = 2.94 Tm  + 25%
d_isoc d_isoc 235 MeV Gantry 350 MeV Radius [m] 4.3 4.0 Length [m] 6.7 7.7 d_isoc [m] 3.0 2.5 25% Bρ increment but fields can not be increased  25% magnet length increase ECPM 2012, EUCARD2 GANTRY Workshop PSI Daresbury,

6 PSI-Optics for 350 MeV y-plane x-plane 14 m 5 cm INBeam (2): x = y = 3.0 mm , x’ = y’ = 7.0 mr δ = 0% δ = 3% SCAN 350 MeV 25% Bρ increment by increase of magnet length PSI optics: Point-to-point imaging 1 “normal“ quadrupole less Positive pole face rotations Large emittance and momentum acceptance: ε = 21π mm.mrad and δ = ± 3%

7 Large Momentum Acceptance
Optics characterized by δ = Δp/p0 = ± 3 % Enabling new techniques: SCENARIO 1: Static delivery of SOBP SCENARIO 2: Energy changes “on-the-fly” ( PSIspec:100ms/% ) SCENARIO 3: Transport of the beam delivered by a booster CONVENTIONAL USE E < 250 MeV B = T HIGH E USE E = 350 MeV B = 4 T

8 New Solutions for E < 250 MeV
Static Delivery of SOBP R(E)= cm p0-δ p0+δ p0 SOBP generated by protons with momentum between p0-3% and p0+3% can be delivered without magnetic field changes Energy modulation: either at the beginning in the degrader or at the coupling point with a ridge filter E [MeV] Range cm] R [cm] for +/- 3% p/p 100 7.8 1.6 150 15.9 3.0 250 38.0 7.0 ECPM 2012, EUCARD2 GANTRY Workshop PSI Daresbury,

9 Stability / Sensitivity Tests
Errors in quads field in Achromat 1 y-plane x-plane 5 cm 1 % err 5 % err STABILITY REQUIREMENTS: Beam position ± 1.0 mm Beam size: ± 1.0 mm Errors in quads field in Achromat 2 1 % err 5 % err y-plane x-plane 5 cm Max allowed field errors ≤ 1 % Graphs: Bends are slower than Achr.Quads ECPM 2012, EUCARD2 GANTRY Workshop PSI Daresbury,

10 Conclusion (1) APPLICATIONS: Proton radiography at all sites
Better (sharper) dose distribution achievable RESULTS of this STUDY : Feasible 350 MeV gantry has same size as 235 MeV gantry Changes in optics: point-to-point imaging 1 Qpole less

Not much smaller in diameter. R mostly determined by scan angle (dist scan-isoc = 2 m) + SC magnet width Much smaller weight New beam optics possible  large acceptance OPEN QUESTIONS: Higher order beam optics (static and dynamic field maps) How fast can the magnets change their field ? Practical cooling issues



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