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Personalizing Learning in 5th grade Math

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Presentation on theme: "Personalizing Learning in 5th grade Math"— Presentation transcript:

1 Personalizing Learning in 5th grade Math
Portia Kalinka, teacher Kiel Middle School

2 Why? C H O I E Pace (no late penalties)
Lesson input (video, seminar, group work, anchor charts, posters) Where to work How and who to work with

3 Seminar short and focused pre-test to determine need students come with questions Mandatory Tasks/Assessments Mastery required Retakes offered

4 How? Personalized Learning Plan Mandatory Tasks Assessments
Optional Tasks Flexibility Student Ownership

5 Personalized Learning Plans
Students goal set and record data student led conferences Teacher timely feedback daily instructional seminars

6 Mandatory Tasks Performance Tasks Dyna Math IXL Front Row - Adaptive
Projects paper/pencil computer cooperative

7 Assessments Formative (practice) Practice Quizzes
Daily Focus & Closure questions IXL and Front Row - adaptive Summative (gradebook) Final Quizzes Front Row - Assigned Quizzes paper/pencil computer posted on whiteboard(student led)

8 Optional Tasks Computer IXL, Front Row - adaptive, Moby Max
Sheppard Software, Cool Math Powerpoints/Prezis Performance Tasks Projects Extension Menus/Math Projects Dyna Math/ Math Books

9 Communication Google Classroom Weebly Website
Cell phone (920) Independence Ratings/Rubric

10 School Improvement Network Jan. 2016
“With the student taking responsibility for what and how they learn, having the flexibility of time to really understand the content in each learning target and an effective teacher to guide the process, the long-held view of “all children can learn” becomes a reality.” School Improvement Network

11 Kiel Area School District
Portia Kalinka Kiel Area School District School Days: (920) 7am - 7 pm any day: (920) Contact:

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