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TEAL Strategy How does the author characterize the 3rd little pig?

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1 TEAL Strategy How does the author characterize the 3rd little pig?
T: The author characterizes the third little pig as wise. E:This can be seen when he says, "the third little pig built himself a house of bricks,” even though it took “a long time to build,” it was worth it because it was a “very strong house.” A: This shows the pig is clever because he invested his time and effort into building a house that can not be destroyed by the big bad wolf. L: What we can learn from this is that taking your time to do things right the first time will always pay off.

2 Crossover TEAEAL SAR Strategy How are the protagonists characterized in "Hansel and Gretel" and "The Three Little Pigs"? T: The protagonists in both selections are characterized as crafty. E: This can be seen in Hansel and Gretel when Gretel “perceived [the witch's] intention” and tricked her into going into the oven herself. A: This shows she was a quick thinker because this allowed her to trap the witch and let her, and Hansel, to escape. E: Just as in “The Three Little Pigs,” the third little pig “built himself a house of bricks,” to protect himself from the wolf. A: This shows he is a good planner to engineer a home that is strong enough to withstand the huffs and puffs of the wolf. L: What we can learn from this is that protecting yourself from trouble means planning ahead and thinking on your feet.

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