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Assistive Technology & Accessible Housing

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1 Assistive Technology & Accessible Housing
VISION A collaboration platform for research, development and innovation that promotes accessible housing and assistive technology services, so that all people can live independent and safe lives regardless of disability or age. Following the three-year development phase ( ), AllAgeHub will serve as a collaboration platform for research, development and innovation that promotes accessible housing and assistive technology services, so that all people can live independent and safe lives regardless of disability or age. The project has generated a great deal of interest among both participating and external stakeholders since its inception, a fact that clearly confirms the need for AllAgeHub in its capacity as a collaboration platform that brings together the public sector, business world, academia and civil society. At present, we can offer the following: - An interactive showroom that is open for bookings to the participating municipalities - Support for challenge-driven innovation - The development of expertise in the fields of assistive technology and accessible housing - A neutral arena for bringing together stakeholders from the public sector, business world, academia and civil society. The project’s development phase is described in more detail later in this presentation.

2 Why We Need AllAgeHub We need a new approach to successfully meet the future needs of healthcare and social care services for the elderly and people with disabilities. Products and services do not always correspond to users’ needs. The municipalities need support in implementing assistive technology. Companies wish to develop products and services together with their target group. We need to leverage existing knowledge and develop new knowledge regarding assistive technology and accessible housing. To satisfy the above needs, AllAgeHub needs to cooperate using the quadruple helix approach (academia, business world, public sector, civil society).

3 Prior to AllAgeHub The City of Gothenburg unveiled the Vision Bo Äldre showroom in 2009. GR municipalities’ and other community stakeholders’ need for cooperation concerning assistive technology and accessible housing was identified. GR conducted a preliminary study that resulted in a document detailing a common vision and applications for project funding. AllAgeHub’s development began in 2017. AllAgeHub is an initiative launched collectively by the 12 GR municipalities - Ale, Alingsås, Gothenburg, Härryda, Kungälv, Lerum, Lilla Edet, Mölndal, Partille, Stenungsund, Tjörn and Öckerö - with the Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities (GR) acting as the project owner.

4 The Concept Interactive Environment
A combined physical and virtual environment offering the opportunity to test products and services and discuss their implementation. Learning A learning environment that incorporates courses, seminars, conferences, online training, networks and more. Innovation The business world, academia, public sector and civil society join forces to conduct development projects that include access to reality labs within municipal units. Research An arena for interdisciplinary collaborative research projects.

5 Interactive Environment
A physical showroom offering the opportunity to test products and services and to discuss their implementation. Scheduled group visits for up to 15 people Businesses have the opportunity to present their products and services in the showroom environment Learn more at The showroom is open for scheduled visits, particularly visits by AllAgeHub’s 12 participating municipalities and its collaborators. Municipalities are welcome to schedule visits using the calendar on our website. Other visitors are welcome to forward their enquiries to us via at

6 Innovation By bringing together stakeholders from the business world, academia, civil society and 12 municipalities within the Göteborg region, we aim to collectively promote challenge-driven innovation in the areas of accessible housing and assistive technology services. Identifying municipalities’ and individuals with various disabilities’ needs and challenges through activities such as workshops and focus groups. Ideas and solutions are developed jointly through activities such as open arenas, hackathons and digital suggestion boxes. The solutions generated are refined via development projects, with the aim that these should become self-sustaining in the long run. Solutions are either implemented directly or tested in municipal reality labs. The process stages are evaluated and the process itself is continuously adjusted. Given that AllAgeHub is still in the developmental phase ( ), we plan to design and mould the innovation process on an on-going basis together with our collaborators and future development and implementation projects. One example of our flexible approach is the digital idea development environment Idéslussen, which was launched for a trial period in the spring of 2017, and which provided us with greater insight. We have since decided to adjust the idea-generation process in order to create more favourable conditions for encouraging feasible innovations.

7 Research We need to expand our knowledge of assistive technology and accessible housing and current knowledge needs to be more widely disseminated. AllAgeHub can offer the following: Participation in research applications Help disseminating research results An arena for bringing academia and municipalities together concerning important research questions Help in arranging contacts and topics for degree projects and student papers. Current project: Transnational Living Lab for Active Ageing

8 Learning A learning environment that incorporates courses, seminars, conferences, online training, networks and more. For information on upcoming events, visit Do you have suggestions for topics or lecturers for future events? Send them to us!

9 Participating Stakeholders
A joint initiative launched by the 12 GR municipalities – Ale, Alingsås, Gothenburg, Härryda, Kungälv, Lerum, Lilla Edet, Mölndal, Partille, Stenungsund, Tjörn and Öckerö – with the Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities (GR) acting as the project owner. . Collaborators The research environments AgeCap and GPCC at the University of Gothenburg, CVA and Building Futures at Chalmers University of Technology and CVS at the University of Borås The pensioners’ organizations PRO and SPF Seniorerna The property group Framtiden AB Johanneberg Science Park and Sahlgrenska Science Park Business Region Göteborg Region Västra Götaland, Health and Medical Care Division, Healthcare Digitalization and DART units Financiers Twelve GR municipalities: Ale, Alingsås, Gothenburg, Härryda, Kungälv, Lerum, Lilla Edet, Mölndal, Partille, Stenungsund, Tjörn and Öckerö Vinnova Region Västra Götaland, Regional Development Committee Civil society Academia Public sector Business world

10 Development Phase, Financing is currently available equivalent to the wages payable for 4.15 full-time positions, with the intention of developing the AllAgeHub collaboration platform over a three-year period. The municipalities and collaborators contribute man-hours worth a total of SEK 1.9 million annually. AllAgeHub’s offices are temporarily located at Chalmers Teknikpark in Gothenburg. AllAgeHub representatives are active in the 12 GR municipalities. Steering Committee (appointed by GR’s network for heads of municipal social services offices) Assessment Committee Development Group Looking Ahead Financing models and organizational solutions will be explored. Development Group >> Strategy Group ? Following the three-year development phase ( ), AllAgeHub will serve as a collaboration platform for research, development and innovation that promotes accessible housing and assistive technology services, so that all people can live independent and safe lives regardless of disability or age. To achieve this aim, various financing models and organizational solutions for AllAgeHub’s continued operation will be explored and finally selected during the development phase. The project’s classifications will be evaluated and possibly adjusted during the development phase, so as to advance the long-term vision established for AllAgeHub.

11 AllAgeHub Representatives
AllAgeHub representatives serve as the link between AllAgeHub and the participating municipalities. Their function includes such tasks as communicating the municipalities’ needs and challenges to AllAgeHub and informing the municipalities about AllAgeHub’s activities. AllAgeHub representatives play a key role in organizing reality labs in the municipalities, where testing and development projects related to assistive technology and accessible housing are carried out. AllAgeHub representatives must also actively encourage the municipalities/municipal employees/divisions to submit ideas for development projects, challenges and solutions. Contact details for AllAgeHub representatives are available at

12 Follow Us! Website – (in Swedish)
Facebook – AllAgeHub (in Swedish) Twitter – @AllAgeHub (in Swedish) Newsletter – Subscribe at (in Swedish) Contact details for our project team can be found on our website: (in Swedish).

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