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EFA Mid-Decade Assessment: addressing Disparities in Education

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1 EFA Mid-Decade Assessment: addressing Disparities in Education
United Nations Statistical Institute For Asia and the Pacific Second Group Training Course in Module on Fundamental Official Statistics 13 – 14 February 2007 Chiba, JAPAN

2 Education for All Goals
In March, 1990 At Jomtien, Thailand Leaders from 155 countries Proclaim the following World Declaration on Education for All: Meeting Basic Learning Needs.

3 Education for All Goals
Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children. Ensuring that by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to and complete free and compulsory primary education of good quality. Ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life skills programmes.

4 Education for All Goals
Achieving a 50 per cent improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015, especially for women, and equitable access to basic and continuing education for all adults. Eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005, and achieving gender equality in education by 2015, with a focus on ensuring girls' full and equal access to and achievement in basic education of good quality. Improving all aspects of the quality of education and ensuring excellence of all so that recognized and measurable learning outcomes are achieved by all, especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills.

5 Looking back...

6 Looking back 1990 The Jomtien Declaration included a commitment to monitoring National education reforms were to be coupled with monitoring of implementation and assessment of outcomes 1999 Countries prepared the EFA2000 Assessment Report Countries were under-prepared and/or reports were prepared externally Little investment had been made towards capacity building for monitoring, evaluation and assessment The Jomtien Declaration had foreseen the need for the Member States to monitor the progress toward the attainment of the EFA Goals. Along with the education reforms to fulfil their commitments to the EFA Goals, the Governments, as matter of good governance, would monitor the implementation and assess the outcomes of their policies. Ten years went by and less than a year before the Dakar Conference, the Member States were invited to submit the end-of-decade “EFA2000 Assessment Report.” Many countries could not adequately prepare the report in such a short time. In many cases, the reports were prepared by agency-sponsored consultants who had to rely upon poor and out-dated data. Most Governments did not follow-through with investment in the long-term process of national capacity building of this function with regard to each of the Six EFA Goals

7 Looking back The reports for the EFA2000 left many areas in the dark, especially those areas not covered by the formal primary education: ECCE, Life Skills, Literacy and NFE Sub-national variations in the impact of the education reforms In almost all cases, relying largely on already available data based on school-administrative data and aggregated at the national level. The reports for the EFA 2000 left many areas in the dark, especially those areas not covered by the formal primary education ECCE, Life Skills, Literacy and NFE sub-national variations in the impact of the education reforms since the Jomtien Declaration Who constitute the un-reached target groups? Who have been left out of the Education for All?

8 From Jomtien to Dakar: New challenges
World Education Forum, Dakar Senegal, 2000 Dakar framework for action included new commitment and challenges: Equity and Equality issues (disparities: gender, vulnerable and disadvantaged children, ethnic minorities, castes, etc.) Quality improvement in education and life skills Efficient and regular monitoring mechanisms What progress has been made to address these challenges?

9 Availability of education statistics: Asia
Central Asia East and South East Asia South and West Asia Initially attached at Paris HQ She used to be a Director General of Statistics Office at UK

10 EFA Global Monitoring Report
Gender Quality Literacy

11 EFA Global Monitoring Report
Early Childhood Care and Education 2007 EFA Progress Report to 2015 2008

12 The enrolment challenge
Primary school enrolments have risen sharply in South and West Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, but these two regions are still home to 70% of the world’s 100 million out-of-school children

13 The enrolment challenge
Progress varies in Primary school Net Enrolments Rates (NER) in East Asia: 2001 to 2002

14 Gender parity Considerable progress in countries with lowest gender parity index Gender imbalance at primary level in over 60 countries is nearly always at the expense of girls At secondary level, boys are under represented in 56 countries The 2005 gender parity goal has been missed by 94 countries Gender parity Gender Parity Index (F/M), 2002 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 South West Asia Sub Saharan Africa Arab States Centr. East. Europe Latin America Caribbean Central East Pacific N. America/ W. Europe primary secondary

15 The impact of exclusion and disadvantage
Where poverty rates are higher, literacy rates tend to be lower Women: 88 literate women for 100 adult literate men – 92 in East Asia and the Pacific, 66 in South and West Asia Indigenous peoples: their lower literacy rates reflect limited access to formal schooling Disabilities: over 600 million people have a disability, two-thirds live in low-income countries. Evidence suggests weak literacy skills Migrants: dramatic growth within and between countries Rural residents: disparities are greater in poorer countries with low overall literacy rates (44% rural vs 72% urban in Pakistan)

16 Dakar Follow-Up Strategy
EFA HLG Task Force, UNESCO 2002: “An international strategy to opera-tionalize the Dakar Framework for Action on Education for All (EFA)” Strategy 11: systematically monitor progress towards EFA goals and strategies at the national, regional and international levels. Performance monitoring and evaluation of all stakeholders and development partners The regular and systematic monitoring of EFA progress constitutes a central strategy for achieving Education for All by 2015

17 Regional EFA Mid-Decade Assessment (EFA MDA)
Are we moving closer to the goals? Forward? Backward? Regional EFA Mid-Decade Assessment (EFA MDA)

18 Global Monitoring Mechanism for EFA
Annual Global Monitoring Report EFA 2000 Assessment World Education Forum 2000, Dakar, Senegal World Conference on EFA 1990, Jomtien, Thailand EFA 2015 Assessment 1996: Mid-Decade Evaluation 2006: A/P Mid-Decade Assessment Goals and targets set Goals and targets assessed and re-set National Action Plans prepared

19 Why MDA? to identify problems, issues, policies and strategies of education reform to ensure that education will reach the un-reached groups. To inform the mid-term review of national education policy against the findings of the national assessment report to better formulate appropriate policies for attaining EFA by the year 2015.

20 Mid-Decade Assessment objectives
assess national (and sub-national) progress toward the attainment of the EFA Goals and Targets, and identify the remaining gaps in terms of quality and equity across the national sub-populations of learner-groups, in order to prepare for the Mid-Term Review (2007/8) for planning the next phase of education reforms to attain the 2015 EFA Goals and Targets and MDG.

21 The Assessment will try to answer:
What were the most common achievements in terms of quality and equality, if any, since the year 1990 and especially in the last 5 years? Goals and targets set by the national EFA action plan National Education Sector Development Plan What actions and benefits reached the main intended target groups? What groups benefited most from these achievements? What policies, resource inputs and contextual factors facilitated these successes? the most common achievements in terms of quality and equality, if any, since the year 1990 and especially in the last 5 years? Goals and targets set by the national EFA action plan National Education Sector Development Plan Actions and benefits reach to the main intended target groups? What groups benefited most from these achievements? What policies, resource inputs and contextual factors facilitated these successes? Are these group (the poor, ethno-linguistic minorities, learners with disabilities, remote inhabitants, etc.) also benefit much from the achievements? Which groups benefited least or not at all. What policies, resource inputs and factors facilitated and what factors obstructed the reaching the targets and resolving the issues - the inclusion of unreached groups in sharing the benefits of the past efforts with regard to this particular Goal? What still need to be achieved and what are still missing to address.

22 The Assessment will try to answer:
What were the most common gaps in progress in terms of quality and equality? Do traditionally-disadvantaged groups benefit much from the achievements? Which groups benefited least or not at all? What policies, resource inputs and factors facilitated and what factors obstructed the reaching the targets and resolving the issues - the inclusion of unreached groups in sharing the benefits of the past efforts with regard to this particular Goal? What still need to be achieved and what are still missing to address? the most common achievements in terms of quality and equality, if any, since the year 1990 and especially in the last 5 years? Goals and targets set by the national EFA action plan National Education Sector Development Plan Actions and benefits reach to the main intended target groups? What groups benefited most from these achievements? What policies, resource inputs and contextual factors facilitated these successes? Are these group (the poor, ethno-linguistic minorities, learners with disabilities, remote inhabitants, etc.) also benefit much from the achievements? Which groups benefited least or not at all. What policies, resource inputs and factors facilitated and what factors obstructed the reaching the targets and resolving the issues - the inclusion of unreached groups in sharing the benefits of the past efforts with regard to this particular Goal? What still need to be achieved and what are still missing to address.

23 Focus on distribution of quality education across sub-national target groups
MDA Management, Policy Analysis and Statistical Analysis of unattained goals and un-reached target groups and Disparities in access to different levels of quality education across various strata and groups in the society: Gender Persons with disabilities Religious, linguistic, racial and ethnic groups Castes, classes and other social stratifications Residents of remote areas/border regions Undocumented people, non-citizens, non-registered residents Migrants, refugees, displaced persons and their children The extremely poor

24 The framework for the assessment
Inclusive Education and Lifelong Perspective inclusion of diversity of learning needs of sub-populations (incl. disabled, linguistic, ethnic minorities, castes, disadvantage groups, etc.) – equity, equality and disparity provision of quality education for all learners

25 EFA Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation
Purpose improve implementation/ formative Improve Learning Formative/sum improve policies and strategies/ summative Aimed at operations and management teachers and course providers policymaking and leadership Focus account of what have been implemented TL methods and materials evaluation of policies and strategies vs goals & targets Information inputs and process Learning achievements per TL process, quality outcomes and impact Indicators resource input, efficiency, quality of delivery Learning results per method-materials learning achievements, socio-economic changes

26 Analyzing Implementation of EFA Policy and EFA Goals
Policy Cycle/ indicators ECCE UBE Skills Literacy Gender Quality Governance, policy, agencies coordination Resource mobilization Courses, programs, Facilities Quality & Equity Outcomes Impact Assessment

27 Timeline and Milestones for National and Regional Assessment
Preparation Assessment Policy Review 2003-5 2006 2007 2008 Module development, case studies With the objective of identifying the unattained targets and un-reached target groups for each of the Six EFA Goals, the participants discussed many aspects of the process. Among them, the following are the current plans with regard to the points raised in the concept paper for the Global EFA Review : • In addition to the usual school-based statistics, they will use mostly the existing data collection, such as the population and housing census, various household surveys, labour force surveys, household income and expenditure surveys, etc. • National IE policies on minorities, disabled, the extremely poor, etc. • As the source of UIS data is the national statistics, the national assessment exercise will motivate and accelerate national data collection and reporting • The exercise will generate materials that may be of use to the GMR • Case studies have been conducted and more will be undertaken, especially in areas where standard statistics are not available and inadequate. • The structure and process of implementation will be examined carefully to identify how the policies were differently implemented with regard to the different target groups • Because of the composition of the participants, the discussions did not focus much on the financing aspects of the Six EFA Goals. • Timeline: end of 2006, initial outline with raw data; 2007 analytical and politically anchored reports; 2008 regional policy review initial outline with raw data analytical and politically-anchored reports Sub-regional policy review

28 Activities 2006 First Quarter: prepare and distribute guidelines and background concept paper; regional strategy meeting and launch of national assessments Second Quarter: distribution of guidelines and proposed national report outline; advisory and technical assistance missions and national workshops Third Quarter: sub-regional capacity building workshops and peer review of draft policy reports, data compilation and analysis workshop Fourth Quarter: draft national data and policy analysis reports 2007 First Quarter: penultimate draft national reports (technical working document) and initial draft of regional synthesis report Second Quarter: final national reports approved and released by governments Third Quarter: sub-regional peer review of draft sub-regional synthesis reports Fourth Quarter: regional synthesis report 2008 Mid-term regional policy review

29 Plan for national and regional assessment
In addition to the usual school-based statistics, countries will use existing data, such as the population and housing census, household surveys, labour force surveys, household income and expenditure surveys, etc. Case studies will be undertaken, especially in areas where standard statistics are not available and inadequate (eg. gender equality, literacy, life-skills, etc) The structure and process of implementation will be examined carefully to identify how the policies were differently implemented with regard to the different target groups With the objective of identifying the unattained targets and un-reached target groups for each of the Six EFA Goals, the participants discussed many aspects of the process. Among them, the following are the current plans with regard to the points raised in the concept paper for the Global EFA Review : • In addition to the usual school-based statistics, they will use mostly the existing data collection, such as the population and housing census, various household surveys, labour force surveys, household income and expenditure surveys, etc. • National IE policies on minorities, disabled, the extremely poor, etc. • As the source of UIS data is the national statistics, the national assessment exercise will motivate and accelerate national data collection and reporting • The exercise will generate materials that may be of use to the GMR • Case studies have been conducted and more will be undertaken, especially in areas where standard statistics are not available and inadequate. • The structure and process of implementation will be examined carefully to identify how the policies were differently implemented with regard to the different target groups • Because of the composition of the participants, the discussions did not focus much on the financing aspects of the Six EFA Goals. • Timeline: end of 2006, initial outline with raw data; 2007 analytical and politically anchored reports; 2008 regional policy review

30 Assessment mechanism (2006-2007)
Preparation Assessment Reporting Case studies Case studies Sub-regional and Regional EFA Assessment Reports Case studies Case studies Case studies Case studies Data collection (School Censuses) Capacity Building Data collection (School Censuses) Capacity Building Data collection (School Censuses) Capacity Building Regional Conference on reviewing EFA Progress Bangkok EFA Meeting In-depth data analysis on household surveys In-depth data analysis on household surveys In-depth data analysis on household surveys Global EFA Assessment Report Country work plan and Assessment guideline Formation of Regional and National Assessment teams National EFA Assessment Reports

31 Summary: reality and a vision for the future
Governments, accountable for their own policies and implementation, must monitor and assess the education reform processes and outcomes in their own countries. Capacity and infrastructure – lacking in most countries – are necessary to conduct a systematic and proper assessment at national level Rather than building agency-driven bypasses for what should be the responsibility of the Governments, all stakeholders should work together to support and facilitate the development of national capacity to conduct the assessment to review the commitments to the EFA Goals. It is the prime responsibility of the Governments, who is accountable for their own policies, to implement, monitor and assess the education reform processes and outcomes in their own countries. However, there is a lack of capacity and infrastructure to conduct a systematic and proper assessment at national level and this time, it will be more challenging to address the areas where the previous assessment left out. Rather than building agency-driven bypasses for what should be the responsibility of the Governments, all stakeholders should work together to support and facilitate the development of national capacity to conduct the assessment to review the commitments to the EFA Goals.

32 For further information, please visit:
or contact the AIMS unit: Assessment, Information Systems, Monitoring and Statistics Unit (AIMS) UNESCO Bangkok Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building 920 Sukhumvit Road Bangkok Thailand tel: fax:

33 thank you

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