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History of the European Union

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1 History of the European Union
Frank Hilterman 23-25 April 2003 Riga, Latvia

2 History of the European Union
1948 Conference of the Hague 1952 European Steel and Coal Community 1957 Treaty of Rome 1969 Conference of the Hague 1972 Accession of United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark 1981 Accession of Greece 1985 Single European Act 1986 Accession of Spain and Portugal 1992 Treaty of Maastricht 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam 2000 Treaty of Nice

3 Treaty of Maastricht European Union Three pillars:
First pillar: European Communities Second pillar: Common foreign and security policy Third pillar: Home affairs and justice

4 European Law European Union/ European Communities European Treaties
EU Treaty EC Treaty ECSC Treaty Euratom Regulations Directives Decisions Communications Open Co-ordination method

5 European Institutions

6 Council of Ministers To co-ordinate general policy
Legislative authority Budgetary authority Authority to conclude treaties Coreper

7 European Commission Supervision Power of decision Right of initiative
Own authority Delegation by the council Right of initiative Negotiation Advisory authority

8 European Parliament Budgetary authority Supervisory authority
Legislative authority Advisory authority

9 Decision making procedures
Consultation procedure Co-operation procedure Co-decision procedure Assent procedure Budget procedure

10 Court of Justice Main role to ensure that European Law is observed in the interpretation of the treaties. Court of first instance To relieve the Court of Justice

11 Court of Auditors In charge with the auditing of the revenues and expenses of the European Union

12 Economic and Social Committee
Representation of employees and employers Also SME’s, consumer organisations and environmental organisations

13 Committee of the Regions
Representation of local and regional authorities

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