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GrAnd Unification and Gravity Explorer

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1 GrAnd Unification and Gravity Explorer
GAUGE GrAnd Unification and Gravity Explorer

2 Consortium K. Aplin1, R.J. Bingham1, M. Caldwell1, A.M. Cruise2, P. D’Arrigo3, H. Dittus4, J. Hough5, P. Jetzer6, N. Lockerbie7, F. Loeffler8, J. Mester9, C. Pegrum7, D. Shaul10, T. J. Sumner10, S. Theil4, C. Torrie5, P. Touboul11, C. Trenkel10, S. Vitale12, W. Vodel13, C. Wang14, H. Ward5 1RAL, UK 2University of Birmingham, UK 3EADS Astrium, Stevenage, UK 4ZARM, University of Bremen, DE 5University of Glasgow, UK 6ITP, University of Zurich, CH 7University of Strathclyde, UK 8PTB, Braunschweig, DE 9University of Stanford, US 10Imperial College London, UK 11ONERA, Paris, FR 12University of Trento, IT 13University of Jena, UK 14University of Aberdeen, UK

3 Background ESA Cosmic Vision call for ideas (2004): approx. 50 ideas submitted, separately, in the area of “Fundamental Physics” Informal feedback: in some cases significant overlap between proposed ideas → community should unite behind a few, strong proposals Now: call for Cosmic Vision Mission Proposals in the near future…

4 Scientific Motivation
GAUGE: Combine experiments that address key issues at the interface between gravity and quantum interactions Currently considered (NOT EXHAUSTIVE OR EXCLUSIVE): Equivalence Principle tests G/ISL measurements Search for spin-dependent effects Decoherence in Atom Interferometers …?

5 Experiment concepts (to be selected from …)
EP measurement – Microscope, STEP – studied extensively within ESA/NASA Microscope 1 part in 1015 STEP 1 part in 1018

6 Experiment concepts - II
G and 1/r2 – STEP, ISLAND – better than 1 part in 105 (Possibility of LISAPF G measurement – 1 part in 104) (Quinn et al. 2001) Disagreement 2x10-4

7 Experiment concepts - III
Spin-dependent effects – STEP, SSPIN

8 Experiment concepts - IV
Quantum decoherence - HYPER laser beam atom beam detector spacetime fluctuations fringe analyzer

9 Common technologies All potential experiments require
Drag-free environment Precision displacement sensing of “proof-masses” Magnetic (SQUIDS) Electrostatic (Capacitive sensing) Optical (Interferometry) Cold atoms (Interferometry)

10 Heritage Readout Magnetic GP-B, STEP
Optical / Capacitive LISAPF, Microscope Cold Atom HYPER + ground Spacecraft Bus – LISAPF Drag-free – LISAPF + LTP Space Experience within team Astrium / Birmingham / Imperial / Onera / RAL / Stanford / Trento / ZARM

11 Mission Concept Provide drag-free environment using LISAPF bus with LTP inertial sensor Modular experiment bays – different environments possible Launch into LEO sun-synchronous orbit with VEGA Thermal Stability Earth as Source

12 Some key dates VEGA maiden flight: end 2007
LISA PF success demonstrated: end 2010 … even allowing for delays, this should happen in time for mission in

13 “Recipe” for success Launcher, Spacecraft Bus and Drag-free Platform: existing technology  Payload: choose according to Scientific Merit Feasibility Affordability Inevitable Compromise

14 Plans Submit Cosmic Vision Mission Proposal to ESA (deadline Summer 2007) So far at UK level: well-received presentation to national Research Council (PPARC) Several meetings planned in the near future: Experimental concepts input and definition of Science Team Experimental layout definition Initiate industry-led accommodation study

15 Summary GAUGE is a mission at the interface of gravity and its unification with other interactions Mature technology Experienced team Fits into medium mission cost envelope → open invitation to collaborators!

16 … if interested please contact

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