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Chapter Lengths 1-12.5 2-7 3-10 4-9 5-9 6-8 7-5.5 8-10.5 9-15 10-9 1-12.5 2-7 3-10 4-9 5-9 6-8 7-5.5 8-10.5 9-15 10-9 11-13.5 12-12 13-8 14-10 15-11 16-10.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Lengths 1-12.5 2-7 3-10 4-9 5-9 6-8 7-5.5 8-10.5 9-15 10-9 1-12.5 2-7 3-10 4-9 5-9 6-8 7-5.5 8-10.5 9-15 10-9 11-13.5 12-12 13-8 14-10 15-11 16-10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Lengths 1-12.5 2-7 3-10 4-9 5-9 6-8 7-5.5 8-10.5 9-15 10-9
12-12 13-8 14-10 15-11 16-10 17-13 18-11 19-10 20-7 21-6 22-5 23-11 24-10 25-4 26-6 27-7 28-13 29-4 30-6 31-5

2 Notebook Item #22 For each statement, write agree or disagree and a sentence explaining why you chose that side. Choose two you feel particularly passionate about and write a full paragraph response on each. 1. Adults are the greatest positive influence on children. 2. All people are created equal. 3. Everyone has prejudice and discriminates. 4. Prejudice and discrimination are always wrong. 5. People are primarily good. 6. Good and evil (bad) never change; they are universal. 7. Racism is inherited (you’re born that way). 8. We decide our values and morals develop during childhood. 9. Growing up in a small town is better than growing up in a city. 10. It’s ok to take the law into your own hands. Ground rules: Stand/Sit I facilitate/play devil’s advocate respectful we can change minds evidence

3 Notebook Item #23 -As you read each day, make sure you will make annotations in your notebook or on a separate sheet of paper. Annotations include any/all “reading moves.” Make sure to label each one. -You should have about one annotation for every two-three pages. (at least five per chapter) -You should use each of the reading moves at least one time as you read each two/three-chapter section. (Visualization, Rules of Notice (Observations), Prediction, Inference, Questioning, Text to Self, Text to Text, Text to World) -Mr. Short will check for these each class, looking for annotations from the chapters assigned the previous class. -You will also receive daily points for participation in discussion. You must get involved in discussion each day to get full credit. -If you are absent for a class, you should make sure to read the next chapter section in the book and show me all past chapter annotations upon return. -We will always have time to read in class, but since we don’t read at the same speeds, you are always able to check one out from me, follow this link to read online, and/or listen to the particular chapter’s audio versions on YouTube.

4 Why Should I Read This Novel?
According to the How & Why We Read video by John Green, what are the three/four reasons we should read novels? (discuss with a neighbor) To gain understanding of other people’s lives To become more empathetic. To gain the tools to share your thoughts and/or story with greater precision

5 Notebook Item #24 (TKAM chapters 1-3) Each day you should be writing about a half page of complete sentences while responding to the bell ringer. You should seek to use “textual evidence” as much as possible when answering. What makes a good teacher? What things should they be expected to know and be able to do? Was Miss Caroline right in punishing our main character, Scout? Why or Why not? Describe Walter Cunningham. How does Atticus feel about Walter’s father, Mr. Cunningham? Describe Burris Ewell. What are his similarities to and differences from Walter?

6 What Grade Do You Deserve?

7 Notebook Item #25 (TKAM chapters 4-7) Each day you should be writing about a half page of complete sentences while responding to the bell ringer. You should seek to use “textual evidence” as much as possible when answering. What is the goal of good parenting? Can we get a good idea of how somebody is by getting to know their family? Why or why not? What are the two reasons Scout wants to quit the game at the end of chapter 4? What kind of laughter do we hear? What does she mean when she calls Mr. Radley a foot washing Baptist? Describe Ms. Maudie. What is her opinion of Boo Radley? Who was blamed for being in the Radley’s collard patch? What does this say about the time period? Is the Radley tree dying or not? Why do you think Jem cries at the end of chapter 7?

8 Notebook Item #26 (TKAM chapters 8-10) Each day you should be writing about a half page of complete sentences while responding to the bell ringer. You should seek to use “textual evidence” as much as possible when answering. How would you respond to the following situation, the situation that Scout and Jem are faced with in respect to their father: Either your family is wrong about something, or everyone else you know is. Why do you think Scout almost puked at the end of chapter 8? Why does Atticus “have to” defend Tom Robinson? What do you think is Maycomb’s “usual disease” that Atticus mentions at the end of Chapter 9. Why is it okay to kill or shoot at Tim Johnson but not a mockingbird?

9 Notebook Item #27 (TKAM chapters 11-13) Each day you should be writing about a half page of complete sentences while responding to the bell ringer. You should seek to use “textual evidence” as much as possible when answering. Respond to the following quote “It is impossible to hate someone once you know their story” and apply it to chapter 11? Do you think Jem’s punishment for destroying the camellias is fair? What did he learn? What is the First Purchase and why would the author put this chapter in the book? Describe what you are learning about Aunt Alexandra as a character. Use a textual reference to support your claim. Explain Aunt Alexandra’s relationship to/with Atticus. How does the following video apply to chapter 11? (Holiday WWI Ad)

10 Notebook Item #28 (TKAM chapters 14-16) Each day you should be writing about a half page of complete sentences while responding to the bell ringer. You should seek to use “textual evidence” as much as possible when answering. How do you define tolerance? What is interesting about the fact that Mr. Braxton Underwood defends the Finch family? How is Atticus’ relationship with his sister changing? What does Atticus mean by “blind spots?” Is it possible that you might have one? Write out an example. If you were in Dill’s position, would you run away? Why or why not? Why is Jem disobedient toward his father in chapter 15? Explain why you think the second mob mentioned in the chapter leaves.

11 Notebook Item #29 (TKAM chapters 17-19) Each day you should be writing about a half page of complete sentences while responding to the bell ringer. You should seek to use “textual evidence” as much as possible when answering. Is it ever/when is it ok to lie? Describe your visualization of Judge Taylor. Why does Bob think Atticus is asking him if he can read and write? How does Bob’s reaction backfire on him? It seems that Mayella might not be telling the whole truth. Why do you think this is? Why might the jury believe Mayella’s shaky testimony? What does Mr. Gilmer do to counter Tom’s testimony? Why do you think Dill get sick at the end of chapter 19?

12 Notebook Check #3 Next Class I will be checking for Bell Ringers 21-30

13 Notebook Check #3 Today I am checking for Bell Ringers/ Notebook Items worth up to three points each for a possible 30 points total. Please have them ready to show in addition to chapter annotations while working on today’s Bell Ringer.

14 Notebook Item #30 (TKAM chapters 20-22) Each day you should be writing about a half page of complete sentences while responding to the bell ringer. You should seek to use “textual evidence” as much as possible when answering. Is it ever/when is it acceptable take the law into your own hands? Explain your answer? Why does Dolphus Raymond share his secret with the kids? What would you say was Atticus’ main point during the closing statements? Were you surprised by the verdict? Why or why not? Why does Atticus say “it’s not time to worry yet?” Why do you think Miss Maudie bakes all morning? Why does Atticus tell Cal to tell her church to never do what they’ve done again? “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” MLK Jr.

15 Notebook Item #31 (TKAM chapters 23-25) Each day you should be writing about a half page of complete sentences while responding to the bell ringer. You should seek to use “textual evidence” as much as possible when answering. When is it/is it ever okay to make judgments about people? Who did Atticus take a gamble on when choosing jury members? Why? How many types of people does Jem think there are? Why? What are your reactions to the missionary circle conversation Scout overhears in chapter 24? What do you notice about Aunt Alexandra’s reaction? How/why might she be changing? How does Atticus convey the news in chapter 25? “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” MLK Jr.

16 Notebook Item #32 (TKAM chapters 26-28) Each day you should be writing about a half page of complete sentences while responding to the bell ringer. You should seek to use “textual evidence” as much as possible when answering. What is hypocrisy and why does it bother us so much? How does the concept of hypocrisy fit into chapter 26? Why does Bob Ewell go after Judge Taylor? How do you visualize Maycomb County High School? What happened last Halloween that leads to the school putting on a harvest-time play the following year? Why is the action in chapter 28 difficult to understand? “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” MLK Jr.

17 Notebook Item #33 (TKAM chapters 29-31) Each day you should be writing about a half page of complete sentences while responding to the bell ringer. You should seek to use “textual evidence” as much as possible when answering. Do you believe that Bob “fell on his knife”. Why would giving Boo credit be like “shooting a mockingbird?” What is significant about the way the novel ends. How does it connect to the beginning? What did you like/dislike about this novel overall? What lesson or moral did it teach you? “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” MLK Jr.

18 In what ways is this is similar to…
Open-Ended Questions for Socratic Seminar Create 4 questions that you want to discuss during the seminar. Write them on your Discussion Partner Evaluation. They do not have to be worded like the examples below, but these might help you get started. To what extent does…. In what ways is this is similar to… What do you think it means when the author says… Have you ever…. Do think (character name) was right when he/she… Would you agree that…. Should we value _______ over ________?

19 As you fill out your partners eval…
Give fair and honest feedback on your partner’s performance and prepare to back up your score recommendation (I don’t let students grade other students; I have the final say). If you recommend an unfair grade to your partner that you can’t defend, good or bad, you will lose points on your overall score.

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