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Silicon Carbide, Silicon Nitride

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1 Silicon Carbide, Silicon Nitride
“Welcome to MAX TECH Co. Ltd.” Max tech Co. was established in 1996, and is located in Daegu, Korea. Max tech, which plays a core role in the ceramic business, is willing to put sincere efforts and hard work to the successful spirits of the Korye Chunja to lead them the 21st century of the ceramic business. Max tech can handle any size job , from semi-conductor parts to attach pins, and we take great pride in holding the responsibility and reliability as vital to our long term existence in the marketplace. - Main Items - -Semiconductor Processing Equipment Parts • Structural Ceramics • Electronic ceramics . Alumina Zirconia Silicon Carbide, Silicon Nitride CHIP MOUNTER NOZZLES MAXTECH. Co. Ltd , Shindang-Dong, Dalseo-Gu, Daegu, KOREA TEL : FAX :

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