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Data Pipeline Town Hall February 19, 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Data Pipeline Town Hall February 19, 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Pipeline Town Hall February 19, 2015
The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is Data Pipeline support is

2 Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2

3 Introductions 3

4 Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline Human Resources
Dynamic Learning Maps Pre-ID Pull Student End of Year Course Codes 11th Grade Alternate Assessment Poll Summary 4

5 Open Data Pipeline Collections

6 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Year Round Directory 4 day school week application open RITS EDIS DLM Pre-ID pulled for select districts from student interchange February 23rd 2015 All Interchanges are open 6

7 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshot Human Resources (February 20th 2015 HR Snapshot Final Approval, Collection Closes) EDIS Directory Staff Interchange Human Resources Snapshot 7

8 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshot 11th Grade Alternate Assessment (Closes May 15th) Student Interchange Directory RITS 8

9 Human Resources 9

10 Timeline Deadline – Tomorrow! Friday, February 20th 2015
Required to have HR snapshot error free and finalized before or on this date Send signature page to Annette Severson, via or fax or )

11 Tips Create a new snapshot each time the staff profile or staff assignment file is uploaded and re-uploaded into pipeline.  Be sure each file processes within the system before continuing To view entire list of errors/warnings when downloading into excel, use the Excel 2007 Format option Human Resources edits and reports can be found in cognos under the Human Resources file folder 11

12 Elementary Teacher HQ Edits
Following fields are used to determine evidence for HQ status: Staff Profile fields:  “Passed NCLB HQ Approved Elementary or Early Childhood Core Content Test” and “State Approved Content Test Administered for Elementary or Early Childhood Core Content Test”, “Highest level of Education” Staff Assignment fields: “Passed HOUSSE Provision” Information is also pulled from the CDE Licensure database – active, current license as of snapshot creation data 12

13 Secondary Teacher HQ Edits
Following fields are used to determine evidence for HQ status: Staff Profile fields: “Subject Area of Degree 1-5”, “Highest level of Education” Staff Assignment fields: “Teaching Subject Area”, “24 Semester Hours of Content Coursework/Passed Approved Core Content Test in Teaching Area”, “Passed HOUSSE Provision” Information is also pulled from the CDE Licensure database – active, current license as of snapshot creation date as well as the endorsements attached to such license 13

14 Helpful Cognos Reports
Ensure all interchange files are error free by using the Status Dashboard screen under the Staff tab in Data Pipeline Verify all expected records are included in the HR snapshot by reviewing the cognos Report “Human Resources Snapshot Records” Other useful reports include “Summary by School” and “Summary by District” 14

15 Finalizing HR Snapshot
Must have the LEA Approver Role Pipeline: Click on Staff Profile tab in pipeline Click on Status Dashboard: Select Human Resources, and your district Click on the green button at the bottom ‘ Submit to CDE’ (only the LEA Approver role will have this option) Signature page needs to be signed by superintendent only (not the board of education director) Signature page can be faxed to me at or ed to me at 15

16 Resources Staff Interchange:
For Highly Qualified questions: Jennifer Simons at Documents posted online in staff interchange link Human Resources: 16

17 Contact Information Annette Severson: Phone: Fax: In s or voic messages, please include: District Code Error code(s) if applicable Where assistance is needed; such as ‘files won’t upload’ or ‘getting error HR### for EDID ######## and I don’t know why’ 17

18 Dynamic Learning Maps Pre-ID Pull

19 Dynamic Learning Maps Pre-ID Pull
Reminder for districts who have requested a student upload for DLM. Students will be pulled from student interchange on Monday, February 23rd 3rd – 11th grade Students with significant cognitive disabilities Questions Jasmine Carey 19

20 Student End of Year 20

21 End of Year 2014-2015 2014-2015 End of Year snapshot
Snapshot is available schedule posted at Remind schools to continue to work on collecting adequate documentation. 21

22 Statewide Standard Course Codes

23 Statewide Course Codes
Required for Teacher Student Data Link All districts are required to map courses 23

24 Statewide Course Codes
Course mappings schedule Replicate prior year courses Focus on secondary courses Map and load courses by Thursday, March 26th More information 24

25 11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT Snapshot Collection

26 LAM Assigns User Roles for 11th Grade Alternate
Create Preliminary Snapshot; correct errors DAC verifies IEPs for eligible students Test Orders Complete test orders 100% of districts Preparation Test Administrator Training – March 12 at 3:30 Registration Link will be sent via DAC/DR listserv- Please distribute March – Create Final Snapshot and Roster Distribute materials to Test Administrators Test Window April 1-24 May 8 LEAAPPROVER Webinar – April 21 8:00 AM Score Entry – April 28-May 7 May 8th LEAAPPROVER submits to CDE by 5:00 PM 26

27 11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT Contacts
9/9/2018 11th Grade Alternate Assessment for the Colorado ACT Contacts Linda Lamirande Exceptional Student Services Unit Accommodations & Assessment Specialist Tesia Swanstrom, Program Assistant I’m Linda Lamirande and I am your contact person for the 11th Grade Alternate. Tesia Swanstrom is my program assistant and she will be handling the test materials.

28 Poll Summary 28

29 Poll Results 1. How comfortable are you with Data Pipeline?
59% Intermediate, 21% Expert, 15% Novice 2. What is your position at the LEA? 62% District collection respondent, 28% Administrative Unit respondent, 10% Other 3. How Long have you been coming to Town Halls? 64% 18 months or more, 17% months, 10 % 6-12 months 4. How useful is Town Hall 44% Useful, 38% Very Useful, 18% Somewhat Useful 5. Preferred length of Town Hall 63% Flexible based on agenda, 20% 60 minutes, 10% 45 minutes 29

30 Poll Results 6. How would you like Town Hall structured?
55% I like the current structure, 38% Collection specific, 5% Hot topics 7. Frequency of Town Halls? 60% Once a week, 31% Bi-Weekly, 9% Monthly 8. Favorite form of Communication? 51% As needed s, 28% Town Hall, 21% Weekly collection status report 9. What business owners would you like at Town Hall? FAST, Data Services, Assessment (multiple requests), ELA, Vendors, Finance 30

31 Poll Results Summary: Continue to keep Data Pipeline Town Halls once a week and ask some CDE units and vendors to have a bigger presence in presenting and answering collection questions. Have CDE emphasize more on communications from collection owners rather than solely using Town Halls to communicate things. Big Thank you to all of you who have been tuning into Town Hall week after week for the last 2 years. 31

32 Next Town Hall: Thursday, February 26th, 2015 9a.m.-10a.m.

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