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A virtue formation program

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1 A virtue formation program
What is Challenge! A virtue formation program for fifth grade through high school girls. Q – What is Challenge?  Who leads the program?  It is a virtue formation program for fifth grade through high school girls that is team based, teen led and service driven. Challenge does this through formation meetings, service projects, retreats and camps. High school team leaders, with adult training and supervision, lead the meetings and activities for Challenge at our parish. Q –Where and when do they meet? The weekly formation meetings for the 5th – 8th grade girls are held in Stewardship Hall, twice a month on Fridays, from 3:45 – 5:15. We also have the opportunity to join other Wichita Challenge Clubs for integration and apostolic activities. High school age girls meet one to two times a month with their young adult leader. A calendar of events for both groups will be posted on our parish website link in September. Q –How much does it cost? The program cost is $50 for the year. These funds cover a CHALLENGE t-shirt, a Challenge notebook, a virtue focused calendar, a tote bag, some accessories and other team expenses. Q – Is it only during the school year? CHALLENGE at Resurrection meets twice a month during the school year and includes retreats and summer camp. Our first Resurrection Club meeting for this year will be on Friday, Sept. 11th. Q – Is it just our parish team? CHALLENGE is an international organization. The club numbers in the thousands nationally and nearly 300 girls regionally with two Wichita clubs from over 3 different parishes participating. We desire for CHALLENGE to continue to grow and reach more local parishes. CHALLENGE girls have the chance to meet other CHALLENGE girls at club-wide events, retreats, summer camps, local conventions and national activities. More questions? Resurrection Challenge Club: Sharla Pfeifer or Theresa Schmitz Challenge Wichita Club President: Pamela Tokerud Proud affiliate of Mission Network Sponsored by Regnum Christi

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