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Published byBarnard McDaniel Modified over 6 years ago
RAISEonline Data Analysis for Governors and Staff
Wensley Fold CE Primary School Clive Davies OBE Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Introduction New progress and attainment measures The government no longer reports key stages 1 and 2 attainment using levels. Key stage 2 national curriculum test outcomes are instead reported as scaled scores, where 100 represents the expected standard and, for 2016, 110 represents the high standard. At key stage 2, teacher assessment is reported for writing and science. At key stage 1, teacher assessment is reported for reading, writing, mathematics and science. The government no longer defines expected progress. Key stage 1 to key stage 2 progress is calculated differently from previously and the national average is zero. Provisional 2016 data for each subject shows that fewer than 5% of schools have progress scores above 5 and fewer than 5% of schools have progress scores below -5. Performance on the new measures is not comparable with 2015 performance, so key stages 1 and 2 data for previous years is not shown in the 2016 summary report. Data for previous years is available through earlier summary reports and the historical data sections in the interactive RAISEonline. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Introduction: 2 Shading of strong and weak performance The new shading system is shown: * only in the summary tables at the front of each key stage * for progress overall and by prior attainment * for attainment by prior attainment. Shading consists of: * green for strengths and red for weaknesses. * pale and bright shades in each colour, using bright for the most strong and most weak. *progress shading for sig+ and sig-, using bright where this is in the top or bottom 10% of schools. * attainment shading for a difference of at least one pupil from national, using bright where this is at least two pupils. The most important shading is for progress, so it is shown by a solid colour for the whole cell, while shading for attainment forms a frame for the cell. For each prior attainment group in each subject, about a half of schools have some shading for progress but different proportions of schools from each prior attainment group have attainment shading. In particular, a large number of schools have attainment shading for the middle prior attainment group because the number of pupils is relatively large and so a small percentage difference from national represents at least one pupil. Care should be taken when interpreting the attainment shading for this group as it does not necessarily mean that outcomes are particularly strong or particularly weak. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
School Context This part of the Basic Characteristics for the school shows that the school is believed to be serving pupils from a mixed socio-economic area. It is reasonable to expect that without further information the expectations are that attainment on entry is in line with the national expectation. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
School Context General Characteristics Above average size school. There are as many boys as girls attending. Percentage of Free school meals at 13.2% is below the national average (25.2). Percentage of pupils with SEN support is 14.8 and is just above the national average (12.1) and the percentage of pupils with a statement or EHC plan (3.0) is also above the national average (1.3) The school has a minority of British white pupils with 97.4% from minority ethnic backgrounds which is well above the national average (31.6). Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Basic Characteristics Across the School The table below shows that: the current Year 6 has the largest percentage of FSM the current Years 4 and 6 have the greatest percentage of Minority ethnic pupils, the current Year 6 has the greatest percentage of pupils with EAL, and the current Year 2 has the greatest percentage of SEN pupils Please note: The Year groups above refer to last year’s cohorts Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Attainment on Entry into Key Stage The table below shows that the current Year 6 started Year 3 above the attainment level of the last Year 6 cohort. The current Year 5 started at a position that was below the current Year 6. Each of the current cohorts started KS2 at a point close to or below the national average. Please note: The Year groups above refer to last year’s cohorts Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Attainment on Entry into Key Stage The table below shows that the current Year 6 had fewer pupils in the low attaining band at the end of Year 2 as nationally (6.5% compared with 10.1%) and fewer in the higher band compared to the national average (19.4%) compared with (30.7%). Please note: The Year groups above refer to last year’s cohorts Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School
Key Stage 2
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Progress Summary overall; by low, middle and high prior attainment; disadvantaged pupils Reading The progress measure for reading was Taking account of the confidence interval, at best this could be +0.9 and at its worst, it could be The 8 disadvantaged pupils had a progress measure of Taking account of confidence interval, at best this could have been and at worst, -5.0. The progress made by previously low attaining pupils was Previous mid attainers had a progress measure of Previous high attainers had a progress measure of Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Progress Summary overall; by low, middle and high prior attainment; disadvantaged pupils Writing The progress measure for writing was Taking account of the confidence interval, at best this could be 3.18 and at its worst, it could be The 8 disadvantaged pupils had a progress measure of Taking account of confidence interval, at best this could have been and at worst, This places the school in the top 10% for progress made by disadvantaged pupils in writing. The progress made by previously low attaining pupils was and is significantly positive. Previous mid attainers had a progress measure of Previous high attainers had a progress measure of Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Progress Summary overall; by low, middle and high prior attainment; disadvantaged pupils Mathematics The progress measure for maths was Taking account of the confidence interval, at best this could be and at its worst, it could be The 8 disadvantaged pupils had a progress measure of Taking account of confidence interval, at best this could have been and at worst, This places the school in the top 3% for progress made by disadvantaged pupils in writing. The progress made by previously low attaining pupils was This is significantly positive. Previous mid attainers had a progress measure of Previous high attainers had a progress measure of Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Attainment Summary overall and for disadvantaged pupils Reading The percentage of pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 48% which was 18% below the national average of 66%. The percentage of pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 12% which was 7% below the national average of 19%. The percentage of disadvantaged pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 38% which was 33% below the national average of 71%. The percentage of disadvantaged pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 25% which was 2% above the national average of 23%. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Attainment Summary for previously low, middle and high attaining pupils Reading The percentage of previously low attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 0% which was 17% below the national average of 17%. The percentage of previously low attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 0% which was 1% below the national average of 1%. The percentage of previously middle attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 40% which was 23% below the national average of 63%. This was significantly concerning and meant that 4 fewer mid attaining pupil attained at this level than was expected. The percentage of previously middle attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 5% which was 5% below the national average of 10%. The percentage of previously high attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 100% which was 5% above the national average of 95%. The percentage of previously high attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 38% which was 8% below the national average of 46%. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Attainment Summary overall and for disadvantaged pupils Writing The percentage of pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 85% which was 11% above the national average of 74%. The percentage of pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 0% which was 15% below the national average of 15%. The percentage of disadvantaged pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 88% which was 9% above the national average of 79%. The percentage of disadvantaged pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 0% which was 18% below the national average of 18%. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Attainment Summary for previously low, middle and high attaining pupils Writing The percentage of previously low attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 60% which was 20% above the national average of 20%. This was significantly positive and meant that 2 more low attaining pupil attained at this level than was expected. The percentage of previously low attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 0% which was in line with the national average of 0%. The percentage of previously middle attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 85% which was 9% above the national average of 76%. This was positive and meant that 1 more mid attaining pupil attained at this level than was expected. The percentage of previously middle attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 0% which was 6% below the national average of 6%. This was mildly concerning and meant that 1 fewer mid attaining pupil attained at this level than was expected. The percentage of previously high attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 100% which was 3% above the national average of 97%. The percentage of previously high attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 0% which was 39% below the national average of 39%. This was significantly concerning and meant that 3 fewer high attaining pupil attained at this level than was expected. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Attainment Summary overall and for disadvantaged pupils Maths The percentage of pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 67% which was 3% below the national average of 70%. The percentage of pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 12% which was 5% below the national average of 17%. The percentage of disadvantaged pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 63% which was 12% below the national average of 75%. The percentage of disadvantaged pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 13% which was 7% below the national average of 20%. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Attainment Summary for previously low, middle and high attaining pupils Maths The percentage of previously low attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 20% which was 1% above the national average of 19%. The percentage of previously low attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 0% which was 1% below the national average of 1%. The percentage of previously middle attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 65% which was 3% below the national average of 68%. The percentage of previously middle attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 5% which was 2% below the national average of 7%. The percentage of previously high attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 100% which was 3% above the national average of 97%. The percentage of previously high attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 38% which was 6% below the national average of 43%. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Attainment Summary overall and for disadvantaged pupils Reading, Writing and Maths combined The percentage of pupils attaining at the expected level or above in all three subjects was 42% which was 11% below the national average of 53%. The percentage of pupils attaining above the national average (high) in all three subjects was 0% which was 5% below the national average of 5%. The percentage of disadvantaged pupils attaining at the expected level or above in all three subjects was 25% which was 35% below the national average of 60%. The percentage of disadvantaged pupils attaining above the national average (high) in all three subjects was 0% which was 7% below the national average of 7%. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Attainment Summary for previously low, middle and high attaining pupils Reading, Writing and Maths combined The percentage of previously low attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above in all three subjects was 0% which was 6% below the national average of 6%. The percentage of previously low attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 0% which was in line with the national average of 0%. The percentage of previously middle attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above in all three subjects was 30% which was 16% below the national average of 46%. This was significantly concerning and meant that 3 fewer mid attaining pupils attained at this level than expected. The percentage of previously middle attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 0% which was 1% below the national average of 1%. The percentage of previously high attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above in all three subjects was 100% which was 9% above the national average of 91%. The percentage of previously high attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) in all three subjects was 0% which was 17% below the national average of 17%. This was mildly concerning and meant that 1 fewer high attaining pupils attained at this level than expected. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Attainment Summary overall and for disadvantaged pupils English grammar, punctuation and spelling The percentage of pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 82% which was 10% above the national average of 72%. The percentage of pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 9% which was 13% below the national average of 22%. The percentage of disadvantaged pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 88% which was 10% above the national average of 78%. The percentage of disadvantaged pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 13% which was 14% below the national average of 27%. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Attainment Summary for previously low, middle and high attaining pupils English grammar, punctuation and spelling The percentage of previously low attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 40% which was 23% above the national average of 17%. This was positive and meant that 1 more low attaining pupil attained at this level than expected. The percentage of previously low attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 0% which was 1% below the national average of 1%. The percentage of previously middle attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 85% which was 12% above the national average of 73%. This was significantly positive and meant that 2 more mid attaining pupil attained at this level than expected. The percentage of previously middle attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 0% which was 12% below the national average of 12%. This was significantly concerning and meant that 2 fewer mid attaining pupil attained at this level than expected. The percentage of previously high attaining pupils attaining at the expected level or above was 100% which was 2% above the national average of 98%. The percentage of previously high attaining pupils attaining above the national average (high) was 38% which was 18% below the national average of 55%. This was mildly concerning and meant that 1 fewer high attaining pupil attained at this level than expected. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Attainment Science
82% of pupils attained the expected standard for science which was 1% above the national average of 81%. 75% of disadvantaged pupils attained the expected standard which was 11% below the national average of 86%. 40% of previously low attaining pupils attained the national standard which was 11% above the national average. 85% of previously middle attaining pupils attained the national standard which was 1% above the national average of 84%. 100% of previously high attaining pupils attained the national standard which was 1% above the national average of 99%. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Reading Test: Attainment
48% of pupils scored 100+ in the reading test which was 18% below the national average. 12% attained a high scale score (greater depth) which was 7% below the national average. The average scaled score was compared with nationally. 45% of boys scored 100+ which was 17% below the national average. 54% of girls scored 100+ which was 16% below the national average. 5% of boys attained a high scale score (greater depth) which was 11% below the national average. 23% of girls attained a high scale score (greater depth) which was 1% above the national average. The average scaled score for boys was 98.1 which was 3.7 below the average. The average scaled score for girls was which was 0.1 below the average. 38% of the 8 disadvantaged pupils scored 100+ which was 33% below average and 25% attained greater depth which was 2% above average. The average scaled score for disadvantaged pupils was 98.6 which was 5.2 below average. 38% of the 7 EAL pupils scored 100+ which was 28% below average and 0% attained greater depth which was 19% below the average. The average scaled score for EAL pupils was 97.7 which was 4.9 below average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Reading Test: Progress
The overall progress indicator for all pupils was The progress indicator for boys was and it was for girls. The progress indicator for our 8 disadvantaged pupils was The progress indicator for our 21 EAL pupils was Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Writing Teacher Assessment: Attainment
85% of pupils attained the expected standard which was 11% above the national average. 0% attained greater depth which was 15% below the national average. 75% of boys attained the expected standard which was 7% above the national average. 100% of girls attained the expected standard which was 19% above the national average. 0% of boys attained greater depth which was 11% below the national average. 0% of girls attained greater depth which was 19% below the national average. 88% of the 8 disadvantaged pupils attained the expected standard which was 9% above the national average and 0% attained greater depth which was 18% below the national average. 81% of the 21 EAL pupils attained the expected standard which was 7% above the national average and 0% attained greater depth which was 15% below the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Writing Teacher Assessments: Progress
The overall progress indicator for all pupils was The progress indicator for boys was and it was +0.1 for girls. The progress indicator for our 8 disadvantaged pupils was The progress indicator for our 21 EAL pupils was Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Maths Test: Attainment
67% of pupils scored 100+ in the maths test which was 3% below the national average. 12% attained a high scale score (greater depth) which was 5% below the national average. The average scaled score was compared with nationally. 60% of boys scored 100+ which was 10% below the national average. 77% of girls scored 100+ which was 7% above the national average. 10% of boys attained a high scale score (greater depth) which was 8% below the national average. 15% of girls attained a high scale score (greater depth) which matched the national average. The average scaled score for boys was which was 0.6 below the average. The average scaled score for girls was which was 1.3 above the average. 63% of the 8 disadvantaged pupils scored 100+ which was 8% below average and 13% attained greater depth which was 7% below average. The average scaled score for disadvantaged pupils was which was 0.8 above average. 62% of the 21 EAL pupils scored 100+ which was 8% below average and 5% attained greater depth which was 12% below average. The average scaled score for EAL pupils was which was 0.6 below average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Maths Test: Progress
The overall progress indicator for all pupils was The progress indicator for boys was and it was for girls. The progress indicator for our 8 disadvantaged pupils was The progress indicator for our 21 EAL pupils was Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Combined Subjects: Attainment
42% of pupils attained the expected standard in all three subjects (reading, writing and maths) which was 11% below the national average. 0% attained a high standard (greater depth) in all three subjects which was 5% below the national average. 40% of boys attained the expected standard in all three subjects which was 9% below the national average. 46% of girls attained the expected standard in all three subjects which was 11% below the national average. 0% of boys attained a high standard (greater depth) which was 5% above the national average. 0% of girls attained a high standard (greater depth) which was 6% below the national average. 25% of the 8 disadvantaged pupils attained the expected standard in all three subjects which was 35% below the national average and 0% attained greater depth which was 7% below the national average. 33% of the 21 EAL pupils attained the expected standard in all three subjects which was 20% below the national average and 0% attained greater depth which was 5% below the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling tests
82% of pupils scored 100+ in the EGPS tests which was 10% above the national average. 9% attained a high scaled score (greater depth) which was 13% below the national average. The average scaled score was compared with nationally. The school’s average spelling mark was 16 compared with 15 nationally. 6% of pupils scored 20 compared with 11% nationally; 73% scored 15+ compared with 64% nationally; 91% scored 10+ compared with 85% nationally and 97% scored 5+ compared with 95% nationally. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling tests
75% of boys scored 100+ compared with 67% nationally with 0% reaching a high scaled score compared with 18% nationally. Boys averaged compared with nationally. 92% of girls scored 100+ compared with 78% nationally with 23% reaching a high scaled score compared with 27% nationally. Girls averaged compared with nationally. 88% of disadvantaged pupils scored 100+ in the EGPS test compared with 78% nationally and 13% scored a high scaled score compared with 27% nationally. The average scaled score was compared with 105 nationally. 71% of EAL pupils scored 100+ in the EGPS test compared with 72% nationally and 5% scored a high scaled score compared with 22% nationally. The average scaled score was compared with 104 nationally. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 2 Science Attainment
82% of pupils attained the expected standard in science which was 1% above the national average. 75% of boys attained the expected standard in science which was 4% below the national average. 92% of girls attained the expected standard in science which was 9% above the national average. 75% of the 8 disadvantaged pupils attained the expected standard in science which was 11% below the national average. 76% of the 21 EAL pupils attained the expected standard in science which was 5% below the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 Transition: Reading
The 1 pupil that entered KS2 with a Level 1, did not reach the expected standard by Year 6. Of the 5 pupils that entered KS2 with a Level 2c, 0 reached the expected standard by Year 6. Of the 7 pupils that entered KS2 with a Level 2b, 2 reached the expected standard by Year 6 with 0 attaining at the higher standard. Of the 12 pupils that entered KS2 with a Level 2a, 7 reached the expected standard by Year 6 with 1 attaining at the higher standard. Of the 7 pupils that entered KS2 with a Level 3+, all reached the expected standard by Year 6 with 3 attaining at the higher standard. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 Transition: Writing
Of the 6 pupils that entered KS2 with a Level 1, 3 reached the expected standard by Year 6 with 0 working at greater depth. Of the 3 pupils that entered KS2 with a Level 2c, 2 reached the expected standard by Year 6 with 0 working at greater depth. Of the 15 pupils that entered KS2 with a Level 2b, all reached the expected standard by Year 6 with 0 working at greater depth. Of the 6 pupils that entered KS2 with a Level 2a, all reached the expected standard by Year 6 with 0 working at greater depth. Of the 2 pupil that entered KS2 with a Level 3+, both reached the expected standard by Year 6 with 1 working at greater depth. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 Transition: Mathematics
Of the 4 pupils that entered KS2 with a Level 1, 1 reached the expected standard by Year 6. Of the 3 pupils that entered KS2 with a Level 2c, 1 reached the expected standard by Year 6. Of the 12 pupils that entered KS2 with a Level 2b, 8 reached the expected standard by Year 6 with 0 attaining at the higher standard. Of the 8 pupils that entered KS2 with a Level 2a, 7 reached the expected standard by Year 6 with 1 attaining at the higher standard. Of the 5 pupils that entered KS2 with a Level 3+, all reached the expected standard by Year 6 with 3 attaining at the higher standard. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 1 Summary: Reading
80% of pupils attained the expected standard or above which was 6% above the national average. 18% attained greater depth which was 6% below the national average. Of the 5 disadvantaged pupils, 80% attained at the national standard or better which was 2% above the national average. 40% attained greater depth which was 13% above the national average. 53% of the group that left EYFS as emerging in reading attained the national standard at the end of KS1, this was 18% above the national average and significantly positive. 7% of that group attained greater depth which was 5% above the national average. 86% of the group that left EYFS as expected attained the national standard at the end of KS1, this was 1% above the national average. 11% of that group attained greater depth which was 9% below the national average and significantly concerning. 100% of the group that left EYFS as exceeded attained the national standard at the end of KS1, this was 1% above the national average. 60% of that group attained greater depth which was 9% below the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 1 Summary: Writing
67% of pupils attained the expected standard or above which was 2% above the national average. 3% attained greater depth which was 10% below the national average. Of the 5 disadvantaged pupils, 80% attained at the national standard or better which was 10% above the national average. 0% attained greater depth which was 16% below the national average. 38% of the group that left EYFS as emerging in writing attained the national standard at the end of KS1, this was 8% above the national average and positive. 0% of that group attained greater depth which was 1% below the national average. 77% of the group that left EYFS as expected attained the national standard at the end of KS1, this was 5% below the national average and mildly concerning. 0% of that group attained greater depth which was 13% below the national average and significantly concerning. 100% of the group that left EYFS as exceeded attained the national standard at the end of KS1, this was 2% above the national average. 22% of that group attained greater depth which was 30% below the national average and significantly concerning. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 1 Summary: Mathematics
78% of pupils attained the expected standard or above which was 5% above the national average. 22% attained greater depth which was 4% above the national average. Of the 5 disadvantaged pupils, 80% attained at the national standard or better which was 3% above the national average. 40% attained greater depth which was 20% above the national average. 44% of the group that left EYFS as emerging in maths attained the national standard at the end of KS1, this was 8% above the national average and positive. 0% of that group attained greater depth which was 2% below the national average. 91% of the group that left EYFS as expected attained the national standard at the end of KS1, this was 5% above the national average and positive. 20% of that group attained greater depth which was 2% above the national average. 100% of the group that left EYFS as exceeded attained the national standard at the end of KS1, this was 1% above the national average. 86% of that group attained greater depth which was 27% above the national average and positive. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 1 Summary: Science
85% of pupils attained the national standard in science which was 3% above the national average. 80% of the 5 disadvantaged pupils attained the national standard. This was 5% below the national standard. Of the 6 pupils who were emerging at the end of EYFS, 17% attained the national standard in science which was 30% below the national average and mildly concerning. Of the 44 pupils who were at expected at the end of EYFS 91% attained the national standard which was 3% above the national average and positive. Of the 10 pupils who were at exceeded at the end of EYFS 100% attained the national standard which was 2% above the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment: Reading
80% of pupils attained the national standard in reading which was 6% above the national average. 18% attained greater depth in reading which was 6% below the national average. 74% of boys attained the national standard which was 4% above the national average and 20% attained greater depth which matched the national average. 88% of girls attained the national standard which was 10% above the national average and 16% attained at greater depth which was 11% below the national average. 80% of disadvantaged pupils attained the national standard which was 2% above the national average and 40% attained at greater depth which was 13% above the national average. 79% of EAL pupils attained the national standard which was 5% above the national average and 19% attained at greater depth which was 5% below the national average. 89% of autumn born pupils attained the national standard which was 9% above average. 33% attaining greater depth. This was 2% above the national average. 80% of spring born pupils attained the national standard which was 6% above the national average. 7% attained at greater depth which was 16% below the national average. 67% of summer born pupils attained the national standard which was 1% below average. 6% attaining greater depth which was 11% below the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment: Writing
67% of pupils attained the national standard in writing which 2% above the national average. 3% attained greater depth in writing which was 10% below the national average. 54% of boys attained the national standard which was 5% below the national average and 3% attained greater depth which was 7% below the national average. 84% of girls attained the national standard which was 11% above the national average and 4% attained at greater depth which was 13% below the national average. 80% of disadvantaged pupils attained the national standard which was 10% below the national average and 0% attained at greater depth which was 16% below the national average. 68% of EAL pupils attained the national standard which was 3% above the national average and 2% attained at greater depth which was 11% below the national average. 85% of autumn born pupils attained the national standard which was 12% above average. 7% attaining greater depth. This was 12% below the national average. 53% of spring born pupils attained the national standard which was 13% below the national average. 0% attained at greater depth which was 13% below the national average. 50% of summer born pupils attained the national standard which was 8% below average. 0% attaining greater depth which was 8% below the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment: Maths
78% of pupils attained the national standard in maths which was 5% above the national average. 22% attained greater depth in maths which was 4% below the national average. 74% of boys attained the national standard which was 2% above the national average and 23% attained greater depth which was 4% above the national average. 84% of girls attained the national standard which was 10% above the national average and 20% attained at greater depth which was 4% above the national average. 80% of disadvantaged pupils attained the national standard which was 3% above the national average and 40% attained at greater depth which was 20% below the national average. 77% of EAL pupils attained the national standard which was 4% below the national average and 26% attained at greater depth which was 8% above the national average. 89% of autumn born pupils attained the national standard which was 9% above the average. 30% attaining greater depth. This was 5% above the national average. 80% of spring born pupils attained the national standard which was 7% above the national average. 13% attained at greater depth which was 4% below the national average. 61% of summer born pupils attained the national standard which was 4% below average. 17% attaining greater depth which was 5% above the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment: Science
85% of pupils attained the national standard in science which was 3% above the national average. 80% of boys attained the national standard which was 1% above the national average. 92% of girls attained the national standard which was 8% above the national average. 80% of disadvantaged pupils attained the national standard which was 5% below the national average. 83% of EAL pupils attained the national standard which was 1% above the national average. 93% of autumn born pupils attained the national standard. This was 6% above the national average. 87% of spring born pupils attained the national standard. This was 5% above the national average. 72% of summer born pupils attained the national standard. This was 4% below the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Comparing Key Stage 1 Reading with EYFS
Of the 15 pupils that entered Key Stage 1 with emerging in reading, 53% attained the national standard. This was 18% above the national average. 7% attained greater depth which was 5% above the national average. Of the 35 pupils that entered Key Stage 1 with expected in reading, 86% attained the national standard. This was 1% above the national average. 11% attained greater depth which was 9% below the national average. Of the 10 pupils that entered Key Stage 1 with exceeded in reading, 100% attained the national standard. This was 1% above the national average. 60% attained greater depth which was 5% below the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Comparing Key Stage 1 Writing with EYFS
Of the 21 pupils that entered Key Stage 1 with emerging in writing, 38% attained the national standard. This was 8% above the national average. 0% attained greater depth which was 1% below the national average. Of the 30 pupils that entered Key Stage 1 with expected in writing, 77% attained the national standard. This was 5% below the national average. 0% attained greater depth which was 13% below the national average. Of the 9 pupils that entered Key Stage 1 with exceeded in writing, 100% attained the national standard. This was 2% above the national average. 22% attained greater depth which was 30% below the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Comparing Key Stage 1 Maths with EYFS
Of the 18 pupils that entered Key Stage 1 with emerging in maths, 44% attained the national standard. This was 8% above the national average. 0% attained greater depth which was 2% below the national average. Of the 35 pupils that entered Key Stage 1 with expected in maths, 91% attained the national standard. This was 5% above the national average. 20% attained greater depth which was 2% above the national average. Of the 7 pupils that entered Key Stage 1 with exceeded in maths, 100% attained the national standard. This was 1% above the national average. 86% attained greater depth which was 27% above the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School
Phonics Check
Year 1 Phonics: 3-year trend
The 3-year trend in Year 1 phonics results shows that standards have been above the national average for 3 years. The percentage of boys achieving the standard has been above the national average for the past 3 years. The percentage of girls achieving the standard has also been above average for the last three years. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Year 1 Phonics Check: Boys and Girls
There were 60 pupils in the cohort with 87% achieving the expected standard. This was 6% above the national average of 81%. Of the 26 boys in the cohort 85% achieved the expected standard which was 8% above the national average. Of the 34 girls in the cohort 88% achieved the expected standard which was 4% above the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Year 1 Phonics Check: Disadvantaged Pupils
There were 4 disadvantaged pupils in the cohort. Of the 4 disadvantaged pupils, 75% achieved the standard which was 5% above the national average of 70%. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Year 2 Phonics Check: Boys and Girls
There were 60 pupils in the cohort with 95% achieving the expected standard. This was 4% above the national average of 91%. Of the 35 boys in the cohort 94% achieved the expected standard which was 5% above the national average. Of the 25 girls in the cohort 96% achieved the expected standard which was 3% above the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Year 2 Phonics Check: Disadvantaged Pupils
There were 5 disadvantaged pupils in the cohort. Of the 5 disadvantaged pupils, 100% achieved the standard which was 14% above the national average of 86%. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School
EYFS: English and Mathematics 2015
The percentage of pupils achieving a good level of development was below the national average at 57% compared with 66% nationally. The percentage of pupils with entitlement to FSM achieving a good level of development was below the national average at 0% compared with 52% nationally. The percentage of boys achieving a good level of development was 38% which was below the national average by 21% and the percentage of girls achieving a good level of development was 71% which was below the national average by 3%. The percentage of pupils achieving at least the expected standard was below the national average for all aspects of communication and language, literacy and mathematics expect for reading, number and shape which were above average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Summary of 2016 RAISEonline
The school serves a disadvantaged socio-economic catchment area with attainment on entry expected to be below the national expectations; The current Year 6s attainment was below that of the last Year 6 on entry into Year 3. EYFS and Key Stage 1 Key Stage 1 continued EYFS: The percentage of pupils achieving a good level of development was below the national average at 57% compared with 66% nationally. Phonics: Year 1: The 3-year trend in Year 1 phonics results shows that standards have been above the national average for 3 years. There were 60 pupils in the cohort with 87% achieving the expected standard. This was 6% above the national average of 81%. Phonics: Year 2: There were 60 pupils in the cohort with 95% achieving the expected standard. This was 4% above the national average of 91%. Key Stage 1: Reading: 80% of pupils attained the expected standard or above which was 6% above the national average. 18% attained greater depth which was 6% below the national average. Writing: 67% of pupils attained the expected standard or above which was 2% above the national average. 3% attained greater depth which was 10% below the national average. Maths: 78% of pupils attained the expected standard or above which was 5% above the national average. 22% attained greater depth which was 4% above the national average. Reading: 74% of boys attained the national standard which was 4% above the national average and 20% attained greater depth which matched the national average. 88% of girls attained the national standard which was 10% above the national average and 16% attained at greater depth which was 11% below the national average. 80% of disadvantaged pupils attained the national standard which was 2% above the national average and 40% attained at greater depth which was 13% above the national average. Writing: 54% of boys attained the national standard which was 5% below the national average and 3% attained greater depth which was 7% below the national average. 84% of girls attained the national standard which was 11% above the national average and 4% attained at greater depth which was 13% below the national average. 80% of disadvantaged pupils attained the national standard which was 10% below the national average and 0% attained at greater depth which was 16% below the national average. Maths: 74% of boys attained the national standard which was 2% above the national average and 23% attained greater depth which was 4% above the national average. 84% of girls attained the national standard which was 10% above the national average and 20% attained at greater depth which was 4% above the national average. 80% of disadvantaged pupils attained the national standard which was 3% above the national average and 40% attained at greater depth which was 20% below the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Summary of 2016 RAISEonline: 2
The school serves a disadvantaged socio-economic catchment area with attainment on entry expected to be below the national expectations; The current Year 6s attainment was below that of the last Year 6 on entry into Year 3. Key Stage 2 Progress Key Stage 2 Attainment Reading: The progress measure for reading was Taking account of the confidence interval, at best this could be +0.9 and at its worst, it could be The 8 disadvantaged pupils had a progress measure of Taking account of confidence interval, at best this could have been and at worst, -5.0. Writing: The progress measure for writing was Taking account of the confidence interval, at best this could be 3.18 and at its worst, it could be The 8 disadvantaged pupils had a progress measure of Taking account of confidence interval, at best this could have been and at worst, This places the school in the top 10% for progress made by disadvantaged pupils in writing. Maths: The progress measure for maths was Taking account of the confidence interval, at best this could be and at its worst, it could be The 8 disadvantaged pupils had a progress measure of Taking account of confidence interval, at best this could have been and at worst, This places the school in the top 3% for progress made by disadvantaged pupils in writing. Reading: 48% of pupils scored 100+ in the reading test which was 18% below the national average. 12% attained a high scale score (greater depth) which was 7% below the national average. The average scaled score was compared with nationally. Writing: 85% of pupils attained the expected standard which was 11% above the national average. 0% attained greater depth which was 15% below the national average. Maths: 67% of pupils scored 100+ in the maths test which was 3% below the national average. 12% attained a high scale score (greater depth) which was 5% below the national average. The average scaled score was compared with nationally. Combined: 42% of pupils attained the expected standard in all three subjects (reading, writing and maths) which was 11% below the national average. 0% attained a high standard (greater depth) in all three subjects which was 5% below the national average. English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: 82% of pupils scored 100+ in the EGPS tests which was 10% above the national average. 9% attained a high scaled score (greater depth) which was 13% below the national average. The average scaled score was compared with nationally. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School
Inspection Dashboard
Strengths and Weaknesses
National floor standards were met in 2015. The 2016 dataset shows four identified strengths. There were three overall weaknesses identified in the dataset for 2016. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Reading Progress in KS2 In 2016 progress for all pupils in reading was and below national overall. For all pupils, progress for the 5 pupils with low prior attainment was -0.29; progress for the 20 pupils with middle prior attainment was -1.91; and progress for the 8 pupils with high prior attainment was For disadvantaged pupils progress overall was Progress for the 3 pupils with low prior attainment was -0.57; progress for the 3 pupils with middle prior attainment was 0.93; and progress for the 2 pupils with high prior attainment was For other pupils, progress for the 2 pupils with low prior attainment was 0.14; progress for the 17 pupils with middle prior attainment was -2.41; and progress for the 6 pupils with high prior attainment was 0.82. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Reading Attainment in KS2
In 2016 the average scaled score for all pupils in reading was and below national. 48% of all pupils met the expected standard compared to the 66% national average and 12% met the higher standard compared to 19% nationally. Of the 2 pupils with previous low attainment 0% met the standard and 0% met the higher standard. Of the pupils with previous middle attainment 38% met the standard, the equivalent of 6 pupils below national; and 4% met the higher standard (1 pupil below national). Of the pupils with previous high attainment 100% met the expected standard compared to 97% nationally and 43% met the higher standard. 36% of our 8 disadvantaged pupils met the expected standard compared to the 71% national average and 25% met the higher standard compared to 23% nationally. Of the 1 pupil with previous low attainment 0% met the standard and 0% met the higher standard. Of the pupils with previous middle attainment 33% met the standard compared to 68% nationally (2 pupils below national) and 17% met the higher standard compared to 11% nationally. Of the pupil with previous high attainment 100% met the expected standard compared to 97% nationally and 100% met the higher standard compared to 52% nationally. 52% of other pupils met the expected standard compared to the 71% national average and 8% met the higher standard compared to 23% nationally. Of the 1 pupil with previous low attainment 0% met the standard and 0% met the higher standard. Of the pupils with previous middle attainment 39% met the standard (5 pupils below national) and 0% met the higher standard (1 pupil below national). Of the pupils with previous high attainment 100% met the expected standard compared to 97% nationally and 33% met the higher standard compared to 52% nationally (1 pupil below national). Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Writing Progress in KS2 For all pupils the progress score was Progress for the 5 pupils with low prior attainment was 8.79 and significantly above national and in the top 10% of schools; progress for the 20 pupils with middle prior attainment was 0.71 and; and progress for the 8 pupils with high prior attainment was For disadvantaged pupils progress overall was Progress for the 3 pupils with low prior attainment was and significantly above national and in the top 10% of schools; progress for the 3 pupils with middle prior attainment was 1.27; and progress for the 2 pupils with high prior attainment was For other pupils, progress overall was Progress for the 2 pupils with low prior attainment was 6.13; progress for the 17 pupils with middle prior attainment was 0.61; and progress for the 6 pupils with high prior attainment was Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Writing Attainment in KS2
85% of all pupils met the expected standard compared to the 74% national average and 0% met the higher standard compared to 15% nationally. There were 7 pupils with previous low attainment in this cohort and 43% met the expected standard compared to 25% nationally (1 pupil above national); with 0% working at greater depth. Of the pupils with previous middle attainment 96% met the expected standard compared to 82% nationally (3 pupils above national); and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 11% nationally (2 pupils below national). Of the pupils with previous high attainment 100% met the expected standard compared to 99% nationally and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 54% nationally (1 pupil below national). 88% of our 8 disadvantaged pupils met the expected standard compared to the 79% national average and 0% met the higher standard compared to 18% nationally. There were 2 pupils with previous low attainment in this cohort and 50% met the expected standard compared to 28% nationally with 0% working at greater depth compared to 1% nationally. Of the 5 pupils with previous middle attainment 100% met the expected standard compared to 84% nationally and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 12% nationally. Of the pupil with previous high attainment 100% met the expected standard compared to 99% nationally and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 55% nationally 84% of other pupils met the expected standard compared to the 79% national average and 0% met the higher standard compared to 18% nationally. Of the 5 pupils with previous low attainment 40% met the expected standard compared to 28% nationally, and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 0% nationally. Of the 19 pupils with previous middle attainment 95% met the expected standard compared to 84% nationally (2 pupils above national), and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 12% nationally (2 pupils below national). Of the 1 pupil with previous high attainment 100% met the expected standard compared to 99% nationally and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 55% nationally. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Maths Progress in KS2 In 2016 progress for all pupils in maths was 1.39. For all pupils, there were 5 pupils with low prior attainment and progress was 7.34 and significantly above national and in the top 10% of schools; progress for the 20 pupils with middle prior attainment was -0.24; and progress for the 8 pupils with high prior attainment was 1.72. For disadvantaged pupils progress overall was 5.17 and significantly above national and in the top 10% of schools. There were 3 pupils with low prior attainment and progress was 9.79 and significantly above national and in the top 10% of schools; progress for the 3 pupils with middle prior attainment was 0.62; and progress for the 2 pupils with high prior attainment was 5.05. For other pupils, progress overall was Progress for the 2 pupils with low prior attainment was 3.67; progress for the 17 pupils with middle prior attainment was -0.39; and progress for the 6 pupils with high prior attainment was 0.60. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Maths Attainment in KS2 67% of all pupils met the expected standard compared to the 70% national average and 12% met the higher standard compared to 17% nationally. Of the 5 pupils with previous low attainment 20% met the standard compared to 14% nationally and 0% met the higher standard compared to 0% nationally. Of the pupils with previous middle attainment 70% met the standard compared to 69% nationally; and 4% met the higher standard compared to 8% nationally. Of the pupils with previous high attainment 100% met the expected standard compared to 98% nationally and 60% met the higher standard compared to 51% nationally. 63% of our 8 disadvantaged pupils met the expected standard compared to the 75% national average and 13% met the higher standard compared to 20% nationally. Of the 3 pupils with previous low attainment 33% met the standard compared to 16% nationally and 0% met the higher standard compared to 1% nationally. Of the pupils with previous middle attainment 67% met the standard compared to 73% nationally and 0% met the higher standard compared to 10% nationally. Of the pupils with previous high attainment 100% met the expected standard compared to 99% nationally and 50% met the higher standard compared to 53% nationally. 68% of other pupils met the expected standard compared to the 75% national average and 12% met the higher standard compared to 20% nationally. Of the 2 pupils with previous low attainment 0% met the standard compared to 16% nationally and 0% met the higher standard compared to 1% nationally. Of the pupils with previous middle attainment 70% met the standard; and 5% met the higher standard compared to 10% nationally. Of the pupils with previous high attainment 100% met the expected standard compared to 99% nationally and 67% met the higher standard compared to 53% nationally. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
KS2 Girls and Boys Progress
In reading, the 13 girls were below girls nationally. The 20 boys were below boys nationally. Of the pupils with prior low attainment there were no girls and boys were below boys nationally. Of the pupils with prior middle attainment, girls were below girls nationally and boys were below boys nationally. Of the pupils with prior high attainment, girls were below girls nationally and boys were 1.33 above boys nationally. In writing, the 13 girls were below girls nationally. The 20 boys were 2.43 above boys nationally. Of the pupils with prior low attainment, there were no girls and boys were 9.59 significantly above boys nationally and in the top 10% of schools. . Of the pupils with prior middle attainment, girls were 1.12 above girls nationally and boys were 0.51 above boys nationally. Of the pupils with prior high attainment, the girls were below girls nationally and boys were below boys nationally. In maths, the 13 girls were 0.31 above girls nationally. The 20 boys were 1.88 above boys nationally. Of the pupils with prior low attainment, there were no girls and boys were significantly above boys nationally and in the top 10% of schools. Of the pupils with prior middle attainment, girls were below girls nationally and boys were below boys nationally. Of the pupils with prior high attainment, the girls were 2.25 above national and boys were 1.12 above national. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
KS2 Girls and Boys Attainment
In reading, 54% of girls met the expected standard compared to 70% nationally and 23% met the higher standard compared to 22% nationally. 45% of boys met the expected standard compared to 62% nationally and 5% met the higher standard compared to 16% nationally. Of the pupils with prior low attainment, there were no girls and 0% of boys met the standard compared to 18% nationally. Of the pupils with prior middle attainment, 33% of girls met the standard compared to 66% nationally, the equivalent of 2 pupils below national; and 40% of boys met the standard compared to 62% nationally (3 pupils below national). Of the pupils with prior high attainment, 100% of girls met the standard compared to 97% nationally; and 100% of boys met the standard compared to 96% nationally. In writing, 100% of girls met the expected standard compared to 81% nationally and 0% met the higher standard compared to 19% nationally. 75% of boys met the expected standard compared to 68% nationally and 0% met the higher standard compared to 11% nationally. Of the girl with prior low attainment 100% met the standard compared to 29% nationally and 33% of boys met the standard compared to 23% nationally. Of the pupils with prior middle attainment, 100% of girls met the standard compared to 86% nationally (1 pupil above national); and 93% of boys met the standard compared to 79% nationally (1 pupil above national). Of the pupils with prior high attainment, 100% of girls met the standard compared to 99% nationally. There were no boys with high prior attainment. In maths, 77% of girls met the expected standard compared to 70% nationally and 15% met the higher standard compared to 15% nationally. 60% of boys met the expected standard compared to 70% nationally and 10% met the higher standard compared to 18% nationally. There were no girls with prior low attainment and 20% of boys met the standard compared to 15% nationally. Of the pupils with prior middle attainment, 70% of girls met the standard compared to 69% nationally; and 69% of boys met the standard compared to 69% nationally. Of the girls with prior high attainment, 100% met the standard compared to 98% nationally. Of the boys, 100% met the standard compared to 98% nationally. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
KS2 SEN Progress In reading, there were 2 pupils with an EHC plan/statement; the 5 pupils with SEN support were below national, compared to pupils with no SEN who were below national. In writing, there were 2 pupils with an EHC plan/statement; the 5 pupils with SEN support were 1.61 above national, compared to pupils with no SEN who were below national. In maths, there were 2 pupils with an EHC plan/statement; the 5 pupils with SEN support were 4.92 significantly above national and in the top 10% of schools, compared to pupils with no SEN who were below national. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
KS2 SEN Attainment In reading, the average scaled score for SEN support pupils was 94.6 compared to for no SEN pupils. 20% of 5 SEN support pupils met the expected standard compared to 73% of all pupils nationally and 0% met the higher standard compared to 11% nationally. In writing, 60% of 5 SEN support pupils met the expected standard compared to 84% of all pupils nationally and 0% met the higher standard compared to 17% nationally. In maths, the average scaled score for SEN support pupils was compared to for no SEN pupils. 80% of 5 SEN support pupils met the expected standard compared to 78% of all pupils nationally and 20% met the higher standard compared to 19% nationally. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
KS2 Other Subjects In EGPS, the percentages of all pupils and groups of pupils performing at expected were above national. (There is no national comparison for SEN pupil.) In EGPS, the percentages of all pupils and groups of pupils performing at the higher standard were below national. (There is no national comparison for SEN pupils) Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
KS2 Other Subjects In Spelling, the percentages of all pupils and all groups of pupils achieving the average mark were above national. (There is no national comparison for SEN pupils) In Science, the percentages of all pupils and all groups of pupils performing at the expected standard were above national for all pupils, girls and no SEN pupils but below national for disadvantaged pupils, other pupils and boys. (There is no national comparison for SEN pupils.) Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Reading Attainment in KS1
80% of all pupils met the expected standard compared to the 74% national average and 18% were working at greater depth compared to 24% nationally. Of the pupils who were emerging at the end of EY, 53% met the standard with the equivalent of 2 pupils above national; and 7% were working at greater depth compared to 2% nationally. Of the pupils who were expected at the end of EY, 86% met the standard compared to 85% nationally; and 11% were working at greater depth compared to 20% nationally, with the equivalent of 2 pupils below national. Of the pupils who were exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 99% nationally and 60% were at greater depth compared to 65% nationally. 80% of our 5 disadvantaged pupils met the expected standard compared to the 78% national average and 40% were working at greater depth compared to 27% nationally. Of the pupils who were emerging at the end of EY, 50% met the standard compared to 39% nationally, and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 2% nationally. Of the pupils who were expected at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 87% and 50% were working at greater depth compared to 21% nationally. Of the pupil who was exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 99% nationally and 100% were at greater depth compared to 66% nationally. 80% of other pupils met the expected standard compared to the 78% national average and 16% were working at greater depth compared to 27% nationally. Of the pupils who were emerging at the end of EY, 54% met the standard compared to 39% nationally (1 pupils above national) and 8% were working at greater depth compared to 2% nationally. Of the pupils who were expected at the end of EY, 85% met the standard compared to 87% nationally; and 9% were working at greater depth compared to 21% nationally, with the equivalent of 4 pupils below national. Of the pupils who were exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 99% nationally and 56% were at greater depth compared to 66% nationally. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
KS1 Reading - Girls and Boys
88% of girls met the expected standard compared to the 78% national average and 16% were working at greater depth compared to 27% nationally. Of the girls who were emerging at the end of EY, 50% met the standard compared to 38% nationally and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 2% nationally. Of the girls who were expected at the end of EY, 94% met the standard compared to 87% nationally (1 pupil above national) and 12% were working at greater depth compared to 21% nationally (1 pupil below national). Of the girls who were exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 87% nationally and 50% were working at greater depth compared to 66% nationally. 74% of boys met the expected standard compared to the 70% national average and 20% were working at greater depth compared to 20% nationally. Of the boys who were emerging at the end of EY, 55% met the standard compared to 34% nationally (2 pupils above national) and 9% were working at greater depth compared to 2% nationally. Of the boys who were expected at the end of EY, 78% met the standard compared to 84% nationally (1 pupil below national) and 11% were working at greater depth compared to 19% nationally (1 pupil below national. Of the boys who were exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 99% nationally and 67% were at greater depth compared to 63% nationally. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Writing Attainment in KS1
67% of all pupils met the expected standard compared to the 65% national average and 3% were working at greater depth compared to 13% nationally. Of the pupils who were emerging at the end of EY, 38% met the standard (1 pupil above national) and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 1% nationally. Of the pupils who were expected at the end of EY, 77% met the standard compared to 82% nationally (1 pupil below national) and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 13% nationally (3 pupils below national). Of the pupils who were exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 98% nationally and 22% were working at greater depth compared to 52% nationally (2 pupils below national). 80% of our 5 disadvantaged pupils met the expected standard compared to the 70% national average and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 16% nationally. Of the pupils who were emerging at the end of EY, 67% met the standard compared to 33% nationally (1 pupil above national) and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 1% nationally. Of the pupils who were expected at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 83% nationally and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 14% nationally. Of the pupils who were exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 99% nationally and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 53% nationally. 65% of other pupils met the expected standard compared to the 70% national average and 4% were working at greater depth compared to 16% nationally. Of the pupils who were emerging at the end of EY, 33% met the standard compared to 33% nationally and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 1% nationally. Of the pupils who were expected at the end of EY, 76% met the standard compared to 83% nationally (2 pupils below national) and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 14% nationally (3 pupils below national). Of the pupils who were exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 99% nationally and 25% were working at greater depth compared to 53% nationally (2 pupils below national). Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
KS1 Writing - Girls and Boys
84% of girls met the expected standard compared to the 73% national average and 4% were working at greater depth compared to 17% nationally. Of the girls who were emerging at the end of EY, 57% met the standard compared to 34% nationally (1 pupil above national) and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 1% nationally. Of the girls who were expected at the end of EY, 93% met the standard compared to 84% nationally (1 pupil above national) and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 14% nationally (2 pupils below national). Of the girls who were exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 99% nationally and 25% were working at greater depth compared to 54% nationally (1 pupil below national). 54% of boys met the expected standard compared to the 59% national average and 3% were working at greater depth compared to 10% nationally. Of the boys who were emerging at the end of EY, 29% met the standard compared to 27% nationally and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 1% nationally. Of the boys who were expected at the end of EY, 63% met the standard compared to 79% nationally (2 pupils below national) and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 11% nationally 91 pupil below national). Of the boys who were exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 98% nationally and 20% were working at greater depth compared to 48% nationally (1 pupil below national). Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Maths Attainment in KS1 78% of all pupils met the expected standard compared to the 73% national average and 22% were working at greater depth compared to 18% nationally. Of the pupils who were emerging at the end of EY, 44% met the standard compared to 36% nationally (1 pupil above national) and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 2% nationally. Of the pupils who were expected at the end of EY, 91% met the standard compared to 86% nationally (1 pupil above national) and 20% were working at greater depth compared to 18% nationally. Of the pupils who were exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 99% nationally and 86% were working at greater depth compared to 59% nationally (1 pupil above national). 80% of our 5 disadvantaged pupils met the expected standard compared to the 77% national average and 40% were working at greater depth compared to 20% nationally. Of the pupils who were emerging at the end of EY, 50% met the standard and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 2% nationally. Of the pupils who were expected at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 87% nationally and 50% were working at greater depth compared to 20% nationally. Of the pupil who was exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 99% nationally and 100% were working at greater depth compared to 61% nationally. 78% of other pupils met the expected standard compared to the 77% national average and 20% were working at greater depth compared to 20% nationally. Of the pupils who were emerging at the end of EY, 44% met the standard compared to 40% nationally and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 2% nationally. Of the pupils who were expected at the end of EY, 91% met the standard compared to 87% nationally (1 pupil above national) and 18% were working at greater depth compared to 14% nationally. Of the pupils who were exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 99% nationally and 83% were working at greater depth compared to 61% nationally (1 pupil above national). Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
KS1 Maths - Girls and Boys
84% of girls met the expected standard compared to the 74% national average and 20% were working at greater depth compared to 16% nationally. Of the girls who were emerging at the end of EY, 63% met the standard compared to 34% nationally (2 pupils above national) and 0% were working at greater depth compared to 1% nationally. Of the girls who were expected at the end of EY, 93% met the standard compared to 85% nationally (1 pupil above national) and 14% were working at greater depth compared to 16% nationally. Of the girls who were exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 99% nationally and 100% were working at greater depth compared to 53% nationally (1 pupil above national). 74% of boys met the expected standard compared to the 72% national average and 23% were working at greater depth compared to 19% nationally. Of the boys who were emerging at the end of EY, 30% met the standard compared to 37% nationally with 0% were working at greater depth compared to 2% nationally. Of the boys who were expected at the end of EY, 90% met the standard compared to 87% nationally and 24% were working at greater depth compared to 21% nationally. Of the boys who were exceeding at the end of EY, 100% met the standard compared to 99% nationally and 75% were working at greater depth compared to 65% nationally. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
KS1 SEN Attainment In reading, of our 5 SEN support pupils,3 pupils were at emerging at the end of EY and 100% met the expected standard. 2 pupils were at expected at the end of EY and 50% met the expected standard. One SEN pupil was working at greater depth. In writing, of our 5 SEN support pupils, 4 pupils were at emerging at the end of EY and 50% met the expected standard. 1 pupil were at expected at the end of EY and 100% met the expected standard. No SEN pupil was working at greater depth. In maths, of our 5 SEN support pupils, 3 pupils were at emerging at the end of EY and 67% met the expected standard. 1 pupil were at expected at the end of EY and 100% met the expected standard. 1 pupil were at exceeding at the end of EY and 100% met the expected standard. One SEN pupil was working at greater depth. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
KS1 Science In Science, the percentages of all pupils and groups of pupils performing at the expected standard were above national except for Disadvantaged pupils who were below national. (There is no national comparison for SEN pupils). Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Year 1 phonics Over the last three years the % of pupils achieving the expected standard has been above national. The 3 year trend for disadvantaged pupils has been below other pupils in 2014 and 2016 but above other pupils in 2015. Boys have performed below girls in 2014, 2015 and 2016. 82% of SEN pupils achieved the standard in 2014; 45% in 2015, and 64% achieved it in 2016. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Year 2 phonics Over the last two years the % of pupils achieving the expected standard was above national by 8% in 2015 and by 4% in 2016. Disadvantaged pupils were below other pupils in 2015 but above other pupils in 2016. Girls were above boys in 2015 and in 2016. 75% of SEN pupils achieved the standard in 2015 and 78% achieved it in 2016. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
EYFS Profile – Good Level of Development (GLD)
In 2014 and 2015 the % of pupils achieving a good level of development decreased from 58% in 2014 when it was below national by 3%; to57% in 2015 which was below national by 9%. 40% of FSM pupils achieved GLD in 2014 which was below other pupils (60%) and below national (64%). 0% of FSM pupils achieved GLD in 2015 which was below other pupils (60%) and below national (69%). Boys were below girls in 2014 and in 2015. 20% of SEN pupils achieved GLD in 2014 and 13% achieved GLD in 2015. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
EYFS Profile – Maths In 2014 and 2015 the % of pupils achieving expected in maths was below national by 5% and just above by 1% respectively. 60% of FSM pupils achieved expected in 2014 which was below other pupils (69%) and below national (76%). 33% of FSM pupils achieved expected in 2015 which was below other pupils (79%) and below national (78%). Girls were below boys in 2014 and above boys in 2015. 30% of SEN pupils achieved expected in 2014 and 27% achieved expected in 2015. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
EYFS – Reading In 2014 and 2015 the % of pupils achieving expected in reading was below national by 2% and above by 2% respectively. 60% of FSM pupils achieved expected in 2014 which was below other pupils (79%) and below national (78%). 38% of FSM pupils achieved expected in 2015 which was below other pupils (81%) and below national (79%). Girls were above boys in 2014 and in 2015. 20% of SEN pupils achieved expected in 2014 and 47% achieved expected in 2015. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
EYFS - Writing In 2014 and 2015 the % of pupils achieving expected in writing was below national by 5% and just below by 1% respectively. 40% of FSM pupils achieved expected in 2014 which was below other pupils (64%) and below national (71%). 33% of FSM pupils achieved expected in 2015 which was below other pupils (72%) and below national (74%). Girls were above boys in 2014 and in 2015. 20% of SEN pupils achieved expected in 2014 and 33% achieved expected in 2015. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Absence The % of sessions missed for all pupils was lowest in 2015 (4.1%). In 2015 the % of sessions missed was above the national average absence rates for All pupils, FSM pupils, Boys and ‘No EHC/Statemented’ pupils. In 2015 the highest absence % was for FSM pupils and for ‘No EHC/statemented’ SEN pupils and both groups were in the highest 10% absence rate nationally. The % of pupils absent for 15% or more sessions was highest in 2013 and 2014 (3.2%). In 2015 ‘No EHC/Statemented’ pupils had the highest % of pupils absent for 15% or more sessions and were above the national average. FSM pupils were also above the national average. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
Absence There were no fixed term exclusions or repeat exclusions in 2012, 2013 or in 2014. There were no permanent exclusions in 2014 or the two previous years. Wensley Fold CE Primary School (c) 2016
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