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FLUKA Status and Perspectives
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland for the FLUKA collaboration LCG, Sept. 2006
FLUKA collaboration A. Fassò SLAC
M.Brugger, F. Cerutti, A. Ferrari, S. Roesler, G. Smirnov, F. Sommerer, V.Vlachoudis CERN J. Ranft Univ. of Siegen G. Battistoni, M. Campanella, E. Gadioli, M.V. Garzelli, M.Lantz, S. Muraro, P.R. Sala INFN & Univ. Milano F. Ballarini, A. Mairani, A. Ottolenghi, D. Scannicchio, S. Trovati INFN & Univ. Pavia M. Carboni, A. Mostacci, V. Patera, M. Pelliccioni R. Villari INFN Frascati A. Empl, L. Pinsky Univ. of Houston T. Wilson, N. Zapp NASA-Houston WEB page: NASA grant for FLUKA development 1000 users Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
Major steps since March 2005
May 2005 : definition and approval of the FLUKA license July 2005 : release of FLUKA ; release of the FLUKA source code for INFN and CERN researchers October 2005 : Publication of the FLUKA description and user guide as a CERN yellow report ( CERN ) September 2006 : Release of FLUKA Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
Highlights from FLUKA 2005.6 release notes:
Elimination of the PEMF preprocessor Radioactive products online evolution and associated remnant dose calculation Electromagnetic dissociation for heavy ions New photon cross sections (EPDL97) New/updated photon interaction models Interface to DPMJET-3 ( 2.53 already available) Use of parentheses in the geometry Extension of the PEANUT hadronic generator to anti-nucleons and extension of its energy range Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
New Release: FLUKA Major new features: (see release notes for details) Input by names Generation of primary ionisation events (request by ALICE) New high-energy hadronic generator (available as option, will become the default) Improvements in the evaporation/fission models First implementation of photon-muon pair production (mu-pair). An initial implementation of the BME model for low energy nucleus-nucleus interactions (available on request) Activity concentration 2D/3D binnings (was only by region) Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
New high-energy generator
The accurate and reliable low energy generator, PEANUT, has been extended with the inclusion of Glauber multiple interactions Data from the HARP experiment at CERN First published results : 12.9 GeV/c p on Al, + production vs emission energy and angle Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06 presented at COSPAr2006, Beijing july 006
New generator: NA49 p on C Double differential + - production for p C interactions at 158 GeV/c, as measured by NA49 (symbols) and predicted by FLUKA (histograms) Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
Example of new fission/evaporation
The overall result in the residual predictions in the spallation zone: Striking improvement for actinides (which was poor before) Nice improvement for non-actinides (Pb, Au etc, it was already not bad) Global improvement in the mass distribution of fission fragments for all. For non fissionable light-medium mass nuclei differences are minor: Smooth out some features and in particular some excessive odd-even effect 1 A GeV 208Pb + p reactions Nucl. Phys. A 686 (2001) Data Old FLUKA New FLUKA New only when exp data exists Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
Example of Activity maps
Activation of the n-ToF target 8.4×1011 p/s GeV/c 6 months irradiation/ 6 months off from Apr2001 to Oct2004 Cooling down till May 2006 Side view (averaged over 80 cm width ) Front view (averaged over 60 cm length ) Lead target, Steel support, immersed in cooling/moderating water Simulations from E. Lebbos et al., « CERN nTOF Facility : Résultats de la simulation de l'activité de la cible de n-TOF “ EET internal report Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
The “FLUKA team” (AB-ATB-EET)
4 staff + 2 fellows Direct responsibility for all FLUKA accelerator-related simulations Consultancy and support for FLUKA applications in RP and PH Specific past and present tasks: IR7 machine protection and damage to electronics IR4 radiation damage and shielding Machine protection elements (TCDQ, TDI, TCDD) CNGS physics, engineering, optimization, radiation protection n_TOF physics and engineering Code development Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
Simulations for LHC IR7: layout
LHC optics files Top beam energy Primary collimators: 6 s Secondary collimators: 7 s Absorbers: 10 s E6 C6 IP7 A6 RR73 IR7 Layout contains over 200 objects Warm section 2 Dispersion suppressors Collimators with variable positioning of the jaws Challenging simulation work UJ76 RR77 Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
Warm magnets FLUKA geometry exported to PovRay,
a RayTracer for creating three-dimensional graphs. Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
Cold magnets The superconducting dipoles (MB) are made out of 4 sections to account for the curvature of the real dipoles Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
Collimator robustness: C is the only viable choice
TT40 test beam: energy deposition (J/cm3) for GeV protons on the collimator prototype Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
Impact of the passive absorber on the most exposed MQW
Most of the radiation passes through the beam pipe => The most important parameter is the inner radius. MGy per year Constraint: 30 MGy over 10 years Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
Technology spin-off : studies on in-beam treatment control with PET:
Final goal: simulation of β+ emitters generated during the irradiation In-beam treatment plan verification with PET 337 Mev/u 12C on water, after irradiation Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06 PhD student from ETT
Bragg peaks vs exp. data: 20Ne @ 670 MeV/n
Dose vs depth distribution for 670 MeV/n 20Ne ions on a water phantom. The green line is the FLUKA prediction The symbols are exp data from LBL and GSI Exp. Data Jpn.J.Med.Phys. 18, 1,1998 Fragmentation products Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
FLUKA Applications at CERN: CNGS
target Updates of the beam line description new simulations for neutrino fluxes and for CNGS commissioning muons in 1st pit no target, different proton beam angular misalignments ( from beam dump) Detectors in the beam pits Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
Conferences and workshops
Invited talk at MonteCarlo 2005, Chattanooga, April 2005 Talk at NPDC19, Pavia, Italy, September 2005 Invited talk at Frontier Science 2005, Milano , September 2005 Invited talk at MICROS2005 Venezia, November 2005 Talk at CHEP06, Mumbai, India, February 2006 Invited talk at the 11th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna, June 2006 Invited talk at the 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Bejing, July 2006 Invited talk at the XIV International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions, ISVHECRI2006, Weihai, August 2006; Invited talk and hands-on session at the Workshop on Use of Monte Carlo Techniques for Design and Analysis of Radiation Detectors, Coimbra, September 2006 Talk at HSS06, Fermilab, September 2006 Invited talk at PSI in October Invited talk in Catania (Italy) in October, for radiotherapy. … many more on applications/ specific topics Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
Users’ courses 3rd FLUKA course PAVIA, March 2006:
34 students from Italy and abroad Mini-course (3 days) in Milan for 5 LNL researchers NEXT scheduled beginner’s course : HOUSTON, May 2007 Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
On-going developments
New QMD model for nucleus-nucleus interactions GeV/A : already interfaced, initialization database and validation to be completed New neutron library – well advanced Finalization of BME new Compton model , last technical details Glauber calculations of QuasiElastic hadron-nucleus cross section : last step necessary to have the new high energy generator as a default Graphical user interface ROOT-based Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
The new QMD model: examples
QMD + FLUKA EXP data RQMD + FLUKA Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
END Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
The 50l LAr TPC in the WANF neutrino beam(1997)
Trigger and reconstruction: NOMAD Event selection: “GOLDEN sample” == 1 and 1 proton Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06 ICARUS coll. NUFACT06
from 400 QE – golden fraction 16% background – additional 20%
Measured total momentum in the plane perpendicular to the beam direction: is exactly 0 in free neutrino nucleon interactions can be non-zero if recoiling nucleus and neutrons are not detected dominated by Fermi motion and final state effects from 400 QE – golden fraction 16% background – additional 20% finally expected ±9(stat.)±13(syst. mainly QE fraction and beam simulation) to be compared with 86 events observed Very good consistency with expectations FLUKA Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06 (GeV/c)
New generator: NA49 p on C Feynmann X distributions for + - production for p C interactions at 158 GeV/c, as measured by NA49 (symbols) and predicted by FLUKA (histograms) Alfredo Ferrari, LCG-06
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