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WINTER 01 Public Speaking: Giving a short Presentation effective

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1 WINTER 01 Public Speaking: Giving a short Presentation effective
Muhammad Yazidus Syukri, S.S, M.Pd  WINTER Template Public Speaking: Giving a short Presentation effective

2 An art of delivering a speech in front of an audience.
02 What is Public Speaking? An art of delivering a speech in front of an audience.

3 03 Public Speaking Anxiety? Unprepared Stage Fright Spotlight

4 04 A Good Public Speaker? 1 Knowledge 6 Enthusiasm 2 Preparation
7 Sense of Self 3 Message 8 Listening Skills 4 Language 9 Integrity 5 Self confidence 10 Sincerity

5 WINTER 05 What is the purpose? Template To INFORM Explain Report
Describe Clarify Define To PERSUADE convince or influence beliefs or attitudes To ENTERTAIN Use humor to influence audience Goal: to warm audience up Template

6 06 What is Communication? ‘The act of transferring information’ ‘Communication is the act of conveying information for the purpose of creating a shared understanding’

7 07 Communication Process-1 Shanon’s Model;

8 08 Communication Process-2 Berlo’s Model

9 09 What to prepare? presentation skill your appearance the audiences
organization of your presentation the topic the delivery of your talk visual aids

10 10 PRESENTATION SKILLS Verbal communication? Non-verbal communication?
Ability in using visual aids? Time management? Audience management?

11 11 The TOPIC Am I interested in the topic?
Is the topic interesting or useful for others? Can I find more information about this topic? Can I cover this topic in time allotted for my presentation? Can this topic be demonstrated clearly? Does it need action?

12 12 The Audiences

13 13 The Audiences Who are they? Why do they need this presentation?
What change in knowledge or behavior do I intend to accomplish with the audience? What will the audience be feeling?

14 14 Organize Your Presentation Introduction Body Summary and Closing
Ask question Sharing surprising fact Telling a joke/funny story Relating to personal experience Chart, graph Numbering remind your audience about the topic Relate it with your opening

15 15 Deliver your Talk Hand gesture Facial Expression: Voice
Eye Contact: Posture and Poise Delivery Stand straight

16 16 Your Appearance Who will naturally attract your attention?

17 17 Your Appearance The style and fit of your clothing Your posture
The expression Your grooming Positive attitude

18 What do you think of the following slide?
18 Visual Aids What do you think of the following slide?

19 Emk1 knockdown inhibits lumen formation in MDCK cells:
RT-PCR: EMK1 is effectively knocked down in MDCK cells 24 hours after transfection with P-SUPER (control) or P-SUPER-siEMK1 plasmid; knockdown confirmed on the right with antibodies to EMK1. Collagen overlay assay: cells cultured 24 h on collagen I before being overlaid with additional collagen on the apical surface, analyzed 24 h later. Note the lack of lumen in EMK1-KO cultures. Ca switch: control or EMK1-KO cells were plated in low Ca medium 24 h upon transfection with pSUPER or pSUPER-KO. After 12 h, cultures were switched to normal medium for 24 h. Transmission EM of cells sectioned perpendicular to the substratum shows lack of microvilli in EMK1-KO cells.

20 19 Visual Aids Design Compose Slides Use Consistency Use Contrast
Apply Brilliance Text Keep It Straight Simple Take Home Message Add Images Don’t Be Silly Keep Your Audience In Mind

21 20 Visual Aids: Design Compose Slides:
Keep the design very basic and simple. Pick an easy to read font face. Carefully select font sizes for headers and text. Use Consistency -use the same font face and sizes on all slides. Match colors.

22 21 Visual Aids: Design Use Contrast
-Black text on a white background will always be the best but also the most boring choice. Apply Brilliance -Carefully use color to highlight your message! -Don’t weaken the color effect by using too many colors at an instance. - Make a brilliant choice: match colors for design and good contrast to highlight your message.

23 22 Visual Aids: Text Keep It Straight Simple -Keywords only.
-No sentences! -Never read your slides, talk freely. Add Images -Have more images in your slides than text. -D not use images to decorate! -Images can reinforce or complement your message. -Use images to visualize and explain.

24 23 Visual Aids: Text Don’t Be Silly
-Use animations and media sparingly. -Use animations to draw attention, -Use animations to clarify a model or emphasize an effect.

25 24 Visual Aids: Text Keep Your Audience In Mind
-What do they know? What do you need to tell them? What do they expect? What will be interesting to them? What can you teach them? What will keep them focused? Answer these questions and boil your slides down to the very essentials.

26 Type size should be 18 points or larger:
25 Visual Aids What Font to use. Type size should be 18 points or larger: 18 point 20 point 24 point 28 point 36 point


28 WINTER 27 DON’T DO! Template Read directly from notes
Read directly from screen Turn back on audience Slouch, hands in pockets No um, ah, you know’s No nervous gestures Talk too fast, Talk too quietly Template

29 WINTER 28 Things you SHOULD do! Template Eye contact
Can glance at notes Appropriate gestures Rhetorical questions to involve audience Template

30 29 Useful Expressions 1. Self Introduction 2. The title 3. The purpose
4. The length 5. The Outline 6. Closing 7. The Questions 8. Polite Questions and Answer 9. Clarifying Questions 10. Avoiding Giving an Answer

31 30 Useful Expressions -1 Self Introducing:
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce myself, My name is Hasan, Abu Hasan. I’m from Chemical Engineering.

32 Introducing the topic/title:
31 Useful Expressions -2.1 Introducing the topic/title: I’d like to talk to you about human trafficking I’m going to present the recent program of preventing human trafficking I’m going to explain a little bit about human trafficking

33 Introducing the topic/title:
32 Useful Expressions – 2.1 Introducing the topic/title: The subject of my talk is human trafficking’ The focus of my presentation is human trafficking The topic of my speech is human trafficking

34 33 Useful Expressions -3 The Purpose :
We are here today to discuss human trafficking’ We are here today to agree about preventing human trafficking The purpose of this talk is to put you in the picture about human trafficking

35 34 Useful Expressions - 4 The Length :
I shall only take 5 minutes of your time. This should only last 10 minutes

36 35 Useful Expressions -5 The Outline :
I’ve divided my presentation into three parts; they are introduction, discussion and conclusion. The subject can be looked at under the following headings; they are introduction, discussion and conclusion.

37 36 Useful Expressions -5 The Closing :
Finally, we have come to the end of my presentation. I enjoyed to be with you, thank you and good night. That’s the end of my presentation. Thank you very much for your attention.

38 37 Useful Expressions - 6 The Questions :
I’d be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk If you have any questions, please feel free to ask

39 Polite Questions and Answers :
38 Useful Expressions -7 Polite Questions and Answers : (for audience) Do you mind if I ask you about …… Would you mind if I ask you whether/if …… Could you tell me about ……. I’m interested to know about …….

40 Clarifying Questions:
39 Useful Expressions - 8 Clarifying Questions: If I understand you correctly, you are asking about ……. If I am not mistaken, you are asking about …….. I didn’t quite catch that. Could you go over again?

41 Avoiding Giving an Answer
40 Useful Expressions -9 Avoiding Giving an Answer Excuse me, sir/madam, perhaps we could deal with that later. I am sorry, sir/madam, could we talk about that on another occasion? I am sorry sir, I’m afraid that’s not my field. I am sure Mr. X could answer that question. That’s interesting, but I’d prefer not to answer that today

42 Checking the Questioner’s impression
41 Useful Expressions - 10 Checking the Questioner’s impression Does that answer your question? Do I answer your questions? May we go on?

43 Ten Successful Tips Control the “Butterflies”
Know the room- become familiar with the place of presentation Know the audience- greet or chat with the audience before hand. It’s easier to speak to friends than to strangers Know your material-increased nervousness is due to un-preparedness

44 Control the “Butterflies”
Relaxation- relax entire body by stretching and breathing so as to ease the tension Visualize giving your speech-Visualize yourself giving your speech from start to finish. By visualizing yourself successful, you will be successful

45 Control the “Butterflies”
People want you to succeed-the audience is there to see you succeed not to fail Don’t apologize-by mentioning your nervousness or apologizing, you’ll only be calling the audience’s attention to mistakes

46 Control the “Butterflies”
Concentrate on your message-not the medium. Focus on the message you are trying to convey and not on your anxieties Turn nervousness into positive energy-nervousness increases adrenaline, transform it into vitality and enthusiasm

47 Control the “Butterflies”
Gain experience-experience builds confidence, which is key to effective public speaking

48 Practice takes you from this..

49 To this….

50 That’s all about Public Speaking
42 WINTER Template That’s all about Public Speaking

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