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State Test - Reminder – the Science State Test has 2 parts:

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1 State Test - Reminder – the Science State Test has 2 parts:
1. Lab practical – 3 mini labs 2. Written portion - In 2 hours, you must answer 45 multiple choice questions and 40 free-response questions (aim for 1 minute per M.C., 2 minutes per free-response, for a total of 2 hours) Today we begin to focus on the free-response

2 Free Response Tips Don’t hesitate – put your INSTINCTS down
Throw in at least ONE scientific vocabulary word (keyword) in your answer DO NOT – write too much in an attempt to “trick” the grader Most questions are one point, all or nothing

3 “Marking Up” Free Response
Circle the key verb in the question – ex: identify, explain, compare, list, describe Star the part of the question that you need to answer Underline other key words

4 More Free Response Strategies
Read the introduction before the picture Sometimes the introduction will tell you more about the picture


6 68. Carbon dioxide and water are taken in by plants
69. Oxygen is created by plants

7 Free Response Competition
Everyone plays! (no hosts) Take out a piece of looseleaf Number the questions to match what you see on the screen Answer each question succinctly (briefly) After one minute for each question (2 in 2 minutes) go over the answers and keep score


9 57. Mice, rabbits, squirrels
58. They eat meat 59. Hawks have more alternatives to eat (4, while the owls only eat 2 things)


11 48. Igneous (look for the words magma and solidification)
49. Heat and/or pressure, or metamorphism (read the arrow from igneous to metamorphic)


13 53. Hornblende 54. hardness (scratch test) 55. Rub it across a streak plate, and see what color the streak is (this creates a powder)


15 Rock layer A is above rock level B (law of superposition)
Sedimentary – because ONLY sedimentary rocks form fossils


17 46. The amount of water (is what we change on purpose)
47. Same amount of soil, same number of seeds, same sunlight, same window, etc.


19 71. Comets, asteroids, meteors, Moons
72. Its orbit/revolution is farther from the Sun, so it takes longer. 73. In June, the Northern hemisphere is TILTED towards the Sun. In December, it is TILTED away from the Sun.


21 34. Air pressure 35. 4 – Warm front 36. 2 – Southeast - The center is where the cold front hits the warm front. If you predict where both paths will go, they will intersect in the Southeast.


23 Circulatory system (circulates stuff around the body)
Reproductive system Digestive system


25 Olivine – surface color is green and its streak plate color is white (powder comes from rubbing it across the streak plate) Magnetite is harder than galena


27 76. Continental drift (movement of tectonic plates)
77. Fossils and rock layers on both continents are identical


29 A – Solid (definite shape, definite volume)
B – Liquid (shape of container, definite volume)


31 Noble gases – the right-hand column on the periodic table
Each noble gas is an element (helium, neon, etc.) Salt dissolved in water – – a mixture is when 2 things are together, but they do not chemically combine/react Hydrogen chemically combined with oxygen – WATER – if it chemically combines, it’s a COMPOUND


33 81. In magnets, South is attracted to North – opposites attract!
82. The magnetic field is stronger near the “poles” (ends) of the magnet


35 - Water and carbon dioxide
- oxygen


37 The can kept its same chemical properties, there was no chemical change or reaction
Recycling cans conserves energy, saving the environment from pollution, mining of the metal, and conserving our resources


39 A – Evaporation B – Condensation C – Precipitation D - Runoff


41 77. Precipitation (all fronts have precipitation – rain, snow, sleet, or hail)
78. The warm front already passed Syracuse. The cold front is about to pass Syracuse.


43 58. Kingdom (Monera) is the most general, and species (coli) is the most specific.
59. The dog and the spider are both Kingdom Animalia – that’s the only thing in common I see, at all! 60. Bacteria are decomposers


45 75. Filter it! The water will go through, but the sand will not
- or just pour out the water carefully 76. Boil or evaporate away the water, so only the sugar remains


47 80. Nonrenewable means they will run out eventually
81. It pollutes 82. Solar, wind, water, or biofuel power (are renewable)


49 Cell wall, chloroplast, or large vacuole


51 83. Place an X over either “rising magma”
84. Convection current


53 Moon’s Revolution (the Moon’s orbit changes its phases)
Earth’s rotation – because you can only see the Moon when you are facing it Full moon (4th from the left)


55 76. It reflect’s the Sunlight
77. 28, 29, 30, or 31 days (about a month) to complete a full Moon phase cycle


57 66. The sun 67. To grow, for fruit or nectar, or any other way the cells use energy to survive on a daily basis


59 Anything heated will expand – solid, liquid or gas!


61 Carnivore – owl or snake
Herbivore – mouse or rabbit Producer – grass or wheat plant If there weren’t a lot of mice left, owls and snakes would have to eat more rabbits in order to survive!

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