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Summarized and presented by

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1 Summarized and presented by
Eat That Frog ! Brian Tracy Summarized and presented by Mahmoud Mohamed Hussien

2 Brian Tracy 22 books about improving human productivity.
30 years & 22 different job & 80 countries. Speak French, Germany and Spanish.

3 Before we start The main goal of this book is to improve the overall human productivity Successful people and using time. You still a live then you can do more One frog and Two frog, ugly frog first. Positive addiction is important. The is no shortcut (practice, man, practice) Visualize yourself as you want to be.

4 1- Set the table Decide exactly what you want. Write it down
Set a deadline on your goal Make a list for everything that you have to do Organize the list into a plan Take action on your plan immediately. Do something everyday that moves you toward your major goal.

5 2- Plan every day in advance
How an elephant eat? How to plan a project ?

6 3- Apply the 80 / 20 Rule to Everything
Focus on activities not on accomplishments. Motivate yourself.

7 4- Consider the consequences
Long- term thinking improve short – term decision making. The low of efficiency “there is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most thing” Work under pressure of deadlines Question for maximum productivity What is the biggest contribution to your organization, family and your life? What can you do well and make a real different? What is the most valuable use of my time right now?

8 5- Practice creative procrastination
Decide to procrastinate the less value task. Say “NO” to any thing cannot contribute your life. Cut time consuming activities

9 6- Use ABCD Method continually
A: The most important and valuable task for your life. B: The activities which you should do (check the , make a phone call) C: Something would be nice to do but with no effect on your work. D: The task that you can ask another one to do. E: Something you enjoy to do but take you away from your main goal.

10 7- Focus on Key Result Areas
Why am I on the payroll ? Clarity is essential Give yourself a grade. Where are strong and where are your weak points? Poor performance produce procrastination The greatest question: What one skill, if I developed and did it in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest impact on my career?

11 8- Apply the low One thing all day long. Take immediate action.
Transform your life Work all the time you work

12 9- Prepare thoroughly before you begin
Create a comfortable workload. Launch toward your Dreams.

13 10- Start with a single step
Crossing a great desert. Take it one step at a time.

14 11- Upgrade your key skills
Never stop learning because this the minimum require for success Three steps to mastery: Read one hour everyday about your field Take all seminars or course related to your field Listen to the audio program in your car

15 12- Leverage your special talents
Increase your earning ability which mean that you should increase your good points. Do what you love to do

16 13- Identify your key constraints
Identify the limiting factor 80/20 : 80% is internal factor & 20 % is your limitation Look into yourself

17 14- Put the pressure on yourself
Lead the field Create imaginary deadlines The more pressure you put the better performance you achieve.

18 15- Maximize your personal powers
Overworking can mean less productivity (8 – 9 hour is the maximum per day). Work at your own best time (early morning after enough sleep). Get enough sleep. Guard your physical health

19 16- Motivate your self into action
Control your inner dialogue (self-esteem – how much you respect yourself) Develop a positive mental attitude Look for the good in every situation. Always seek the valuable lesson Always look for the solution to every problem. Think and talk continually about the goals

20 17- Get out of the technological time sinks
You need to control yourself against technology (Meditation – sport) Don’t become addicted. Technology is your friend Standardize and delegate (300 per day) is a peace of my life (delete all) Continuous contact is not essential. (day rest without any contact)

21 18- Slice and Dic the task Do the whole task in one time (develop a compulsion to closure) Just start your task then take a rest (“Swiss cheese” your task)

22 19- Create large chunks of time
Schedule blocks of time. Use a time planner. Count every minutes.

23 20- Develop a sense of urgency
Getting into “Flow” Trigger high performance in yourself Build up a sense of momentum (the faster you work the more effective you feel) Do It Now!

24 21- Single handle every task
Once you get going, keep going. Don’t waste your time (once you have a task do not do anything else) Self- discipline is the key

25 The main points that I learned from this book
Only in one night (I am exploring myself here). Read one book and apply it in your life. Choose a good title for your book. Maybe it has a great information.


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