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2018 – 2020 Budget Presented by: Darryl Beaton

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1 2018 – 2020 Budget Presented by: Darryl Beaton
Emergency Services 2018 – 2020 Budget Presented by: Darryl Beaton

2 Department Staff & Committees
9 September 2018

3 Department Roles & Responsibilities
Amelia Plata – Grants and Emergency Services Administrator This is a shared position between the Finance Department and the Emergency Services Department at 50/50. Emergency Services Department Administrative Support Management of the County’s Fire Data Management System (FDM) Statistical Reporting and Emergency Response Invoicing Research Support for Emergency Service Projects Brings a smile and positive attitude to work every day! 9 September 2018

4 Department Roles & Responsibilities
Community Peace Officers David Entz & Shawn Lapointe Appointed by the Alberta Solicitor Generals Office under the Peace Office Act and employed by the municipality. Enforcement of County Bylaws, Provincial Acts & Regulations including the Traffic Safety Act. Participation in Public Safety Education Projects and mentors for the Lethbridge College, Criminal Justice – Policing Program. Working collaboratively with the RCMP, Sheriffs, other CPOs and Enforcement Agencies Our Officers are on the front line, supporting the County’s Mission and Vision Statements, focusing on public safety, assisting with the protection of our infrastructure and enhancing the quality of life for our citizens! 9 September 2018

5 Department Roles & Responsibilities
Darryl Beaton – Emergency Services Coordinator / Director of Emergency Management Development and management of all 15 fire & rescue, disaster and regulatory service agreements for Lethbridge County. Administrator of the Disaster Services Program & Council appointed Director of Emergency Management. Facilitator of collaborative systems for this region’s fire & rescue and disaster services. Administrator of the County’s Peace Officer Program. Passionate about Emergency Management! 9 September 2018

6 Emergency Services Department Mission Statement
Under the four pillars of emergency management (Prepare, Mitigate, Respond and Recover) and through effective management of Fire/Rescue, Disaster and Regulatory Services, we continually strive to protect life, property, the environment and the local economy. May require more than one slide 9 September 2018

7 Links to the 2017 Strategic Plan
3.1 Develop Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks  9.1 Investigate options for service models and service levels  9.2 Demonstrate appreciation of the contributions by the Fire Departments  10.1 Continue to promote and utilize fire risk management best practices  10.2 Manage the hazards that could contribute to potential disasters  9 September 2018

8 3 Divisions + 1 Direction = 4 Core Services
Division 1. Fire and Rescue Services: Provide for effective and efficient responses to day-to-day emergencies through the management of Fire and Rescue Service agreements. Division 2. Disaster Services: Prepare for, mitigate, respond to and recover from disasters through the management of Disaster Services. Division 3. Regulatory Services: Educate citizens about and provide enforcement of municipal and provincial laws through the management of Regulatory Services. Direction - Regional Collaboration: Foster collaboration between all Fire and Rescue, Disaster and Regulatory Services in this region. 9 September 2018

9 The External Moving Parts
9 September 2018

10 Completed ISO Forward - New Projects for 2018/19:
Implement a new emergency service model with Picture Butte, Coalhurst, Nobleford and Barons for Lethbridge County North. Implement a new emergency service model with Coaldale and the City for Lethbridge County South. Develop a new regional Disaster Services Committee (working group) made up of the local DEMs. 9 September 2018

11 Successes Disaster Services Directive HR-022
The Lethbridge County Disaster Services Program (DSP) is an active function of the organization involving all staffing levels. Its intent is to build and maintain capacity in the organizations ability to plan for, mitigate, respond to and recover from disasters and significant interruptions to local social norms. The DSP encompasses eight elements: Organizational Commitment to the Program Administration of the Program Communication Training* Exercise The Municipal Emergency Plan Regional Coordination Disaster Response 9 September 2018

12 Successes Southern Alberta Emergency Management Resource Sharing Agreement (SAEMRSA) Lethbridge County was an integral part in the development of this single mutual aid agreement for all of Southern Alberta. The SAEMRSA is an update to the 2007 Agreement on Area Resource Sharing Agreement . Additions include the ability to Delegate Authority, clear Incident Typing and a standardized method for requesting resources. 9 September 2018

13 Successes Building Inspection Program & Fire Inspection Program Credit to County Council for approving a new Fire Quality Management Plan in 2014 which has resulted in regular fire inspections of non-residential buildings on an ongoing basis. The City of Lethbridge is contracted to perform all of the County’s fire inspections. To close the gap between Development, Building and Fire a new Building Quality Management Plan was approved in This now completes a system that helps to ensure Safety Code Compliance across the board ultimately improving building safety for occupants and emergency first responders. 9 September 2018

14 Successes Peace Officer / Public Safety Communications Centre Agreement This agreement improves Officer safety primarily during traffic stops with improved access to CPIC and provides for better Officer monitoring (check-ins) and response procedures to Officer in Distress calls. Other benefits to this agreement are the added ability for the PSCC to patch radio transmissions between the CPO’s and our local fire departments, other CPO services and the RCMP. 9 September 2018

15 Successes Regional Collaboration
The International Organization for Standardization (The ISO Project) resulted in a regionally shared Risk Registry that provides the framework for needed regional collaboration that addresses common emergency service and emergency management preparedness and response. A new emergency services agreement with the Village of Barons is now in the works. The agreement will tie in with the development of a more collaborative emergency services model. 9 September 2018

16 Successes Regional Collaboration
Implementation of the Fire Data Management System (FDM). A single shared data base for all fire department incident reporting and data management. 9 September 2018

17 Opportunities & Challenges
Opportunity Challenge Improve the model currently in place to manage and deliver fire and rescue services north of the Oldman River. Funding for an additional staff member to oversee fire and rescue services directly on a daily basis. Improve the model currently in place for the management and delivery of fire and rescue services south of the Oldman River. Providing adequate resources for the assessment of current and potential service levels, costs and other elements of fire and rescue services south of the Oldman River. Improve the regions capacity to prepare for, mitigate, respond to and recover from large scale emergency incidents. Provide dedicated leadership to a team of local municipal representatives (DEMs) that would make up a regionalized disaster services working group. Evolve the County’s Community Peace Officer Program to match the current level of the program's management and operational requirements. Expand the number of Peace Officers from 2 to 4. May require more than one slide 9 September 2018

18 9 September 2018

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