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Summary of fiducial volume test at KEK

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1 Summary of fiducial volume test at KEK
K. Okumura, G. Mitsuka 29-August-2005 2km video meeting

2 Schedule setup measurement
planned schedule preparation actual schedule setup measurement restore fiducial experiment was carried out from 4-July until 12-August total schedule was extended about 1 week from initial plan due to delay of setup experiment was finished without any serious accident

3 Install procedure of grid PMTs
1 2 lower water level by 2m remove black sheet around entrance open tank float air boat on water put one person on boat feed metal wire through top frame hang PMT support frame by wire 3 4 close tank re-fill water (this will take a few days) insert CRP start CRP run same procedure for restoration sunk PMT and support frame into water

4 grid PMT and support frame
R9869ASSY 2-inch with vessel positive HV water proof support frame size 120x120cm 3x3 PMTs arranged, 50cm spacing

5 Open 1kton tank black sheets around calibration hole were removed
four 20-inch PMTs are moved to open tank wire hanging frame was assembled around calibration hole

6 Install grid PMTs

7 Install cosmic-ray pipe
after pure water were filled again into tank, four pipes (1m long each) were inserted into calibration hole. muon events are triggered by coincidence of two scintillation counters at the both ends of pipes

8 PMT trouble we had a trouble that signals from some PMTs cannot be seen after installation into water color of photo cathode plane had been changed

9 Cracks in PMT According to the investigation by Hamamatsu company, some cracks were found between metal frame and window glass we couldn’t understand the cause of the crack yet. possible causes are: PMT supporting was too tight? shrinkage of adhesion bond was too strong? we asked to produce additional five PMTs with softer adhesion bond we took data with incomplete PMT setup

10 PMT grid configuration
data were taken in these three configurations : shifted vertically (dz=30~70cm in 5cm intervals) shifted horizontally (dx=0,20,32cm) inclined (q=30,45 degrees)

11 Run summary data were taken for 19days (Jul-22 to Aug-9)
vertical Run# Z(cm) configure Start time Runtime N horizontal Jul 22, 12: h07m horizontal Jul 23, 13: h03m horizontal Jul 24, 08: h30m horizontal Jul 24, 13: h35m horizontal Jul 25, 13: h39m horizontal Jul 26, 13: h39m horizontal Jul 27, 13: h41m horizontal Jul 28, 13: h09m horizontal Jul 29, 13: h26m horizontal Jul 30, 13: h43m horizontal(20) Jul 31, 14: h43m horizontal(32) Aug 01, 14: h41m horizontal(60) Aug 02, 14: h40m inclined(30deg) Aug 03, 15: h26m inclined(45deg) Aug 04, 15: h26m inclined(45deg) Aug 04, 19: h31m inclined(45deg) Aug 05, 11: h42m horizontal Aug 05, 17: h35m horizontal Aug 06, 23: h41m inclined(30deg) Aug 07, 13: h59m inclined(45deg) Aug 08, 01: h30m inclined(45deg) Aug 08, 22: h08m horizontal(20) Aug 09, 09: h32m horizontal inclined 4 PMTs 8 PMTs data were taken for 19days (Jul-22 to Aug-9) 399 hour and events in total data were taken with 4 PMTs and 8 PMTs

12 CRP muon events CRP muon rate ~ 0.01Hz (~1000 events per one day)
reject reject CRP muon rate ~ 0.01Hz (~1000 events per one day) Events selection is applied by total charge so far still need further backgrounds rejection

13 Charge distribution Preliminary 1 3 1 2 3 4 2 4
more Cherenkov photons were observed for centered PMT

14 Nhit distribution Preliminary
dz=30cm dz=55cm dz=35cm dz=60cm dz=40cm dz=65cm dz=45cm dz=70cm dz=50cm Nhit distributions are compared for data of different vertical positions increase of Nhit value can be seen as dz increases

15 Nhit distribution (cont.)

16 Summary and To do Summary To do
fiducial test was carried out at 1kton tank we had some trouble in grid PMT difference of Nhit distributions due to vertex positions are confirmed by data To do more detailed analysis (reduction, reconstruction, shadow effect, etc.) calibration of grid PMT and electronics comparison with Monte Carlo simulation study with 2km detector and nm beam flux

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