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Change in atmospheric temperature

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2 Change in atmospheric temperature
Any idea ….. Why?




6 Increasing heat is because of climate change— Experts

7 What is Climate Change?

8 Climate Change Dictionary: Long term change in the earth's climate

9 A change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature

10 Impacts of climate change on people and food

11 Food insecurity

12 Food Insecurity: Not just for human

13 Food insecurity facing food insecurity
National Nutrition Survey (NNS) 2011. In Sindh 70 percent 35 million facing food insecurity

14 Food insecurity –NNS-2011 Among total 70 percent 51 percent are women (among those 52 percent are pregnant women) without food. Anemic Women and Malnourished children If so the what about Polio and other health campaign??

15 Floods: another example of climate change

16 Floods: Infrastructure fertile lands, water courses, roads, houses, toilets, schools, hospitals, government buildings and above all the dreams

17 Super Flood 2010 Victim: 20 million people
Destruction of property, livelihood and infrastructure Death toll of close to 2,000.


19 Pakistani government estimated
The number of individuals affected by the flooding exceeds the combined total of individuals affected by The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami The 2005 Kashmir earthquake The 2010 Haiti earthquake

20 Desertification Increasing deserts/ barren land / less agricultural products

21 Barren land

22 Due to Climate Change Deserts will expand
Melting of sea ice that will cause increase in sea level Melting of glaciers Extreme weather Heat waves Droughts and heavy rainfall Species extinctions due to shifting temperature regimes and changes in crop yields

23 Climate Change: Energy Crisis Power Shutdown
Closer of Industries on massive level (poverty, GDP, national loss) or shifting on natural gas (even wood, mangroves are best example), which will bring more loss

24 Climate Change: Reasons
Increase in global temperature is a result of human activities

25 Increase in human populations
They need to consume more food (means natural resources) They need more vehicles to move (consumption of fuel and produce more smoke, heat in the atmosphere)

26 Increase in human populations
To fulfill the increasing needs of human we need more industries (means more consumption of energy and raw material from nature; and get more emission, industrial waste in the atmosphere) More pollution in water bodies, wetlands

27 Deforestation (Reducing forests)

28 Better forests –Less poverty

29 Forersts are not just for human

30 Increasing barren land, decreasing forests:
Urbanization: We need more wood and also fertile agricultural land to construct more houses in cities


32 Forest cover: Instead of 25% we have 4.8 %

33 Environmental neglect & degradation
Pakistan pays Rs.365 billion annually --UNDP

34 What to do???

35 As a journalist know about
Global Environmental issues Local Environmental issues Different conventions, agreements to protect environment signed by Pakistan (a commitment with international communities) Explore new local issues

36 Prize: Media awards

37 Pakistan Ramsar Convention on wetland Ramsar sites in Pakistan
Local laws Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 Game sanctuary For example of pouring of poison in Indus Dolphin Reserve (violation of Ramsar, PEP Act 1997, game sanctuary, article-06 of UN Human Rights declaration) –Manchhar issue

38 Green journalist can protect communities , natural resources

39 Thank you

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