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Single and Multi Camera Productions

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1 Single and Multi Camera Productions
Reilly Russell

2 Single camera production
A single camera production will have only one camera used throughout filming. A lot of low budget films and productions do this as it saves money as they do not need to buy more cameras and employ as many cameramen. Single camera productions have some pros which make it a good option when producing the footage such as enabling you to view the work as you go so that it can be checked for mistakes. Potential problems when using single camera production techniques may be that it is more difficult to shoot in a range of areas as the equipment has to be moved around which takes a lot of time. Also, there is the issue that the camera being used may break and then the filming has to be postponed until it can be replaced. An example of a show that is a single camera production would be Friday Night Dinner. Reference 1(accessed 04/01/17) Reference 2 (accessed 04/01/17) Reference 3 ( accessed 04/01/17) Shot of Friday Night Dinner

3 Multi camera production
Multi camera production is when several cameras are used to film and is often used in live television. Through using this you can capture multiple camera angles at once. There are a lot of benefits from using this production technique, for example, it saves time as the cameras can be located in different areas and it allows for live shows to take place. Despite that, there are some draw backs such as needing a bigger production budget to produce the programme and making it more difficult to edit as there is lots of different angles and cameras being used. A TV programme that uses multi camera production would be The X Factor as it is a live show and films all around the arena and stage. Reference 4 (accessed 05/01/17) Reference 5 (accessed 05/01/17) X factor live show

4 Series, serial & single drama
There is different terms for films and television programmes, including series, serial and a single drama which all have different meanings. A TV series is a group of episodes which will usually return depending on their viewership. An example of a TV series would be the sitcom Friends, this programme ran for 10 seasons due to it’s success and viewer ratings. A serial programme is one that returns everyday and will often leave the audience with a cliff hanger to encourage them to continue watching. For instance, the soap opera EastEnders is a serial programme and has been running for 30 years playing 5 days a week. Single dramas are a one off episode made for TV and are usually based on a topical subject/issue. Sometimes they bring awareness to a matter or are just made to entertain. For example, Murdered by My Father which was shown on BBC iplayer for channel 3 was an hour and a half length show. Throughout the episode, it demonstrated religious beliefs, culture and abuse in families therefore it was a topical drama. Reference 6 (accessed 05/01/17) Reference 7 (accessed 05/01/17) Reference 8 (accessed 05/01/17) Reference 9 (accessed 05/01/17) Reference 10 (accessed 05/01/17) Friends scene

5 Genres & sub genres Downtown Abbey scene Impractical Jokers filming
Period drama: a programme set in a specific historical time, for example, Downtown Abbey is set between 1912 to 1925. Drama Documentary: a drama programme based on true events, for example, Crime: a crime drama tends to involve action and someone solves the issue. An example of this is The Bill shown on TV which was based on police solving crimes in England. Soap opera: a serial drama which features the same characters and explores different issues within their lives in a melodramatic way such as EastEnders. Comedy: a comedy programme is designed to make you laugh and keep you entertained. Most will come in series and a lot of them are made as sitcoms however occasionally they are game shows, for example, Impractical Jokers. Horror: a horror programme is one to make the audience feel scared and tense to keep them in suspense, for example, American Horror Story which airs on Netflix has good viewership from those who like to be on the edge of their seat throughout their programme. Reference 11(accessed 05/01/17) reference 16 (accessed 05/01/17) Reference 12 (accessed 05/01/17) Reference 13 (accessed 05/01/17) Reference 14 (accessed 05/01/17) Reference 15 (accessed 05/01/17) Downtown Abbey scene Impractical Jokers filming

6 Genres Genres are what categorises films and television programmes into groups and help to keep the codes and conventions of them clear. For example, if a filmmaker wants to create a horror movie then they know that they have to make it scary and not romantic as the audience won’t react well. By having genres it helps to narrow down your audience of the programme through creating something that will be to their interests. It is important to stick to the genre that the audience likes as someone who is wants to watch a soap opera would disapprove of the script changing throughout to be more like a horror. The most popular genre of film in the world is Adventure. Reference 17 (accessed 05/01/17)

7 Popular genres of today
The world’s most popular genre in film is Adventure, for example, Jungle Book I believe these films are still relevant and modern because the film makers use computers to make the animation more and more realistic as their technology improves.

8 References 1: rtdwilson Single Camera Production (accessed 04/01/17) 2: List of single camera production situation comedies (accessed 04/01/17) 3: Friday Night Dinner – Bing Images trict&id=B6B1BE953DF42BA8C35434C75415A59873B3D63C&selectedIndex=30&ccid =MSmZ8JVb&simid= &thid=OIP.M312999f0955b3da6ca62eaf238 65d70do0&ajaxhist=0 (accessed 04/01/17) 4: (2017). Multiple-camera setup. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2017]. 5: X Factor Live Show – Bing Images DAE1A79C13DDA2E8B2265D987A59AF66A11&selectedIndex=12&ccid=UzXZ9u4 z&simid= &thid=OIP.M5335d9f6ee33c6b1acd8dd5623a0fc77o0 &ajaxhist=0 (accessed 05/01/17) 6: TV series-dictionary definition |tv series defined (accessed 05/01/17)

9 References 7: Friends  Friends (TV series ) IMDb (accessed 05/01/16) 8: Serial (radio and television) (accessed 05/01/17) 9: Murdered by My Father BBC iplayer my-father (accessed 05/01/17) 10: EastEnders – Bing Images 8EA62FD9F548BF532EE0943&selectedIndex=8&ccid=x%2f3Xgktu&simid= &thid=OIP.M c7fdd7824b6ee3bb1461d9d0f0a34d20o0&ajaxhist=0 (accessed 05/01/16) 11: period drama | Definition, meaning & more | Collins Dictionary (accessed 05/01/17) 12: Downtown Abbey (accessed 05/01/17) 13: Docudrama (accessed 05/01/16) 14: The definition of soap opera (accessed 05/01/17)

10 Reference 15: Downtown Abbey – Bing Images detailv2&adlt=strict&id=F2C131E00FCDA F932294B3D8FE00B0 BCF&selectedIndex=135&ccid=NQo5HNem&simid= &thid=OIP.NQo5HNemli69aYOWTnZPDQEsDI&ajaxhist=0 (accessed 05/01/17) 16: Impractical Jokers – Bing Images etailv2&adlt=strict&id=D80EDCB26A1B9C9E3CF1C1E4C7C205A3CAC C0F31&selectedIndex=189&ccid=IVYyFk9X&simid= &thid=OIP.M f570e3ccffdfc6d7131ce15o0&ajaxhist=0 (accessed 05/01/17) 17: The Number Leading Genres (accessed 05/01/17)

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