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To say the ’ai' sound correctly

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Presentation on theme: "To say the ’ai' sound correctly"— Presentation transcript:

1 To say the ’ai' sound correctly
L.O. To say the ’ai' sound correctly To correspond the ’ai' sound with the letters 'ai' To correctly form the letters

2 They are special friends so they sit together
* When two letters sit together to make one sound They are special friends so they sit together

3 ai

4 t ai l r ai n m ai l p ai n



7 To say the ’oa’ sound correctly
L.O. To say the ’oa’ sound correctly To correspond the ’oa’ sound with the letters 'oa' To correctly form the letters

8 oa

9 b oa t g oa t r oa d s oa p



12 To say the ’ie’ sound correctly
L.O. To say the ’ie’ sound correctly To correspond the ’ie’ sound with the letters 'ie' To correctly form the letters

13 ie

14 p ie t ie l ie dr ie d



17 I can say the ’ee’ sound correctly
L.O. I can say the ’ee’ sound correctly I can correspond the ’ee' sound with the letters 'ee' I can correctly form the letters

18 ee

19 s ee d f ee t s ee t r ee



22 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
L.O To identify the setting, characters and events in a story

23 Who is in the picture? Where are they? What are they doing?

24 Well done. You just described the characters, setting and events
Well done! You just described the characters, setting and events. Who: characters Where: setting What is happening: event Every good story needs these!

25 Where is the story’s setting? What are the main events?
Read the story and pause to answer these questions: Who are the characters? Where is the story’s setting? What are the main events?

26 Can you list the characters, settings and events from the story?
Beginning Middle End *You can nominate a student to draw a picture of the listed items

27 Parts of a story song * Try to sing along and do the actions

28 Can you tell me which of these is a character, setting and event?
Remember: Who? Where? What happened? The little girl Fell asleep. The woods Baby bear. Broke a chair The Bear’s house

29 Label the characters with a C, the setting with a S and the events with an E.

30 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
L.O To develop speaking skills To link events to personal experiences

31 http://learnenglishkids. britishcouncil
Listen to another Goldilocks story and join in on the repeated phrases using lots of expression.

32 Listen to the song and try to join in on the actions.
Listen to the song and try to join in on the actions.

33 Can you remember who the characters were. Where the story is set
Can you remember who the characters were? Where the story is set? What are the events?

34 Can you relate to any of these events?
What happens in the beginning? What happens in the middle? What happens at the end? Can you relate to any of these events? How did it make you feel?

35 Can you put these events in order?

36 Play the porridge game.

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