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“If you think your family is normal, then you are probably not a genealogist.”

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2 “If you think your family is normal, then you are probably not a genealogist.”

3 Getting Started With “Discover what makes you uniquely you.” Ancestry,

4 Create A New Tree



7 “Discover what makes you uniquely you.” Ancestry,
Demonstrate, and then show card catalog video:

8 Helpful Links: Getting Started, Lesson 1: Starting Your Tree
Getting Started, Lesson 2: Building Your Tree Getting Started, Lesson 3: Finding Records Getting Started, Lesson 4: Collaboration Merging Duplicate People Merging Family Trees support site

9 Additional Tools MyCanvas (create a keepsake book) Ancestry Mobile App



12 Video Lessons:

13 in the classroom
Bring History to Life Save Our Veteran Stories Find Lesson Plans for K-12 "Family history projects for K12 students build powerful inquiry skills. The sources and documents found on have allowed my students to make connections between their ancestors, historical places, and events in time. Their research journey has provided powerful insights into their own family and has allowed their Social Studies curriculum to come alive in relevant and exciting ways." — Kristen Ziller, Library Media Specialist, Durant Road Middle School, Raleigh, NC Associates | Ancestry Education,

14 Lebanon R-III 1 year free access Lebanon R-III 1 year free access

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